Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev 23rd November 2012 Written Update

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Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev 23rd November 2012 Written Update by Killer_Shark

At Kailash… Menavati meets Ashok Sundari and shows her a piece of jewellery, but AS is disinterested in it and says in a dull tone that it is nice but she doesn’t need it.
Then Parvati mata says that she’d bring her meal but AS (Ashok Sundari) says that she doesn’t need it ad that she would from then on will live on roots and shrubs as it will gives the focus to get the mind and body align.
Mata Parvati gets furious about this and says that she wont allow her to this as its her responsibility to look after AS’s health. She also says that she would allow her to do Tapasya but not without her food. On which AS hugs her mother tightly.

Parvati devi says that it pains her to see her daughter in that state to which AS replies that she shouldn’t stop her from doing her penance as she wants to make her parents proud as her brother did and also her father said that something which comes without penance is never gonna be good for anyone- its not truth and not Shiv. Then both again share a hug.

Devasena says that Kartikeya respects women and he is pure in his character… thus she couldn’t do what was expected of her. Indr is angry hearing the good talk of Kartikeya and bashes her… he now plans for another plot.

Back to Kailash.. Devi Parvati is waiting for Mahadev to open his eyes..and he does too… she puts forth her worry for AS’s penance thing. (What is this? ancient version of Balikavadhu? Girls in those times too where not given a chance to voice their thoughts and given freedom of will by pushing the girl to marry n stay at palace?)

When Menavati advices AS to learn the skills and values of marriage… but AS is on he word that she too wants to make her parents proud as her brother did…

Devi Parvati says that he is ‘Parampita’ its ok and essential for him for penance but AS.
Shiva replies that AS is her mirror image and she (Parvati devi) herself is leading a family life.. she herself has done penance not only in this firth but also in her birth as Sati.. due which she has sucha perfect family consisting of a son and a daughter.
Who would know better than her about penance and her image – her daughter is going on her own foot steps; and also the benefits one reaps of it .
As Ganga leaves the locks of Mahadev and finds its path to get merged into the ocean similarly the kids too need to away to find their goals.
He says that it will be unfair to stop them…

Menakshi and Kartikeya are having a convo in the udyan… Kartikeya questions her why did she thank his mother (only if she didn’t mind to share it).. Menakshi says that she doesn’t mind as she is free of the guilt..
she narrates.. Long ago his Father Mahadev gave her a boon as he was very pleased by her she tries to tell her more they are disturbed by a girl who was running for her life as she was chased by some asuras… she constantly cries Kartikeya’s name ‘Sena pati Murugan help me!’

Kartikeya leaps and stands between the girl (Devsena) and the asuras…he says that even if he hadn’t promised to save her still would do so as he doesn’t tolerate such goons who take advantage of women.

Murugan fights valorously and Devsena is very impressed by this.. little did she lnew that even she was going to be attacked now.. but Menakshi saves her and even she fights the asuras.
Seeing all the fights Devsena pretends to faint..all the goons ops asuras runn away seeing the hero.. Menaksi notices this and calls for Murugan..Menaksi tells him that she has to be taken to the palace for treatment then realizes that there is nobody there to take her to the palace and it is him who has to do that.. after taking a brief moment of thougt he picks Devsena up and takes her to the palace.. but Devsena has swooned beause of Murugan’s charm

Shiv reminds Parvati devi that their daughter is going to marry Nahush and they are going set an example for a new culture and tradition..she has to shoulder a big responsibility and its by getting polished in the heat of penance she would shine.she has to reach the pinnacle of spiritual growth as there are challenging days . Mahadev asks Parvati devi to set her free…

Then AS comes in simple saffron robs asks for her leave…Parents are emotional about this.

Back to South, where Devsena is brought to the palace and is put on the bed by Kartikeya, but his neck jewelery is tangled with the ones which Devsena wore…
Kartikeya makes many attempts to untangle it but in vain.. atlast he gives up and takes off his own jewelery and keeps it there.. (hayee marsutayya! this lad looks ahh awesome and so is his performance.)

Kartiekya feels good about saving someones life and remembers his promise to save every creature be it man or women.
Menakshi enquires but Murugan says that they should give her some time to rest and they all go.. then Devsena wakes up and has a warm feeling in her heart abt Kartikeya and a smile lit up on her face.

At Kailash Devi Parvati allows AS to find her goal…and blesses her.

AS says to Mahadev to take care of her mother and that don’t let the void of her absence be felt..
she takes Mahadev’s blessings and the father- daughter share a hug.

She bids farewell to her granny and moves on..
Shiva telepathically to Parvati devi … times ahead are going to be turbulent and she would be alone as she was before, but she has to endure it and live through it… and if there is someone going then there will be someone coming too..

Menavati to Parvati devi.. she says that her family can only be complete if her husband spends more time at there place..
For a while she lectures her daughter on this!

Parvati devi says that he is needed by the whole world…and it wont be possible.

Naradji appears then and says that he got to know that Adi Shakti has some worry and he finds it as a privilege to do something for her …he also says that it is impossible but still it is possible…and she wants to know the solution she had to order him.

That’s a rap!

Naradji gives a wierd idea to bind Mahadev at Kailash.. firstly she has to get a Kalpvriksh and then she has to bind him to that kalpvriksh then she has to give it off to a Brhman!

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