Diya Aur Baati Hum 9th February 2013 Written Update

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Diya Aur Baati Hum 9th February 2013 Written Update by b2011

Diya Aur Baati Hum 9th February 2013 Written Episode

Swamiji’s follower asks the other one to stay at that place and guard. Sandhya worried on listening this. She asks Suraj what will they do and he says he has another way. He takes her to the store room and observing the floor where there were some gunny bags. He is removing this and Sandhya is anxious how they will watch Swamiji from there. Suraj explains something happened during construction of the house and this place leads to Bhabho’s bedroom. He opens a tile and they see heavy smoke. They both cough and try to not cough. Sandhya is also helping him in holding the tile. They see the pooja place empty. Swamiji was not there and there was a tape recorder chanting mantras. Suraj is shocked and they see Swamiji sitting on a chair and video chatting with Brandon. Brandon asks about the rumor of a temple being constructed at the site proposed for mall and Swamiji assures him not to be worried and they are indeed going to construct a mall there. Finally, Brandon thanks him and pretends to have forgotten his name and stutters Mr. _____ and Swamiji says Govind Lal. SurYa are shocked on this revelation and a blood drop from Sandhya’s hand falls on Swamiji’s IPAD or tablet. He is suspicious while SurYa close the tile above suddenly. SurYa come out of the store room and Suraj is very angry and wants to reveal everything to all the people. Sandhya stops him and shows how people blindly believe Swamiji while they have no real evidence to prove all this. They only know Swamiji is fake and they are going to construct mall instead of temple. Suraj says if they wait for evidence, everything will out of their hands as Swamiji is planning to place foundation for the temple that evening itself. Sandhya thinks and asks him to come with her.

Night college site. People are gathered including Rathis. Vikram says to Bhabho that they are not aware of where SurYa have gone and Suraj is not receiving their calls too. Bhabho taunts SurYa. Swamiji is doing pooja and he addresses Bhabho as the param shiv bhakt and asks her to place the first stone for the construction. Bhabho is overwhelmed and is about to place the stone, SurYa has arrived there with police and lawyer and policeman asks them to stop. He says to Swamiji that there is a stay order to stop the construction.

Sandhya comes forward and says Swamiji cannot shut down night college and make the students suffer. Swamiji’s followers start protesting and Swamiji asks them to calm down. He warns Sandhya not to hurt so many followers religious faith and Sandhya answers him not to speak about her faith in religion as she knows his real motive and she addresses him as Govind Lal. Swamiji understands that she knows everything.

Bhabho who is watching all this is shocked and scolds Sandhya for this. She asks her to apologize and cancel the stay order. Sandhya who was brave all this while is in confusion how to explain Bhabho and puts her pallu over the head. Bhabho scolds her she knows why she is doing all this because if the night college is closed, she cannot continue her studies and asks her to apologize and Sandhya says she cannot and says if Bhabho knows the truth, she will also support them. Suraj is in trouble how to explain to Bhabho. Bhabho says she is responsible for Sandhya’s mistake and she herself will apologize and apologizes to Swamiji to forgive them. Swamiji says to Bhabho that Sandhya has disgraced Mahadev himself by stopping the construction of temple and asks her make Sandhya understand her mistake and rectify it. Sandhya is hurt by this and leaves from there. Bhabho is very angry and Rathis also leave and Suraj runs to explain Bhabho who is not listening to him and asks him to make Sandhya understand.

Sandhya is sitting in front of the college and vowing to herself that she will not let the dreams of so many students down and will fight for it. Swamiji comes there. He is very angry. He says his favorite line and Sandhya turns to him. He says he knew Sandhya was smart the first day when she spoke to him regarding night college but she is way too smart and she planned to trap him in their house to know the truth. He advises her to take back the stay order and he will get her admission in any college of her choice. Sandhya does not agree. Swamiji scares her that she is playing with the emotions of lakhs of people’s religious faith and a small signal from him would make them protest and Sandhya has to fight with her own family too. Sandhya says she knows she is going against a very big person but this reminds her of her childhood story of Demon and parrot which the life of Demon rested in a parrot and if we kill the parrot, Demon would die. Similarly, Swamiji’s power rests in lakhs of people’s blind faith on him. Once she proves the truth to them, they will turn against him. Swamiji is taken back. He gives her ultimatum of next day 10 a.m. to take back the stay order or else to be ready to face dire consequences. Sandhya says she won’t back out and Swamiji again reminds her the ultimatum and leaves.

Suraj comes there searching for Sandhya. Looks like he could not convince Bhabho. Sandhya says him once Bhabho knows the truth, she will also support them. She informs about Swamiji’s threat to him and he asks her to back out from this as Swamiji is really big person and can do anything. Sandhya says they have the truth on their side and is not scared of anything but just wants his support to her and Suraj assures he will support her.

The next morning in Rathis house, Bhabho is doing tulsi pooja, all doing some work and Chavvi is washing the already washed utensils again which Chathuri notices it and mocks. Sandhya brings tea for Bhabho who finishes her pooja. All are observing Bhabho’s reactions and she takes the tea and drinks it. Others are shocked and Sandhya is happy. Bhabho asks Suraj to go to the shop and ask Pappuda handle all the work as he needs to go to the court with Sandhya to take back the stay order. Sandhya tries to explain but Bhabho does not listen. She again tells Suraj to do what she says. Sandhya says to Bhabho that the stay order is her decision and only she will decide on that and not Suraj. Just then, the neighborhood ladies come there with newspaper. Rathis assume the temple matter is out in newspaper and Bhabho says they are sorry for whatever happened but the ladies ask them to first read the news. They call Chavvi to read it out loud and Chavvi reads the vaidrani scam issue on paper and starts laughing looking at the photos printed there. Everyone come to know that Daisa’s photo is there among other pregnant ladies and all laugh. Daisa comes there and taunts all other ladies who mock Daisa again. She expresses her feelings to Bhabho who wonders how Daisa’s photo got into this news. Daisa takes the paper to Sandhya and says she believes Sandhya’s detective skills and requests her to find out about this.

Precap: The next morning, Swamiji has come to the Rathis house. Looks like Sandhya has refused to back out from the stay order. Swamiji is scaring Bhabho that he can see evil cast on this house and from this point on only evil deeds will happen there and Meena falls unconscious.

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  1. Anonymous
    February 11, 04:16 Reply

    Spine less suraj..Dnt know what the hell he will support..was hiding behind people..and went behind bhabho

  2. pr
    February 09, 22:35 Reply

    i like this serial vry mch….
    dont knw why ppl r so attracted towards those foolish serials like pavita rishta, punar vivaah nd other crap serials….
    instead this one gives us great knowledge….
    nd each track of this serial are just remarkable..
    love dabh team.. espesially my sweet sandy…

    • Suraj
      February 11, 00:01

      bloody despo bhabho

  3. admin
    February 09, 21:44 Reply

    full detaile update added

  4. sweesh
    February 09, 16:37 Reply

    Vry annoyin instead of ur views a full update would hv bn beta

  5. Pari
    February 09, 14:47 Reply

    What is dis non sense..??? Who d hell asked for ur stupid views?? Intead of ur bakwas a normal update wud hav been comendble…

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