Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 18th November 2013 Written Update

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Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 18th November 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 18th November 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with Raghu telling Baburaam that he can do anything for babyji as he has promised Malik saa. He says, he don’t want to trouble them and babyji’s wealth doesn’t matter to them. Vivek says they gave luxurious life to Shivani, thinking she will give them money and she left without informing them. Maya says we have lost it. Raghu says you only thinks about money and not thinking about babyji. Baburaam says he don’t care for her. Lata tells Raghu that he did right and says babyji will be fine. Soon she will be found. Raghu is tensed. Panna tai calls Raghu and asks about Shivani. Raghu says he didn’t know anything about her and says he went to her friend’s places. Panna tai cries and asks him to tell her about her.

Sunanda commands her servant to work fast. He says his mom is not well and he have to go anyway. She fires him. She says her friends can come at any time and thinks her kitty party should not be flop. She tells Shivani that she needs her help. Shivani asks her to tell. Sunanda says her friends are coming for Kitty party and servants are on leave. Meghna is also not at home. Shivani readily agrees to help her. Sunanda thinks to trouble her and says she got a chance. Shivani thinks to welcome Aunty’s friends.

Sunanda is playing cards with her friends. Shivani comes and serves juices. They asks Sunanda whether she kept a new waiter. Shivani says no and is about to say but Sunanda says she hired her two days back. And tells her old servant Manoj left the job. She asks Shivani to serve the juice. Shivani is shocked and the juice glass slips from her hand. Sunanda and her friend shouts at Shivani and Sunanda asks her to clean the floor. Her friend says you knows to handle these people. Shivani cries.

Baburaam is threatened by the goons and is ask to pay their money back. Baburaam says he will return the money. Goon threaten him to return the money else he will kill him. Baburaam is shocked. Shivani recalls Raghu’s care and concerned towards her. She says I miss you and your family but what to do I can’t live with you all. I don’t want any problem to come in your life because of me. She wipes her tears, Meghna comes and asks why she is looking tensed. Sunanda comes and tells Shivani that she didn’t want to hurt her but have to maintain class infront of her friends. She tells Meghna that her friends thought Shivani to be a servant and she said yes. Meghna is shocked. Sunanda says she lied so as to hide the truth. She says Shivani married a servant and she is like a servant. Meghna apologizes to Shivani. Shivani says it is ok. Meghna says we will go for shopping and will take your phone from the repairing shop. Shivani hesitantly agrees.

Bella asks Raghu, where he is going? Raghu says he is going to search Shivani. Bella asks him to pick Shivani from school. Raghu agrees. Nishi asks for the icecream. Raghu gets icecream for her. Nishi notices Shivani in the car and informs Raghu. Raghu sees Shivani with Meghna and follows the car. He enters the shopping mall insearch of Shivani and tells the manager to take care of the girl Nishi and he will be back. Shivani goes to the mobile repairing shop to get her mobile. Shivani sees Raghu coming towards her and is shocked. She hides to escape from his eyes. She gets shocked. She calls Raghu, Raghu asks, where is she? Shivani says she is fine and says don’t try to find me as our ways are different. she says you have already done enough for me and take care of your family now. Raghu says what are you saying. Shivani says she knows that she respects her and can do anything for her. She says she wants him to think about his life and not about her life. She disconnects the call after blessing him for a happy life. Raghu tries to speak. Both Shivani and Raghu are shocked while the song Do dil bandhe ek dori se plays in the BG.

Meghna says why you are paining each other. it is clear that both of you cares for each other. Shivani says it is good for them. Meghna says inspite of both of you trying to go seperate ways, if destiny wants you both will be together.

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  1. Amina Jega
    November 18, 15:46 Reply

    Shivani is so dumb sometyms, always on the negetive path…mtswww

  2. fan
    November 18, 14:16 Reply

    sometimes i want to hate shivanie for her stupidity. instead of working together with raghu and trying to figure out her life shes running from the poor guy and giving him more stress.

    raghu needs to find a job and start thinking about his future.
    they really need to show some progress with this show

    • aysher
      November 18, 15:27

      zainap ar u frm lagos?

  3. Zainab
    November 18, 12:37 Reply

    Poor shivani! And raghu is very kind,intelligent and gentle 🙂

    • hauwa
      November 18, 14:04

      @Zainab Whr r u from?

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