Doli Armaanon Ki 03rd January 2014 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 03rd January 2014 Written Update by RIMJHIM

Doli Armaanon Ki 03rd Jaunary 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Samrat’s residence
The game finally begins, samrat rudely says that this game wont decide on his life, as it isnt a toss, and ishaan makes up for it, by lightening the mood, and converting samrat’s statement into teasing. Samrat’s mother too agrees. samrat asks them to rpogress soon so that they dont lose much time. Samrat’s mother gives urmi’s hand in his, and asks her to open the sacred thread. She complies.

Later, urmi’s bhabhi gets nostalgic with her husband about their first night after their wedding, and how they overcame their initial nervousness, and went on to become lovers. They both say how the other have completed each other, and both are lucky to find one another. They hug.

In her room, urmi is sitting with the ghunghat taken properly, awaiting samrat’s entrance anxiously and nervously. Samrat finally enters and urmi looks up shyly. He bolts the door, and turns around to find urmi, looking away shyly. He smirks and moves closer to her. She awkwardly raises her eyes to meet his. He lifts the veil and uncovers her face, while she looks away nervously. He cups her face and turns ir towards her, while she starts smiling in nervousness. He gets into a poetic mode, and recites lines in her beauty. she looks up at him, and enters into a romantic eyegaze. he gives her a gift, which is an expensive piece of jewellery. she says that its very beautiful. He says that its less beautiful than nher. She thanks him for the gift. she says that she too got something for him. He asks what. she shyly takes out the sweater for him, and he compliments tht its very beautiful. She says that she herself made it. he says that its priceless for him then. she asks if he liked it. he says thats not an option. He excuses himself, and goes onto wear the sweater over his sherwani, and asks her how he looks wearing the sweater that his wife made for him. She comes and says that he’s looking very handsome. He thanks her yet again for it. She hesitatingly goes to try on her set. But he stops her with his hand and says not right now. She asks him why. He lifts her on his arms, and teases her for whats to follow. He takes her on the bed.

On the bed, finally samrat gets intimate with her, as he starts kissing her, on the hand, around the nape of her neck, and she shivers with a sensation that runs down her spine, and is filled with ecstasy at the physical proximity with him. He takes off her anklets kissing her feet, and she closes her eyes as she shivers. He takes off her dupataa and kisses her on the forehead as she smiles with her eyes closed. He takes off all her jewellery one by one, following it wih the kisses at the place which it adorned.

A sudden voice calls out to her, and she is broken from her dreams, and she realsies that she had been dreaming, and finds that samrat is calling to her. He asks her to go change and not sit in this filmy style. urmi is shocked at her romance having been crushed brutally. she eyes him shocked. he asks how did she fall asleep. she said that she didnt realise that she dozed off. She still smiles as he takes off his watch. But she is disappointed when he asks her to go and change, and himself puts on the news and sits down to watch. He indifferently asks her to and change while she is sad and disappointed that all that she dreamt of, isnt turning to reality. she eyes him hurtfully one last time, before going to the suitcase to get a change of clothes. She takes out a nightie, and goes to the bathroom to change.

Scene 2:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Trisha again gets into a conflict with her mother, who also agrees that samrat’s words maynot be good, but his character is. Trisha tries to show the truth behind samrat’s noble seeming deeds. But her mother doesnt hear anything, and asks her to put down the phone. Before trisha can explain, nirmala cancels the phone, while still in frustration that one day trisha would land them in deep trouble. she leves the room. Trisha tries her number again, as saroj walks in the room. Triahs calls up her mother, but saroj picks it up instead. Triahs doesnt realise it and goes onto vent her frustration, that even she wanted to be in urmi’s marriage and be happy for her. And because she wanted her happiness, thats why she didnt want him to get married to samrat, as only she herself has seen samrat’s real ruthless side. Saroj is shocked and tensed to hear this. trisha says that samrat isnt a good man, and very soon they would see it too, and that this marriage wont give anyone anything except for regret. trisha cancels the phone, while saroj is tensed.

Scene 3:
Location: Samrat’s residence
As urmi goes onto take off her dupatta and starts taking off her jewellery, as she had imagined samrat would do, she remembers her dream and a tear escapes her eyes, as she is sad at her dream having been shattered, and samrat’s indifferent behaviour towards her hopes and expectations of him. she starts crying incoherently. The screen freezes on her sad and distraught face.

Precap: As urmi comes back after having chnged, samrat carelessly asks her that she took quite some time to change, without even realising that she is sad and had been crying. He throws off the rose petals on the bed, and carelessly throws off the swetaer that she had kept hidden for him as a gift, on the sofa. She is very hurt. Samrat in a very non romantic and business like manner asks her to come closer. she is tensed and sad too.


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  1. Anu xD
    January 04, 12:59 Reply

    Samrat….samrat….samrat!!!! What is your deal dude!!! Don’t regret this!! I apologize to the persons whom like the Samrat!Urmi Jodi I don’t mean to offend you all but in my opinion I am a huge fan of Ishaan/Urmi Jodi as they are adorable together!!

    Also in MY opinion:-
    @Anonymous I understand what you are getting at withthe character Asad but lots not that they copy Asad but I guess it’s cute to see the girl change the guy I guess and Samrat is way worst than Asad!! And I also think you are venting because just like me you are upset about KHABI and losing this unique and extremely awesome onscreen Jodi and offscreen BFF’s no other zee tv Jodi ever had such a good friendship offscreen am I wrong? But please don’t upset these fans, it’s my humble request if your comment is solely QH related tell it on the QH page we on that page will respond!!! Thank You! (I do not intend to offend anyone….thank you, and if I did offend someone I am truly sorry as it is not my intention)

  2. queen
    January 04, 09:04 Reply

    Love dis show…urmi wake up 4rm ur dream world

  3. avni
    January 04, 02:54 Reply

    her STUPID dreams….Urmi’s life is going to be a hell -_- Urmi will teach Samrat a lesson lik othr serials ?? alomost all serials story is same -_-
    nyc to watch dis serial πŸ™‚

    • Lima
      January 04, 08:26

      @ anonymous, Why does everything have to be about Asad and Zoya. Please appreciate the serial for what it is and stop comparing serials . I would suggest that there is always an option of watching strictly Qubool Hai alone so that you will not be disappointed in the main characters of other serials.

    • anonymous
      January 04, 12:18

      @Lima, I believe you have misunderstood my opinions. I have not watched Qubool Hai for ages but admire the pairing of Asya as they made the show popular. I believe very strongly that other shows have tried to use the popularity of this relationship as a benchmark to improve their own and its not working just as well.
      What works for some may not work for others so its best not to continue on the route, that is my whole point. There should be originality, that will make each show unique and interesting, otherwise you see one you’ve seen them all.

      πŸ˜‰ I also said it was my opinion,don’t you believe a person should have one.

  4. anonymous
    January 04, 02:47 Reply

    Just my opinion:
    Some of the serials are trying to capture the same relationship/chemistry that KSG and Shrubi had as Asad and Zoya (who made Qubool Hai) eg SSLK now has Kabir and Rachna, EMA has Raghav and Kalpi and DAK has Samrat(who I think was supposed to be somewhat like Asad). But it doesn’t work, Asya is unique and trying to recreate that will not work as the characters/actors have to have that rapport.
    Kabir and Raghav never smile. Kabir is highly strung, Samrat is way too arrogant and Raghav is on a high horse.

    Creatives need to be original, what works for one may not necessarily work for another!!!! There probably is more to these characters but for now they are just boring.

    • anonymous
      January 04, 02:57

      Urmi is naΓ―ve and building castles in the air and thinking that Samrat is her prince charming. Now that he’s turned out to be such a cad she is going to come down to earth with a mighty big thud and with a nightmare mother in law like she has her life is not going to be too happy. Let’s hope she can change them soon.

    • Anu xD
      January 04, 13:03

      But lets admit there is none like ms zoya farooqui, no ome can protest Asya as good as Surbhi and Karan!!!

  5. K@J@!
    January 03, 18:35 Reply

    Samrat is just too much

  6. trinity
    January 03, 16:52 Reply

    Urmi and her stupid dreams


    • Asya fan 1
      January 04, 00:36


  7. shona91
    January 03, 14:30 Reply

    now she will regret trisha word

  8. Pia
    January 03, 14:28 Reply

    Man!!! Kick tht as*h**e!!!
    Precap is stupid!!

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