Devanshi 22nd December 2016 Written Update

Devanshi 22nd December 2016 Written Update by Amena

Devanshi 22nd December 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kusum running outside. She asks Vardaan to come. He goes to Ishwar’s room. He sees she does not care for Ishwar. Vardaan takes Ishwar from the room. Everyone come out in open. The earthquake stops. Vardaan says I think earthquake stopped. He worries for Devanshi. Kusum tells everyone not to worry, she stopped the earthquake, now none will be harmed. The people praise Kusum. They chant her name. Kusum acts great in front of them. Gopi says you are really great, you are blessing for us. Sarla looks on. Sakshi asks where is Devanshi, why did she not come out.

Rajjo asks did anyone not get Devanshi from dark room. She runs to Devanshi. Sarla says what is Rajjo saying. Nutan says Devanshi fed wine to Vardaan, so Kusum locked her in dark room. Omi says it means Devanshi was
locked there. They run. Sarla says if anything happens to Devanshi, Kusum has to answer them. Kusum wishes Devanshi is fine. Everyone rush. They go inside the room and look for Devanshi. Sarla cries. Golu and Sakshi fight. Nutan scolds Sarla. They don’t find Devanshi.

Kusum says Sarla did not raise Devanshi well, else this would have not happened, don’t worry, she is Choti Mama, earthquake can’t harm her. Sarla says yes, but where is she. She cries. Rajjo says the cupboard is moving. They lift the cupboard and do not find Devanshi inside it. Vardaan gets Devanshi to Ishwar and tells everything how he found Devanshi from the debris. He asks Devanshi to open eyes. Devanshi calls for help. She opens eyes. He asks are you fine. She thanks and hugs Vardaan. She asks him to take her to Sarla. Vardaan says everything will be fine.

Vardaan sees the pic and asks whose pic did you get. Devanshi sees the pic and thinks. Ishwar sees the pic and recalls Devanshi falling in hundi. Vardaan sees Devanshi’s name written behind the pic. He asks is this girl you, and are they your real parents. Devanshi gets shocked and recalls Sarla’s words.

Kusum comes there and sees Devanshi. She says I knew nothing will happen to Devanshi. She gets relieved and asks Devanshi to come with her. The photo drops. Kusum takes Devanshi. Vardaan picks the photo. Kusum shows Devanshi to everyone. They all smile. Kusum says I told you nothing can happen to this girl till I m there. Devanshi sees her red bangles and recalls the murderer wearing same bangles. She gets scared.

Kusum gets Devanshi downstairs. Devanshi angrily pushes her down. Kusum rolls down the stairs and everyone get shocked.

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