Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 9th September 2013 Written Update

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Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 9th September 2013 Written Update by sankalp_prapti

Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 9th September 2013 Written Episode

Mahadev console a hurt Parvati devi, she says that she now realizes and understands his purpose of manthan and the warnings of what was gonna dawn upon them… the questions, justifications and all..Gauri devi blames herself for the pain he is going through.
When Mahadev tells that its just not her but he too was at fault and that they both need to solve it, Parvati devi tells that its her fault and she’ll solve it. She also says that if Andhak had wrong birth n childhood, its not inevitable that he continue to be bad.
She’d change him and after that its his pick to chose between good and bad.

Parvati devi devi says that she wants to help Andhak put by her motherly love and its he chance for redemption. She requests and takes a promise from Mahadev that he won’t intervene in this. Shiva could only nod to this, but he knows that Andhak’s darkness won’t let him feel her motherly love.

Then Parvati devi takes the form of a sadhvi and sees Andhak suffer and run away from the scotching heat of the sun; then she out of love for her child, requests rain god to shower some respite. As the rain falls, Andhak feels good, but he also feels the droplets which shower on devi Parvati.
Back at Brhm lok Naradji discuss the same with of course Brhmdev, that the moment which Brhmdev was worried about has finally come. Andhak could see with his ears, every move which he hears becomes his vision and through that he could see Parvati devi.

Dev rishi Narad is shocked to know the bad eye Andhak (how ironic) has on his mother like Parvati devi. Then Brhm dev replies taht Andhak has chosen darkness and is miles away from wisdom and right sense of things, where as Parvati devi is nature she only sees ANdhak with affection of a mother, also that she has stopped Mahadev from intervening.
He further says that after every day comes the darkness of night and awaits for light to come again and this will live till its end.

Andhak is surprised to see what the rains are showing him, the rain stop and he still feel her around, still could hear her. Then he decides to take some sympathy from her saying that he is blind and she doesn’t belong to that place.. Parvati devi replies that yes, she has come there to visit someone.
She then asks him the reason of his suffering, he says his sob story that he being blind since child hood no one loved him, and his parents left him when he was born.
Also the heat and light hurt him, and never leave alone.

Then Parvati devi tells him to move to the Himalayas as there the whether is cool and suitable for him.

Hearing her care for him, he says that is more than enough for him that she cares him.
He tries to hesitate saying something but stops, but on her persuasion he tells that will he be able to see her there again?

Parvati devi tells that yes he can, and moreover she would find him a home over there.

Mahadev on the other hand tells…”Parvati, the one who sees just the wick of the flame would see only the light and not the dark area under it, and like wise with you, you can only see he light of your motherly love and not the waxing darkness in Andhak’s mind!”

Then NAndi and other ganas come there and say that they wish to perform Pashupath vrath with his permission at Kailash as its been a while they didn’t do it. And they have such good memories of the vrath previously.

Nandi seeks permission from Shiva to bring some stuff from Himalaya for the vrath and that he’ll be back soon. Mahadev permits him to move ahead. (voice over: Mahadev says”your love and devotion is eternal Nandi and I’ll be there with you forever”)

Parvati devi comes back to Kailash and talks to Mahadev about her meet with Andhak, that he understands Andhak’s pain and besides a room which lived in darkness for a long time does brightens up with a beam.

She says that she can change him, she for the first time understood his pain which is the reason for his ignorance and she would try to bring Andhak to the right path the next meet.

As Andhak relaxes, reminding himself of his meet with a lady, he feels it was a lucky day..and tries to envision her again.. as he does that his ears are echoed with Mahadev’s say of what will he chose…

Andhak then speaks to his conscience which says that he is blind but not visionless.. and reminds him of his path, where he had to tells he won’t find an answer as its already occupied with someone!

It suggests him that he won’t get an answer in the heat there, he needs to go some place cool, where he would find cool, peace of mind, inspiration.. and her!

Andhak says that both his options go in the same path…to HImalaya, where he’d find her.
The evil conscience says that it is now that Andhak got is goal set.


Andhak goes to Himalayas, where Parvati devi picks flowers at dawn. He speaks to her that its her who suggested him to come there.

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