Dil Se Dil Tak 26th May 2017 Written Update

Dil Se Dil Tak 26th May 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Dil Se Dil Tak 26th May 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Shorvori and Parth brings Teni home. Indu asks if she is fine? she nods. Dada asks where were you all? He asks Aman why you were not picking call? Aman says my phone didnt have network, Dada says why did you take Teni to such place? I didnt expect such carelessness from you? Aman says I am sorry, I did mistake, I wont be able to forgive myself. Baa says you and Teni are getting married so you should be careful, Dada says dont go out of house till you both get married, get rest now, he leaves. Aman stops Parth, he says dont worry, this secret will always remain secret, no one will know not even Dada, Teni glares at him.

Shorvori brings Teni to her room, Parth says you must be hungry. Teni says Aman’s insults filled my stomach, ask him to get lost from my room, he took me where
he wanted to, now I will take care of myself, Aman sadly looks at her and feels guilty, he leaves. Parth says I will bring some food, he leaves. Shorvori makes Teni sit. Aman comes there and sees them. Shorvori says to Teni that I got angry on you, I am sorry, Teni says you are forgiven, I am sorry, I said bad things to you too, Shorvori says take rest now, Teni lies her head on Shorvori’s shoulder. Aman is moved seeing their bond. Parth comes there with food, he smiles at them, Teni gets happy seeing food, she says you are spoiling baby, Parth says this is all for you, drink milkshake first, I made it, Teni tastes it and says it has left even wine behind, thank you, when I was lying in operation theater, I was hearing everything, what you said in my favor was great, you know only you have understood me in this world so thank you so much, Parth says your welcome, Parth wipes her lips with tissue, Shorvori says I feel jealous seeing your friendship, they laugh, Parth hugs Teni and Shorvori. Aman sees all this and says they truly have very interesting relation.

Shorvori and Parth comes to their room. Shorvori prays to God. Aman comes to their door, Parth says to Shorvori that Teni and baby is fine, dont worry, he hugs her. Aman says ask God what is my punishment, I am criminal for dragging to that danger and giving mental trauma to you both, I just want to say that I love Teni a lot, Parth clenches his jaw and looks away. Aman says to Shorvori that sometimes we dont understand what is right and what is wrong, I did same, forgive me, he folds his hand, Shorvori stops him. Aman says to Parth that I am respecting Teni more after what you told me about her, I am promising to never let her feel pain again, forgive me, I am sorry, Shorvori says Parth I feel Aman repents his mistake, he didnt know truth so we should give him another chance. Parth recalls how he promised Teni that he will get her married to Aman. Parth says okay Aman me and Shorvori forgive you but you have to ask forgiveness from Teni, Aman says I hesitate after seeing her anger so can you help me? Aman asks Parth if he will help her? Parth says you have hurt Teni’s heart and you will win it back, me and Shorvori wont be able to help you at all. Aman nods and leaves. Shorvori says if Aman is ready to accept Teni after knowing that she is our surrogate then thats big thing, Parth says we were worried about him leaving Teni after knowing truth but he accepts her and this shows that He really loves her a lot.

Scene 2
Teni comes to her room and sees red balloons and sorry notes on her mirror. She throws it away and says I know you are hiding, I dont want your sorry, leave my room. Aman comes from behind couch and is holding balloon which says sorry and also sorry note stick to his lips, Teni glares at him, Aman gives her puppy eyes, Teni snatches balloon and note from him and says I dont want you, I will tell Dada that I dont want to marry you, leave. Aman says I am sorry, you can punish me but dont ask me to leave, Teni says nothing can happen between us, leave. Parth comes there and sees this. Aman says I did mistake but I repent, I wont leave till you dont forgive me, teni says then keep standing here, I dont care. Parth comes there and says you left letter in your room, seems like you wrote it for Teni. Aman is confused, Teni says Parth read it, lets see what curses he has written for me. Parth reads letter:
Dear Teni,

I am a fool to misunderstand you, I kept finding true love but when it came to me, I couldnt handle it, I have stooped in my eyes after doubting your character, how could I doubt my love that has given me reason to breath and love, the love which has become bigger than my life, I can lose my life but not my love, I was wrong but cant you give me another chance? I am ready to accept your decision.

Your Aman,

Teni softens after hearing letter, Aman sits infront of her and says I am sorry this was my last mistake, Teni says I would have forgiven you for everything but you have pointed at my character and I dont forgive that but I did mistake of hiding truth from you so I am forgiving you. Aman says it means you forgave me? should I send cards for printing? Teni says let it happen as baby will born in Us then, Aman hugs her and goes behind Parth.
Aman comes to Parth and hugs him, he says thank you for saving my love, how could you write such nice words? Parth says understanding your partner, loving them unconditionally is secret formula behind it, Aman says I will try to implement in life too, can I keep that letter with me? Parth says did you write that letter? he says no, Parth says its not yours so it wont be with you, Aman nods and leaves. Parth thinks that one side is my brother’s love and otherside is Teni’s fair wish to have good life, if I had to lie a little to make two lives happy then it doesnt matter.

Teni pray to God that I dont want more drama in life, I just want to marry Aman and go to US. Aman comes there and lies his head on her lap, he says I want that too, Teni says why did you come here? you bring problems here, Aman says just think about our dreams, Teni says like? Aman shows her grand house and says see this will be our small house between mountain and lake, Teni says I dont like small but big house, Aman says okay, imagine you come out after taking bath and giving aarti in house. Teni imagines herself as houswwife and doing aarti, Teni says then you make American breakfast for me, Teni says I dont know that so you would have to bring from outside, Aman says okay think you come out of shower and you sprinkle water from hair, I am sleeping on bed and you sit beside me and then.. Teni says then I sleep too because I would be sleepy too, I have seen those scenes in movies so leave now, She pushes Aman out of room. Teni lies on bed, she imagines that dream again. Teni imagines herself coming to bed after shower as housewife and wakes up Parth not Aman. Teni jerks up seeing the dream.

PRECAP- Teni says to Parth and Shorvori that I saw a bad dream, I saw myself with Parth instead of Aman, Parth says it doesnt matter, you stay with me whole day, you talk to me whole day and go out with me too so you saw my face, it doesnt matter, Shorvori nods. Teni says it matters, it me seeing Parth in dream has one meaning only, Shorvori and Parth looks on.

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