Doli Armaanon Ki 17th September 2014 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 17th September 2014 Written Update by Rimjhim

Doli Armaanon Ki 17th September 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Annu’s and samrat’s residence
Samrat’s apology in the paper, raises a furore and debating amongst saroj, anu, devia nd granny as to what prompted samrat to do this, where devi and granny praise samrat for turning over a new leaf, anu and saroj tell that there definitely must have been an ulterior motive involved. just then, shashi calls them saying that she wanted to come and talk to them, if they are free today. Devi readily agrees. saroj is tensed as to whats this new turn now. Devi and saroj reprimand her for not being able to see the positive in anyone.

Shashi comes, and all surprisingly as to whats the matter. Shashi says that she had been wanting to come for quite some time. shashi says that just talks cant end relations like this. granny agrees. saroj and anu are tensed. Shashi tries to compliment and praise urmi for her ability to handle the house and samrat’s temperament. she starts praising them for having given such good manners to their children, and then takes the blame that there must be some deficiency in her upbringing, that samrat turned out to be like this. Devi tries to please shashi too. Shashi says that samrat isnt like gaurav, and starts praising gaurav galore, and that gaurav may be rough, but he isnt an idiot like samrat. Anu tells saroj that shashi must have somne work that she is praising them. shashi hesitatingly tells devi to request gaurav to leave samrat, as people cant take advantage of their own relations. devi and granny and others are confused. Shashi relates the entire story. Saroj tells everyone that there must be a big reason or else samrat cant do things like this. Shashi is baffled. Anu shows her samrat’s apology. she starts thinking that its waste to butter them, as gaurav has already done what he wanted to, and he is an idiot that he didnt demand for anything and wasted his energy on something this petty. She starts reprimanding gaurav for this kind of blackmail, and then takes a u-turn onm all the praises that she was showering on them sometime back. granny asks her not to get angry and shashi takes a reverse turn, saying that she only wanted to resort to her wishes, hence was talking politely. saro0j shows devi that this was what she had been talking all along. saroj asks how can she be so hypocritical, and shashi says that it was here helplessnes, that caused her to talk to them. shashi says that had she known that gaurav has already done what he wanted to, she never would have come here. She starts storming out. on her way out, shashi is confronted by gaurav and leaves angrily. gaurav is reprimanded by devi, and he asks devi to shut up, and not talk, as its between him and samrat, and adds that when he didnt say anything for his daughter, then he shouldnt side for samrat. He leaves. devi and granny are tensed.

Scene 2:
Location: Samrat’s office
samrat is fuming at gaurav’s threatening and what he is getting him to do, while his lawyer sympathises with him. samrat starts venting out his frustration at him too, when the lawyer tries to reassure and express his concern for samrat. Samrat irritatedly tells his lawyer to find out a loophole, as tomorrow gaurav might just go to the police and blabber what he saw. His lawyer asks him to get gaurav to give a statement to the police, that he doesnt remember the number plate of the car and cant recall or recognise it, and then get a photocopy of that statement, and he would take care of it from thereon. Samrat thinks that gaurav made him do enough, but not anymore. He is in a rage.

Scene 3:
Location: Sushma’s residence
Sushma reprimands her husband as he tries to help her but causes her more trouble everytime. She asks him to search for the electricity bill instead that he has kept safely, but forgotten where he kept it, as the last day for payment is today. they both get to searching for it, while sushma continues to reprimand her husband for his carelessness. meanwhile, Urmi pleads her to open the door now atleast, as the entire night has gone. but they ignore her, and continue to search instead. shaurya says that he has an idea to get sushma’s residence, and then starts throwing things outside through the window, and grab sushma’s attention. He tells sushma to open the door if his mother has told her to open the door. Sushma opens the door, and asks whats she and her son doing, and why has her husband not come to pick her up. Urmi tells her that she has left her husband and has noone to take care of her. Sushma asks what would happen to their money. urmi promises that they would be paid back, and asks for some days. urmi tells about her plight, and says that when she has some money, she would return it back. but sushma is adamant that till they dont get the money, she wont be allowed to go anywhere. Shaurya asks urmi to stop pleading as they have no place to go as it is. urmi tells sushma that she will stay here only then. Sushma and her husband tell her that she wont be allowed to stay for free, but everything would come with a charge. urmi is surprised, while sushma is determined.

Scene 4:
Location: On the road
Gaurav is amused as samrat comes cautiously, and tells him that he wont send him to jail so stealthily, but when he does, it shall become the headlines for the next day’s newspapers in Bhopal. samrat starts fuming in a rage, as gaurav takes plasure in teasing and torturing him. samrat angrily tells gaurav that he did what he asked him to do, now he has to go to the police and tell them that he didnt remember the number of the car, and give it in written and stop this case. gaurav asks why is he in such haste as there are lots of episodes left. samrat gets angry but then backs down, saying that he shouldnt take advantage just because he had some weakness of his in his clasp. Gaurav says that he had himself wanted to end this case today. he tells samrat that his mother spoiled his mood today. He tells samrat, about what happened at his house today. he tells samrat that his mother came and said wrong things today, and its proven that shje is his mother after all. samrat is shocked. He adds that the mistake done by the mother, shall be rectified by the son. Samrat is frustrated and irritated while gaurav is amused at his bewilderment. samrat tries to tell him that he knows his mother. Gaurav says that his mother wanted good for him, and hence he would have to bear her brunt. Gaurav asks him to step aside keeping his ego past. samrat frustratedly asks what else would he have to do now. Gaurav is amused and starts teasing him. The screen freezes on samrat’s tensed face.

Precap: Samrat vents out his frustration for gaurav, at home, and starts lashing out at shashi for spoiling his work, and trying to be oversmart and ruining things for him all the more. All the family members try to stop him, while shashi pleads for forgivesness, but samrat is adamant and takes her forcibly and locks her inside her room, asking the family members not to dare to open the door, till his case is solved. shashi is distraught and starts beating the door to let be let out, and pleads to samrat to let her out.

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  1. Pani
    September 18, 02:29 Reply

    Gaurav you are acting smart with this but u seemed not versed at all. You are behaving like you don’t even know what to demand from Sam the rat. For petes sake just like @Kris said u need a job urn family is going about begging and borrowing in the neighborhood and u are busy taunting Sam the rat?! You have a preggers wife who needs medical attention and u are busy playing with Sam the rat?! Who cares if he said your witchy granny died? That should not have been urn first inclination that was so weak. Your sister is suffering cos of this dude if u couldn’t think abt urself first u should have thought about her and made some life changing threats with Sam the rat. I am disappointed here CVs u didn’t pen this well. Gaurav is not like Sam the rat who thrills in taunts. Gaurav is practical n we should see it in how he handles this. i ve a strong feeling the guy Samrat hit is not dead. when this comes out Samrat will not spare u Gaurav so better make hay while the sun is up.

  2. Sonya
    September 17, 18:43 Reply

    Lovely episde. I am enoying Gaurav blackmailing Samrat

  3. vanie
    September 17, 16:54 Reply

    i love how gaurav is blackmailing samrat

  4. Kris
    September 17, 15:43 Reply

    Hahahahaha, I love the precap
    Gaurav better don’t play too over smart and bleed Samrat out of whatever false self respect he has.
    Gaurav should tell Samrat the next time he need to tell Samrat to divorce Urmi, give her half his property, that being a house away from him, he should pay Urmi maintenance for even. Also next Gaurav to get back his job in a better position with all perks and most of all with respect.
    Still he should say he has a written statement implicating Samrat and also audio which he recorded of Samrat, and if any harm were to come to Urmi or any of Gaurav family members, that package would go straight to the police, because there’s no limitation for murder.

  5. Miss Unbeleivable
    September 17, 14:16 Reply

    God is Good

    Justice has been done.

    Shashi is finally seeing the monster she created I pray that Samrat slaps her infront of all and tortures her some more. Let him disgrace her and no one should open that door

    i wish gaurav locked up Devi in a room along with granny. Even mice have more backbone than these 2 weaklings. Disgrace to families.

    • savya
      September 17, 15:44

      hi miss unbeleivable!!!

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