Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 25th April 2014 Written Update

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Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 25th April 2014 Written Update by sankalp_prapti

Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 25th April 2014 Written Episode

Usha at the kailash..K feels glad to see Usha’s skill..Mahadev tells that the test is not finished yet.
Its just a part…She has to now use her fighting skills by being an opponent to senapati of the devas- Kartikeya..Siva tells K that more than strength one needs smartness n alertness.
Ganesh thinks to himself that his modaks are safe as K will defeat Usha…
Parvati ma asks what he was thinking abt…Ganesh replies that a wariior should be fit and should take care of what they eat..he doesn’t want her to lose…cause of lose of focus..its injurious to a fighter..K never eat modaks..
Usha says she’ll make sure the modkas come to her…Mahadev tells that they have to see the result on the field…and decide.

The up[side down hanging ganas request Nand to bring them down as they wish to see the competition…Nandi refuses as they have not followed his orders..

Usha at the kailash..K feels glad to see Usha’s skill..Mahadev tells that the test is not finished yet.
Its just a part…She has to now use her fighting skills by being an opponent to senapati of the devas- Kartikeya..Siva tells K that more than strength one needs smartness n alertness.
Ganesh thinks to himself that his modaks are safe as K will defeat Usha…
Parvati ma asks what he was thinking abt…Ganesh replies that a wariior should be fit and should take care of what they eat..he doesn’t want her to lose…cause of lose of focus..its injurious to a fighter..K never eat modaks..
Usha says she’ll make sure the modkas come to her…Mahadev tells that they have to see the result on the field…and decide.

The up[side down hanging ganas request Nand to bring them down as they wish to see the competition…Nandi refuses as they have not followed his orders..

At the battle ground…Parvati ma advices Usha abt how a warrior should be courageous n alertness of the right time to attack the opponent.
Where as Ganesh advices K not to lose, if that happens Usha would take away all his modaks…
and he can’t lose for his modaks..K says he need not be worried abt his modaks they are safe…

Mahadev asks them to stat the fight…
Usha n K show they skills..Mahadev tells that Usha is fighting one of the most skillful warrior..and is doing complete justice to the lessons she has learnt from her gurus..they must be feeling honored of sucha student.

As they fight with the swords… K defeats Usha…Ganesh is happy as his modaks are safe… then Usha looking at the other side says ‘Jagat mata you don’t come in between this..’ K gets confused and looks to the direction where Usha was talking..the moment he does that..Usha smartly puts her sword on K -ultimately defeating her..
Ganesh says that its unfair…cheating..Mahadev tells that if a warrior gets mislead in a war field..its his weakness..Usha has won and thus her siksha is fulfilled.

Usha thanks Mahadev and Parvati ma…and takes their blessings. And now she deserves a gift.
Usha says that time has passed so soon..and soon she’ll have to go to her home..before that she wishes to spend some time in Mahadev presence. Maahdev agrees as they also have a chess game balance.

At Shonakpur..the preparations are on full swing..the queen inquires abt all of the maids reply that the king has ordered them to do Usha is gonna come.
She feels nice seeing the king’s excitement..

AT the Kailash, Usha shows her classical dance skills..Ganesh, K, Gannas enjoy this…where as Chitrlekha makes Usha’s painting.
Then Parvati devi comes and teaches Usha a few dance steps..Usha being a great student..learns them swiftly…Chitrlekha stops painting and is mesmerized seeing Parvati devi dance.
Parvati ma appreciates Usha for being so talented in every art field..She also appreciates Chitrlekha for her talent..she replies that its cause of Parvati ma..

PArvati ma says something extraordinary ‘if a student doesn’t has the interest to learn and courage to practice matter what a guru does..he can’t do anything.’ Its all her hard work n focus.
Usha takes the pics and says that Chandrlekha has only drawn her but not Parvati ma..Chandrlkha replies, when Jagatmata does nrity the whole world gets mesmerized..
Parvati ma blesses Chitralekha. And invites all for the dinner.

At the dinner..everyone enjoys their meal..where as Usha steals Ganesh’s modkas and on questioned, she says that its her prize for winning and showin her skills.

Paravti ma asks them both to eat..Ganesh complains that USha is stealing his modak.. Shiva reminds Ganesh of how Usha defeated ganprayt ..he should have been alert…and its fault.
Usha says she’ll leave soon he need not worry..then no one would steal his modak…she feels emotional n excuses herself.
She stands there with the pain of separation from her family-pinching her gut.
Mahadev comes there and rubs off her tears…she’d be missed when she goes..Parvati ma tells her that there relationship would end when she leaves..its a star of a new phase of their bond. She can come to Kailash any time she wishes..she’d treasure these happy moments with her.

Balram here slays Banasur’s soldiers..where as Banasur is busy preparing for the welcome of his daughter.
Vani says he has done all the preparations to early…Banasur says that he doesn’t want any misses in his daughter’s weclome..And he has to go to Kailash to take her.
Vani appreciates Banasur saying that Usha is lukcy to have a father like him.
The minister comes in the meanwhile and informs Bansur that Balram has slayed many asuras of their army in the fight between asuras n Yadhuvansis.
He concurs tat peace amends has not worked.
Vani says to Banasur that they have bigger and important stuff to think of at the moment.

At the Kailash..
Usha plays chess with Mahadev..and is in a confusion..Mahadev asks abt the same..Usha asks one quest that has been there since a long time with her…he gave her father the boon of 100 hands, each hand having the strength of 100 elephants…and she even heard that he got unstable once..and then he and Jagatamba gave her to Banasur..

Her question is..doing so didn’t he weaken the boon he gave to Banasur?
Mahadev says tha a person should use his powers for the fight justice- for the weak..and not to show it off. they wait for the right time to use their powers…It was essential in order to give him those powers for making his ancestors proud..and how a person does he work is his wish..and if they give a good training n culture to their children..then there is no other great service one would do to honor their clan as the world’s fate is in the hands of the fate of the children. The existence of a child makes sure that the soul gets purified.

And to help Banasur, she is been brought to existence and not only taht..she’ll do deeds which would benefit the world

Brhm dv goes to Mahadev to discuss abt Banasur..and a potential rift between Hari and Hara
Shiva says that he’d try to make peace btw Balram and Banasur.
He calls Balram n Banasur to Kailash to bury the sachet…
Usha is influenced by Balram..Banasur observes this.

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