Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 28th May 2015 Written Update

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Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 28th May 2015 Written Update by Amena

Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 28th May 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Dabbu saying she missed the big opportunity. She could not go in prestigious conference and missed to spend time with Dylan, she is just employee for him, he does not talk to me with love. A speeding car comes and is about to hit her. She moves and scolds him. Its Chadda, and he argues with her. He says he left her as he can see her, else he would have hit her. She asks who is he. He says he is Chadda, he is problem for her family. She asks builder Chadda? He asks her to tell her dad to sell his home to her, else he will hit her next time. He threatens her and leaves.

Vicky talks to Aseem on phone and asks why is he making him mad, if Dabbu refused, what was the need to tell Mamta, you should convince Dabbu. Aseem says I think you don’t understand me, this is my plan, I supported Dabbu so that she says yes from her heart. Vicky says I m fool and can’t understand, how will she say yes. Aseem asks him to think he has got higher in Mamta’s eyes, he is going to Shimla for conference and guess whom will I take along as my representative, I will take Dabbu and bring her close to me at night, then she can’t say no to me. Vicky asks him to ask her, will she come. Aseem says relax, I will take some time and say this when time comes and she will agree.

Vicky says if her boss asks her then… Aseem says he has done its arrangement. Vicky asks what. Aseem tells him how he has fueled Vipul to go for the conference and ask Dylan to take him along, he deserves to go for it. Vicky says great. Aseem says let me reach Shimla with Dabbu, then I will seal this deal forever.

Dabbu comes home and tells everyone that Chadda has threatened her. Mamta thanks Lord that she is fine. She says Chadda can harm them. LN says she is right, till when will we manage children. He says you all have own world and has to walk alone, we can’t be with you all always, if anything happened then… Dabbu says we face problems every day and you did not let us fall weak, you raised us like sons, not daughters, you ask us not to be afraid of anyone, you call us your strength. She says whats destined to happen will happen, don’t worry, and reminds Mamta what her mum used to say, the one whom Lord gives life, no one can kill them. She hugs Mamta.

Dylan thinks if he could choose Dabbu for the conference. His mum asks whats the matter. He says he does not wish to to go in conference and still has to go. Vipul calls him and says his son fell and has multiple fracture. Dylan says I will come to hospital. Vipul says no, thanks, I m sorry I can’t come in conference. Dylan says your first priority should be your son. Vipul asks who will he take along. Dylan says I will manage. His mum packs his bag and Dylan changes according to his choice. She asks what happened, why did he get happy and cheerful. He says yes, I was dull, I realized conference is boring, but Shimla is happening.

Dabbu talks to Chandi and Eshu. She says I m very tired, I m going to sleep. Eshu says yes, you sleep. Chandi and Eshu leave. Dabbu thinks her day was bad after what happened in office, she thought to do with Dylan in conference, she forgot she does not get anything easily. Dylan calls her. Chandi and Eshu come back and asks whose call is it. Dabbu says work call and attends the call. She asks why did he call. He says work call can come anytime. He says you have to come with me to Shimla tomorrow. She asks about Vipul. He says he has some family emergency, you have to come with me, sharp 9am. He says fine, and gets very happy. She jumps happily and dances saying Shimla.

Chandi and Eshu ask why is she dancing. Dabbu says Dylan called and he has chosen me to take in conference. Chandi asks why is she excited to go in boring conference. Eshu says will parents agree. Dabbu says Dylan has always protected me, I like to go with him. Chandi and Eshu tease her. Dabbu says I mean safe one, not that way, this is about my career, I m sure mum and dad won’t refuse me, I will talk to them now. They smile.

Its morning, Aseem gets ready and Vicky asks all set, enjoy well. Aseem smiles. Vicky asks is his plan on track. Aseem says its on track, don’t doubt on my intelligence always. Vicky says no, Dabbu’s past record is such, did you ask her. Aseem says I explained you, she is serious about the career, she will be upset now and if I ask her to come along in conference, she will jump to come with me. He says what happens next. He says she will jump in our trap, go and succeed. Aseem says I will leave. Vicky says all the best. Aseem leaves.

Dabbu is ready and Eshu asks did she take everything. Dabbu says I kept all. Chandi brings the make up kit, as she has to look awesome, she looks good without makeup too. Dabbu says you are the best. Mamta givs her tiffin of her fav food. Dabbu says we will reach in few hours. Mamta asks her not to eat on the way at any place, it will be unhygienic. She makes her have curd and sugar. LN smiles and says we are proud that just she is chosen from the office, and hugs her. He asks her to call home if she gets any threatening call from Chadda. She says fine and hugs them. She leaves in the car.

Chadda’s goon looks on and informs Chadda that she left. Dabbu and Dylan discuss about conference on the way. She feels sleepy and rests on his shoulder. Dylan smiles. The driver looks at them. Dylan signs him to look infront and drive. He holds Dabbu. The car jerks and she wakes up. She says sorry, I slept. He says I did not realize, many people sleep in the car travel.

Dabbu thinks she is getting good time with him and wishes this journey never ends. LN and Mamta talk about Dabbu. Aseem comes and greets them. He says I m going in conference in Shimla. Mamta says we know, Dabbu has also gone there. He is shocked and asks with whom did she go, just HODs can go. LN says she went with her boss Dylan. Aseem is stunned and thinks how did this happen.

No Precap

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  1. sam
    May 29, 03:23 Reply

    this aseem is so evil……

  2. Udeshna
    May 29, 03:19 Reply

    Aseem’s plan was flopppd badly…. yahooooooo!!!! Deblan rockzzzz

  3. akansha
    May 28, 18:19 Reply

    Wow….i m so so haapy…..dat idiot asseem…….nop!!!!!!

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