Devanshi 5th March 2017 Written Update

Devanshi 5th March 2017 Written Update by Amena

Devanshi 5th March 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Vardaan arguing with Devanshi. She says sorry, I did not see. He says why do you find reasons to irritate me. Sakshi asks who is shouting and comes out. She says I get headache if anyone shouts. He says Devanshi, I talk such, I will change if you don’t like, see what I got, come. He says I got your fav things, and shows laddoos. Devanshi smiles and recalls the childhood. Sakshi says I will get fat eating this, I don’t like eating sweets. Vardaan says its between me and Devanshi, I will see how she does not eat, its her fav. He asks Sakshi to take small bite. Sakshi eats laddoo and says its good.

She eats more. Vardaan smiles. Devanshi sees his bag and says I don’t want anything from you. He says this bag has my belongings. She asks what do you mean. He says this is old
Sakshi’s saying, I will stay here from today. She gets shocked and asks what, you will stay here with us. He asks why, what’s your problem. She says you can’t stay with us, you are a guy and I m ….He asks what’s your problem, now I feel you did not change till now. They argue.

She says what can people say. He says just I can save you from the blind devotees, be quiet, I came here to find Devanshi. Piya…..plays…….. He says you did good for Devanshi, now she is my responsibility. She says no, she is my responsibility. He says you got more irritating, you get voting and see. She asks whoever wants me to stay here raise hands. He asks Sakshi don’t you want me to stay here. Devanshi signs no. Sakshi says I want you to stay here, you are good. He asks her to raise hand. She raises hand. He says decision is done, did you get peace, how did your souls get changed, you used to stay quiet and became Jhansi Ki Rani, and she got calm, even your heights swapped. Devanshi says you will not understand, so leave it. She calls him by childhood nickname. He says just Devanshi has right to say this.

Sakshi feeds him laddoo. He smiles. Devanshi says I will arrange food and water, and goes. Kusum and her brother talk about Vardaan, who left Kusum and went to Devanshi. She asks him not to taunt her. He asks her to use mind against Devanshi, she is back in your life. She says how can I forget and recalls the past. She asks him to remind villagers that Devanshi is a Chudail. He says you promised villagers that you won’t let anything happen to Devanshi. She laughs and says promises are meant to be broken, I broke their promise before also, I have done all the blast, but won the villager’s trust, the day the fear in their hearts end, my need will end, so its imp to make them scared time to time, we have to make them believe Devanshi is Chudail. He laughs.

Devanshi goes to buy vegetables. The man takes back vegetables from her. She asks him to say if they don’t want to sell vegetables. She goes to other stall. The man refuses to sell vegetables and scold her for staying with Devanshi. She thinks I m not a murderer, I m not responsible for anyone’s death.

She comes home and sees Vardaan with some girls, serving food. He asks the girls to go and come later to take utensils back. He sits eating food. Devanshi asks what’s happening, I did not get vegetables in market, you are enjoying Chappan bhog here. He says vegetable vendors won’t sell you any vegetables, everyone banned you. She asks did you know this, how did you get so much food. He asks her to see his face. She asks what. He says I look like hero, everyone wants their daughter to marry me, I m most eligible bachelor, knowing I m hungry, everyone has sent food for me,

She asks don’t you have shame to cheat them, could you not refuse. He says why to refuse, if I m getting it without asking, they are not like you, come and have food. She refuses to eat. He says do what I want, don’t try to become Devanshi. She slips. He holds her. Piya…..plays………. Sakshi comes and sees them. She claps. He leaves Devanshi.

He asks Sakshi to come and have food. He asks Devanshi to go and make bad faces in front of mirror, let Devanshi eat, you can also have food. She refuses and leaves. Kusum’s brother talks to all the villagers. They all ask him to find some solution. He asks them to make Kusum believe that girl is a Chudail, we will keep lemon in her house, then lemon will turn black, then Maa Kusum has to believe. They agree. He says I will manage everything. They all leave. He calls Kusum and says villagers are dancing on my fingers, I will prove Devanshi as Chudail, even your son can’t do anything.

Vardaan feeds Sakshi. Devanshi smiles seeing him and thinks this was my Vardaan, very caring, but now he has turned much clever. He burps and teaches Sakshi. Devanshi says stop it, why are you teaching bad things to my sister. He asks what’s bad, don’t you burp. She says no, don’t teach this. He says person can’t wish to do it, it comes on own. Sakshi asks him to teach burping. Devanshi asks her to be quiet, if you say much then…. He says go and do your work, no need to scold Devanshi.

Kusum’s brother says its said Chudail’s power is in her hair, we will cut her hair and see. Vardaan comes and stands in front of Sakshi to protect her form villagers.

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