Dil Se Dil Tak 10th January 2018 Written Update

Dil Se Dil Tak 10th January 2018 Written Update by Sona

Dil Se Dil Tak 10th January 2018 Written Episode

Parth stood at the door and watches Chutkan and Teni. Teni tells Chutkan she won’t do all this respect thing, Parth liked her the way she is. Parth finally speaks that she doesn’t need change, he feels linked to her when she calls him as “Tu”. She shouldn’t distant him. Teni was nervous. Parth offers Teni any help in the preparations and not burdenize herself. After Parth has left, Teni blames Chutkan for ruining her image. She swirls around cheerfully about Parth’s care.
The next morning, Chutkan shows Teni the dresses to select for Sangeet. Teni was confused about selecting one. Chutkan suggests her to call Parth and take his advice. Teni wasn’t ready. Outside in the corridor, Chutkan calls Parth to share about Teni’s worry. Parth promises to be there soon. He takes a leave

from family, but Indu says he can’t go anywhere. Parth says Teni is worried for the preparations alone. Mohini reminds him of some rules, he can’t go and meet the bride to be. Baa agrees Mohini, but a friend can meet her friend. She allows Parth to go.
Jalpa tries to convince Bharat attend the wedding. She promises to share the truth with family after wedding.
Indu was happy that Jagruti could be a part of wedding. She wish Sejal could also come. Jagruti was confused about her shopping and dresses. Indu says she has already made the preparations for Jagruti and shows her dress. Jagruti says she is happy for Parth and Teni. Indu was happy too. Jagruti goes to try the dress.
In the chawl, Teni cursed herself for being indecisive. She says she must select any dress according to Bhanushali standard. Chutkan meets Parth and says Teni is stressed for being Bhanushali’s daughter in law. Inside, Teni wonders if she must call Parth; then wonders how he would be here. Parth asks why he can’t come. A friend can come for her friend anytime. Teni cheers. Parth asks her about the confusion. Teni was worried that Parth might feel she is really indecisive and can’t even finalize a dress. Parth comes to sit beside her, Teni was moved by the touch of their arms. Parth asks Teni to place the three of them with her one by one. Parth says he didn’t like any of them. Teni was worried what she will wear in the Sangeet at night. Parth brings a bag from outside. Teni was happy to see the dress he had brought for her. Teni was elated and asks why he created the drama? Parth says he wanted to confirm if he selected a better dress than her choice? Teni says it’s much better.
Shorvari was being taken care of in the hospital. Later, the doctor says that Shorvari’s case is miraculous. They had left hope for her life. Shorvari says love has great power, its Parth’s love which brings her a reason to life. She recalls when she had a flu and told Parth to stay away from her. Parth said may be she recovers because of this closeness and was ready to suffer anything for her. She asks to speak to Parth. The doctor says may be what she wanted has happened. Shorvari remembers taking promises from Teni, the accident and running away from the car. She watched the car burst due to fire and walked deep in the forest. Shorvari cries that if Parth and Teni have united she must not be hurt, she herself planned her death.

PRECAP: Shorvari watches the video of Parth and Teni’s Sangeet. The doctor says Shorvari can get back what belonged to her once.

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