Devanshi 5th April 2017 Written Update

Devanshi 5th April 2017 Written Update by Amena

Devanshi 5th April 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with doctor checking Ishwar. He says we have to take his brain CT scan. Kusum asks can he talk till then. Doctor says he will talk but after some time. Vardaan asks doctor to treat Ishwar the best and make him fine. Kusum thinks Devanshi knows everything about me, but I will not let Ishwar get fine. She asks Ishwar to take rest in room. Vardaan stops her. He talks to Ishwar and says I have to tell you a truth today, I used to be angry in childhood that I m your son and you give equal love to Devanshi, now I understood, you knew that Devanshi will become your bahu, what can be better that I make her my wife in front of you today, the work which was left incomplete, there won’t be better chance to complete it. He holds Devanshi’s hand. He makes her wear the ring. Everyone clap. Kusum
thinks you tried to snatch everything from me, see how I snatch everything from you.

She goes to Sakshi. Sakshi sees Devanshi’s pic and angrily tears it. Kusum stops her and says tearing photo this way, and deciding to leave, don’t calm this fire, let this fire burn so that it becomes a volcano. Sakshi asks why are you provoking me against Devanshi. Kusum says because she is my enemy also, I don’t want her to become my bahu, will you support me in killing her. Sakshi holds her hand and smiles.

Vardaan sits with Ishwar, holding hands. Devanshi says he will get fine. He says you are going through tough time because of Sakshi, you are giving me courage, you are my courage, I don’t need anyone else, if Papa is with us today, its because of you. He kisses Ishwar’s hand and goes. She thinks I can’t tell you how I found Ishwar, it will be against Kusum, I have to find other way to tell truth, you would have questions and want to know what happened 14 years ago, just Ishwar can answer this, I wish his state was good.

Kusum and her brother talk. She says Sakshi is Devanshi’s biggest weakness, I will use her. He asks what about Ishwar, I told you to kill him, but you did not listen. She says he is Vardaan’s weakness, I thought if my truth comes out of Vardaan, I will use Ishwar, game is still in our hands, we have to do something that Ishwar does not take my name.

Devanshi prays to Maiyya to make Ishwar fine, just he can expose Kusum, she is fooling people, you have to help me. She goes to Ishwar. She thinks of his words. She asks him to get up and tell everyone about Kusum. She has done all that in temple, you have to tell everyone, how she has punished others for her crimes, my sister Sakshi’s mental state got worse by that day’s incidents, Omi, Sarla and I were blamed for the blasts, Omi was killed by the people, they immersed me in river, Vardaan came there and saved me, he has sent me and Sakshi away from village, just I know how we spent the 14 years, I did not wish to come back, Sakshi was recalling things, so I decided to stay here, when I came here, I saw something which I did not imagine, everyone hated me and did not wish to see my face, Kusum did this, you know I have belief on Maiyya, slowly I got to know her truth, she tried to kill Vardaan, but you know if I tell about her, they will not believe me, if you tell truth to everyone, they will believe you, everyone regard you more than Kusum and respect you a lot, get up to say truth to everyone, Kusum will be punished, end her evil.

Ishwar wakes up and holds her hand. She gets glad. He says Kusum is not Vardaan’s mum. She gets shocked. He says its true, this devil is not my wife, she is not Vardaan’s mum, I m telling you this truth after 14 years. She asks what are you saying. He says its truth, Kusum is not Vardaan’s real mum, so she thinks to kill Vardaan.

Ishwar cries and says Kusum killed my wife, Kusum is not Vardaan’s real mum, so she thinks to kill Vardaan. Vardaan hears this. He takes a gun from drawer and goes shouting Kusum. He aims gun at her. Devanshi runs to stop him.

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