Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th February 2013 Written Update

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Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th February 2013 Written Update by SAIBALROUTH

Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th February 2013 Written Episode

Episode starts with Dhaisa asking Sandhya to find out who submitted her photographs in the newspaper and urges her to find out/investigate the matter and catch the person who did this joke.

Meena thinks that Dhaisa couldn’t have asked a better person and curses her fate

Sandhya says she will look into the matter.

Dhaisa prepares to leave, Chaturi taunts her and says her to walk slow in this condition and laughs
Now Swami Ji came and asked Sandhya for her decision, and Sandhya says she has given her decision that day itself and no need to question about that again and again, and now Bhabo enquires regarding the matter.

Swami Ji says what happened and also added that he gave time upto 10 AM to change Sandhya’s mind and since til now she hasn’t changed mind, he now curses the entire family and says ill-luck will chase them now

Bhabo asks Swami Ji not to do that and not to chant prayers and give curses to the family

Swami Ji says he can’t help as now Sandhya is standing between his Shiv idol and temple and says now sudden things will happen which will lead to utter destruction of Rathi household

Meena says its not fair that due to Sandhya everyone is getting curses, and says how can everyone in family get curses, but Swami Ji says Sandhya is a family member and so family will get blame, asks Bhabo that still there is time to change the decision and if not changed it will lead to utter destruction.

Sandhya asks Bhabo not to fall into the traps of Swami Ji, and says he is just spreading panic to have the situation in his favor and he did the same last day as well.

Bhabo asks Sandhya to shut up.

Swami Ji leaves in a huff after warning again.

Before Bhabo can say anything, Meena falls down due to illness, everyone tends her and Sandhya runs to call a doctor.

Doctor comes and enquires about what type of medicine Meena use to take.

Bhabo says she use to take the doctor’s medicine only and even use to visit her clinic regularly.

The doctor is visibly surprised and says the only time she came to her clinic was with Bhabo and after that she didn’t came a single time, and says for diagnosis, it is important to have the info that what medicine she use to take, Bhabo asks Vikram and Vikram says he is in dark.

Mohit thinks of revealing everything but stops short of saying as he feared that Meena may spill beans about Emily too

Mohit keeps quiet, and Sandhya asks Doctor to prescribe some medicine for now and she will go with the file of medicine to her clinic sometime later.

The doctor prescribes medicine, Suraj gives his ATM card and Mohit takes the card and prescription to buy the medicine

Sandhya goes to take care of Meena, Bhabo prevents her and says she cannot do so, Sandhya says she is Devrani and so have rights for caring her.

Bhabo says it is unfortunate that she is member of this family, and due to her all these mishaps are happening. She further says all these are happening due to Swami Ji’s curses.

Bhabo says Sandhya could have fallen at the feet of Swami Ji and begged forgiveness and so could have relieved the family of curses, and says she hasn’t learned to respect God and his disciples like Guru (Swami Ji) and says her that she doesn’t believe in God

Sandhya says that she is believing God and that’s why she always follows the path of truth, and fights her battle alone, but Swami Ji is using people’s sentiments as his strength and using that as his shield to fight the battle.

Bhabo doesn’t understand and asks Sandhya to beg forgiveness and Bhabo will reconsider this and won’t treat this as her first mistake.

Meena now wakes up and both rushes towards her

Bhabo and Sandhya both questions about what type of medicine Meena use to take.

Meena fears worst and thinks now truth will be out sooner as everything is going wrong after Vaid-Rani Ji’s arrest.

Episode ends here

Precap–> Mohit comes but his hand (elbow part) is injured as the scooter skidded, also tells that Suraj’s ATM card has been compromised with and somebody stole 70000 from his account.

Bhabo says all these are the result of Swami Ji’s curses

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1 Comment

  1. Adib Raiusen
    February 13, 02:39 Reply

    oh! Come on it was meena who, took off 10,000 every time on the visits to that scaming doctor!

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