Doli Armaanon Ki 10th April 2015 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 10th April 2015 Written Update by Rimjhim

Doli Armaanon Ki 10th April 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
ishaan is shocked at samrat’s proposal, and asks what he wants. Samrat shoves him away, saying that he doesnt have guts, and hence he isnt able to save shaurya. Ishaan tries to coax him into rethinking. samrat taunts him that he had done a favour by thinking about rethinking, but ishaan isnt willing to make any small sacrifices, as little as slapping urmi. He asks him what he wants, his love for urmi or shaurya. He asks ishaan to do it now or never. ishaan helplessly, eyes urmi serving breakfast, and asks samrat if he shall agree to sire a child with urmi, if he slaps urmi. samrat happily and eagerly says that he shall, and asks ishaan to slap her tight and hard, as the minute he does so, he shall say yes. As ishaan goes down distraughtedly, samrat evilly thinks that now he shall enjoy the wonderful scene of the hero of the house hitting the heroine. Ishaan descends down the stairs, and eyes the entire family busy in their stuff, distraught and apalled as to how he shall do what needs to be done. samrat signals him to hurry up. damini asks him to sit for breakfast. As ishaan sits at the breakfast table, samrat signals him from the balcony, to go on and hit urmi, with a smack on th face, while she is obliviously serving food to all family members, unaware of samrat’s vicious gameplan. Ishaan is distraught as he is in a moral dilemma. Urmi is about to take milk for shaurya, when ishaan demands for coffee. She says that she would just give shaurya milk and then make it for him. he angrily szays that he needs it right now. urmi is surprised but complies nevertheless. damini asks him if everything is okay. He says all is well. Urmi comes back with coffee, while he keepes getting restless. He pulls out his leg to trip urmi, but just when urmi arrives, he pulls it back. samrat thinks frustratedly that he wont be able to have the guts to do it. he signals ishaan that now there’s no chance of shaurya being saved. this irks ishaan, and he throws the cup on the floor, shocking everyone. he asks what kind of coffee this is, and if this is how coffee is made. urmi comes and asks if the coffee isnt good. he says that its disgusting. She says that she made it just the way he likes. He slaos her tight across the face. He asks if he is lying. She is taken aback, while all are shocked. Damini and anirudh ask what nonsense this is, and if he is out of his senses. urmi is in tears, while ishaan is apalled and distraught himself. samrfat enjoys it thoroughly. Urmi runs away from there, while ishaan is apalled. Damini asks him if he is alright, as it was a very lowly thing to do. he angrily asks her not to interfere as its his personal matter and she neednt interfere. He rushes straight up. He goes to find urmi, who is distraught and apalled. He goes to apologise to urmi, saying that he had no other choice. she is in uncontrollable tears. He tells that he did this for shaurya, and begs for an apology yet again. samrat comes in asking her to forgive him, as this is his first win, and he had to do it for shaurya. Samrat continues to taunt him, of his undying love for urmi and shaurya, as he loves samrat’s son more than samrat himself. ishaan is composed, and reminds samrat of the promise, asking him to do what needs to be done. urmi and ishaan are furious from inside, but they dont express it on face, lest samrat changes his mind. he then tells urmi and clarifies, what their deal was. urmi is surprised. samrat asks her not to give a shocked and sad look, and eat nice and stay strong, and get ready to become a mother once again, as he has become happy and has decided that he is ready for the big compromise, to save shaurya. They dont understand whether to be happy or sad.

Damini and sandhya are boggled, as to how ishaan could have slapped urmi. sandhya says that this is due to the doctor’s suggested treatment. but damini is unconvinced that she knows ishaan isnt like this, and cant hit urmi at all. sandhya says that thios maybe because urmi gave samrat coffee over ishaan the other day but damini doesnt believe so. Later, she goes to samrat’s room. samrat then tells damini how he got the revenge from urmi, and she is surprised to hear it. She says that she should have understood, as her own son is incapable of doing something so disgusting. samrat asks if she is taunting him. She says that ishaan loves urmi so much, that he cant hit her, but had to. He is happy. She asks him if he said yes. He smiles at her aned complies. She is super happy of the commencement of her plan, and he demands for a plan. she happily agrees, thinking that the party shall happen when they both leave. he asks her to sign a stamp paper. she asks why should she do that. He says that he is doing so, in her knowledge and her consent, and that he needs some proof, so that she mightnt betray him tomorrow, when tani finds out about this. she signs them. She thinks that he may get as many stamp paperes, but his marriage with tani is doomed. He is happy, that everything is on paper.

meanwhile, urmi tells saroj of their decision. Saroj asks her to think again before such a huge decision. She says that nothing else matters now. Saroj says that nothing matters more than the fact that ishaan stands by her, in such a decision of her life, and wonders how can she ever repay back the debt. She says thats not possible. Urmi says that she has a complaint, as to why ishaan didnt come earlier, as if that had happened,. she wouldnt have seen her life in ruins. saroj says that god would set everything right. they both ask each other to take care. She then turns around to face ishaan. he says that he is fortunate to have her, as he owes her, for whoever and whatever he is, and that she is very nice, and he loves her. They hug each other. samrat coems in just then, and gets frustrated and asks whats happening around. he expresses his displeasure, and says that they shall come right to the point. he sits down and asks him to close the door. Ishaan complies. urmi is tensed. samrat then asks them both to come and stand in front of him. they resignedly comply. he says that since he has decided to do this social work, they should get it done with asap, as he is going through much pain due to this, and he shouldnt change his plan. Samrat says that he is free on Sunday and asks if they can keep the programme for the day after tomorrow. they are tensed but do not respond at his leery gestures. Samrat asks ishaan to book a bful suite in a bful hotel, as he shall have and give his services there only, and also arrange for wine, to facilitate the process. ishaan complies. Samrat says that there’s one more thing, and then notices that ishaan holds her hand for comforting her through this painful torment, and frustratedly asks them to let go of each other’s hands, taunting them of all this. They comply. He says that till that day, they should stay away from each other, as then he shall get the plasure. they both are tensed. urmi turns away with disgust. Samrat asks ishaan if he understood, that he wants urmi untouched, for the effect. samrat leaves hastily. urmi and ishaan are apalled. the screen freezes on both their faces.

Precap: Tani tells that there’s a puja in Naasik, as all sit at the breakfast table. Damini is confused and asks her to elaborate. Tani says that samrat has arranged the puja in celebration of their successful marriage. She tells that he shall leave today and be back within two days, after Sunday. damini smiles happily, thinking that this is exactly what she wanted, that urmi is out of ishaan’s life and samrat is out of tani’s.

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  1. sna
    April 13, 14:00 Reply

    such a creepy show disgusting der is no need for dis xxx show

  2. MATHY
    April 13, 13:43 Reply

    Why they are telecasting such a disgusting show…..
    it is such a shame for womens especially for mothers on this planet…..How could they approve and telecast such a shit on TV….
    “just stop watched after shaurya diagnosed cancer….”Boycott the show untill the show go off air,yar…..
    one thing constantly popup in my mind “HOW COULD THEY TELECAST ALL THIS NONSENSE”
    i know it’s entertainment and all are fair,should be positive and negative roles but this*really pissed off*

  3. sham
    April 13, 02:37 Reply

    disgusting ,annoying ,Samrat is a dog ,even dogs are wafaadar ,hating this serial,

  4. Vishaka
    April 12, 13:10 Reply

    Why do have to sleep with each othr?Samrat just donate his sperm cn he not? Wtheck is wrong with this show? Full of shit!

  5. Hannatu Bala Wunti
    April 12, 11:51 Reply

    I some times love this show like when urmi and ishan were making love but ong I hope they chage it 2 smarat begging on his nees

  6. Sami
    April 11, 17:04 Reply

    What bullshit is this. Just go off air. Looks like you writers have no good story.

  7. Varsha
    April 11, 16:20 Reply

    This story-line defies all moral codes! How fickle do the writers assume we are! South African viewers are disgusted! What a portrayal of Indian womanhood. Wake up India. its the 21st Century! many South African viewers have stopped watching many ZEE soapies.

    South Africa

    • fb
      April 11, 11:02

      I have stop watching this show since this track started. After reading the Tele reviews. I just read the update to see if there is any changes. And I can clearly see not. This is my opinion. If they really wanted to keep the show on and ran out of storyline. Why not let it be Saratoga on the receiving end for once. He should be the one diagnosed with cancer and need his son to save him. And have his son be the one to refuse helping him. Have him on his knees for once, begging and pleading to Urmi for everything he put her through. Why is it always have to be the women. The writers have no respect for women. And this show have gone beyond degrading and disgusting.

    • fb
      April 11, 11:05

      I have stop watching this show since this track started. After reading the Tele reviews. I just read the update to see if there is any changes. And I can clearly see not. This is my opinion. If they really wanted to keep the show on and ran out of storyline. Why not let it be Samrat on the receiving end for once. He should be the one diagnosed with cancer and need his son to save him. And have his son be the one to refuse helping him. Have him on his knees for once, begging and pleading to Urmi for everything he put her through. Why is it always have to be the women. The writers have no respect for women. And this show have gone beyond degrading and disgusting.

  8. sonora
    April 11, 04:18 Reply

    Yes,shaurya has no cancer,its all plan by samrat with damini,remember she goes to witchdoctor?boring

  9. Zainab
    April 11, 04:04 Reply

    This is the most disgusting thing ever that a woman will have to beg a man to sleep with her and comply to his wishes too! Cheee! I can’t believe this! Ishan too agreed he doesn’t even mind sharing his wife with someone else.

  10. SA
    April 11, 03:49 Reply

    Samrat is the most despical man in this planet that anything is possible. Urmi shud redo Shaurays blood tests, Drs will do anythin for money in India !!!!!! And so will the Police, just had them the Crores and they will sell themselves to the Devil!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Maharani
    April 11, 03:34 Reply

    Already stop watching since last 2 week. Disgusting !!!

  12. SA
    April 11, 03:19 Reply

    No father in his right mind will do such a heinous crime if his son is realy sick, I believe this Evil man Samrat has planned this whole thing just to gain Revenge on Urmi????? He must go to jail for life if so!!!!! Shauray has no cancer if u ask ME!!!!

  13. SA
    April 11, 02:56 Reply

    Is this for real!!!!!!! A woman is goin thru Sooooo much of pain and they ar getting a father of the child tat is dying to play a such a Disgusting part, no parent in his right MIND will do what Samrat is doing, HE IS MAD/INSANE/PAAGAL u hear mEEeEEEE!!!!!!!! END this ShiT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Reana
    April 10, 20:23 Reply

    Boycott this show. They r not teaching positive things to the people. Writing sucks so many flaws

  15. Cynthia
    April 10, 20:19 Reply

    RIDICULOUS! The head of Zee Tv once said while on an award show that Zeet Tv would only air positive and uplifiting shows…well guess what…he lied! I will not watch this trash any longer.

  16. malika
    April 10, 20:05 Reply

    Hate the serie. Just disgusting

  17. Praful
    April 10, 18:56 Reply

    is there censer board in India for Tv Serials. Soon this guys will shoe xxx Movies

    Normally woman group are very load in India but it shows they are sleeping

    Please awake for human sake

  18. Vanessa Lewis
    April 10, 18:13 Reply

    I really hate Samrat the rat i wish someone would break his arms and legs so he could drag in the street like a dog and no one should help him

  19. aaradhna
    April 10, 13:45 Reply

    This is the height of indecency what crap they are showing everyone knows about gestational surrogacy and even then they are saying they need to sleep together to have a child??

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