Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 4th June 2015 Written Update

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Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 4th June 2015 Written Update by Amena

Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 4th June 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Dabbu and Dylan leaving from Shimla. She asks the driver to play music. Khamoshiyan………….plays…………. Dabbu and Dylan look at each other and smile. The car jerks and he asks is she fine. Hum Tum……….. plays next. Dabbu imagines Dylan hugging her and smiles. Dylan asks what happened. She says nothing. He drops her home and she asks him to come, Mamta will be happy meeting him, she has heard a lot about him. He says he does not have habit to hear praise from her, he will not to come her meet later, the ride was long, take some rest, we will meet in office tomorrow. She smiles and waves bye to him. He leaves.

Dabbu hears crying sound from Mehra’s home and does to see. She sees Mehra dead and his family crying. She gets shocked and asks his wife what happened. They tell about Chadda has done this, Mehra did suicide being unable to bear his warnings. Dabbu gets sad and comes home. Mamta and LN gets relieved seeing her. Dabbu cries and says about Mehra uncle. LN asks what is she saying. Dabbu gives them the shocking news. LN says how can this happen. Dabbu says she has just seen this and hugs LN. Phool comes and looks on. LN says we should go and see them. Phool says Mehra has gone for post mortem now.

She says if he did not love his property, this would have not happened. LN asks what is she saying. She says he is responsible, he was taking Chadda’s warning light, Chadda has kidnapped his daughter and then she sits in the corner of the home silently, don’t know what happened, and he has given them warnings. Mamta worries and cries. Phool says even you have daughters. LN gets shaken up and Dabbu makes him sit. She asks Mamta to sit and not worry. She pacifies them and says she thought she will never tell this to them, but the matter got serious. Mamta asks what. Dabbu says I think it was Chadda’s goons who attacked on me in Shimla and Dylan saved me from them. They are shocked.

Mamta asks LN to see, Chadda is so dangerous. Phool says yes, he can do anything. LN asks what should I do, shall I sell my house. Phool says yes, sell it for daughter’s safety. LN says no one worries for my daughter more than me, if you feel I should lose and let goons win, then fine, I value my family, it will be ashamed if I bend to criminals. Binny calls Mamta and asks her to explain dad. Vicky asks Binny to have icecream. Binny tells Vicky and Aseem, that LN has slapped Chadda, so he has attacked Dabbu in Shimla. Aseem thinks so goons came to attack Dabbu. Vicky says I know LN is big judge, but Chadda is also a big builder, he will trouble LN till he sells the bungalow. She says I m worried, I will talk to mum. She leaves.

Vicky tells Aseem that they have to go to make this right. Aseem says we will meet Chadda tomorrow. Eshu asks can’t dad inform police secretly. Dabbu says its not easy, I m afraid if we inform police, he will know it, we don’t have time. Chandi says so shall I give this house, and let him win. Dabbu says no, I thought of some plan. They ask what. Dabbu says she needs their support and tells her plan. Dabbu says she is sure she can do this and join hands.

Dylan talks to his trip and says it was very good fun. His mum asks was Dabbu with you. He says yes. She says so you had fun and laughs. He says you started again and ends call. He smiles and thinks he hopes Dabbu is fine, don’t know she told her family about the attack or not. He calls Dabbu and ends call seeing its over 12. Eshu says we will wake up early.

Dabbu says I think we all need some rest and goes. She gets Dylan’s missed call and calls him back. He asks is everything fine. He thinks he ended call and the call went maybe. He asks about his hard drive. She says she is fine and does not have it in her bag. He asks did she tell about attack at home. She says she is fine and tells about Mehra. She asks for his help. He says she can call him anytime when she needs his help. He calls her Dabbu. She asks what did he say. He asks what. She asks did you call me Dabbu.

He says no, I called you duffer. She says you can call me Dabbu. He says thanks for giving me permission, last time you instructed me, take rest now. He says anytime you need any help, call me and ends call. They smile. Its morning, Dabbu tells her plan to LN and Mamta. She asks them to think any interviewer is taking their interview, not their daughter. She asks them about Chadda troubling them. LN gives his statement about Chadda threatening people and buying their homes. He tells about Mehra’s suicide and he wants justice. Phool comes and asks her to take her interview. Dabbu asks will she speak against Chadda. Phool gets tensed. Dabbu, Chandi and Eshu go to take interview of Mrs. Mehra and her daughters.

All the other people also give similar statements about Chadda troubling them. Dabbu thinks they can take action against Chadda if this comes on air. She shows the tape to Dylan in office. He says this is just outstanding, this is testimony, I liked it, I will air this at prime time, Chadda will not get place to hide his face. She gets glad and thanks him for always supporting her, but it really means a lot. He says the feature she prepared is outstanding, don’t be stupid, I should say thanks to mak this story reach me. She says I knew you will air this, as you can’t do injustice with anyone. He asks really, is she drunk to praise him. He says one more thing, I m proud of you, this story will air for sure. They have an eyelock and smile.

No Precap

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  1. jojo
    June 06, 03:04 Reply

    plz uplod 5th june epi…… plz… n thnx 4 uplodng written updates :-

  2. PARI
    June 05, 17:50 Reply

    Plz upload the video links.

  3. dabbu
    June 05, 15:41 Reply

    Superb epi … Aaj ka epi superb… Y no Wu 👿 Hate u dtb

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