Devanshi 30th May 2017 Written Update

Devanshi 30th May 2017 Written Update by Amena

Devanshi 30th May 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with doctor saying Devanshi’s live is in risk, she should break fast, and even Vardaan should have food. Lady apologizes to Devanshi and asks her to have food, as they don’t want to lose her. Devanshi says I m with you, Maiyya is with me. Vardaan says I won’t listen to you now, have food, enough of this drama now. She asks him to have food first. He asks promise. She nods. He eats food and asks her to have it. She signs no.

He says you think you will lie and make me have food, I will still stay hungry, I m keeping the fasts for you, not villagers, now I can’t do this being with you, I can’t see you dying. He goes out. Mohan holds him. Vardaan leaves.

Kusum takes Menka to room and says you have to do imp thing today, Vardaan is coming, take care of him well. She
hypnotizes Menka. Vardaan says I should have not behaved rudely with Devanshi, I should go to her. Menka comes and says I made jaggery roti for you, will you have it. Kusum looks on. Menka feeds him. Devanshi sees the thundering and says disaster is going to occur. She prays for Vardaan. Devanshi gets up and faints.

Its morning, Gopi asks Nutan what happened, sign and say. Golu asks what is she saying. Nutan signs and holds her head. Gopi says I understood, Nutan wants to get beaten up. He beats Nutan. Golu stops him. She thinks what magic did Menka and Bua do on them. Kusum uses her powers and lifts things. She throws Vardaan and Devanshi’s pic. Mohan sees her and asks what will happen if you control things. She says you are a fool, everyone is in my control. He says I don’t believe this. She calls Menka and says you will do what I ask you to do. Menka nods. Kusum asks Mohan to come. She says Devanshi is serving villagers, I will make Menka serve Vardaan, I will snatch Devanshi’s husband by my powers.

Mohan asks you are mad. Kusum says its true, see. Menka asks Vardaan can you do anything for me. Vardaan nods. Menka says you put your hand on this diya and prove it. Vardaan keeps hand on diya. Mohan says Devanshi did not eat anything, if it rains, your plan will fail. Kusum says rain won’t happen, it will happen what I want. Devanshi wakes up and asks people not to fight for water. She asks Maiyya what’s meaning of being Mata if she can’t help people. She removes the jewelry. She holds Kusum’s necklace and tries to break it. Her hand falls on the sindoor.

Devanshi breaks that necklace. She says you have stopped me from leaving the throne, I thought its your wish, I did not wish to keep fasts, you made me keep fasts, the villagers believe in you, why are you taking their lives, they are fighting for water, answer me. She rings the bell and prays. She asks Maiyya to listen to her prayers and stop the drought. People hear the bells. They see the clouds. Rain occurs. They all get happy. The lady tells Devanshi that her tapasya worked, rain started outside. They all chant Devanshi’s name.

Kusum says one dream broke, second dream is still working, let Devanshi come and see what she lost. Devanshi sees Menka and Vardaan together.

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