Doli Armaanon Ki 25th June 2014 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 25th June 2014 Written Update by Aaradhana

Doli Armaanon Ki 25th June 2014 Written Episode

large number of flowers get delivered at samrat’s residence to which he does not pay any attention. it is when tauji ask about, samrat tells them that this must be send by one of his client wiith whom he is not interested in doing business.

When he ask urmi to see the card on the flowers, she told i love u urmi and all get deeply shocked at this revelation. Samrat gets hyper and everybody on tauji’s instigation ask to immediately report to the police it was just in that nick of time that tauji cleverly dials home landline number and when samrat told urmi to pick up the same, he disconnects it immediately. Urmi understood that she has to play and it is tauji.

It is then when she told samrat that manish is saying that he has no fear of police and he himself want to reveal a truth to the police. It is then when samrat loose his cool totally and blurt out the truth that how much he is a beggar and inspite of paying so much he is unable to shut his mouth. All faces are shocked and towards samrat and he understood what grave mistake he has done just now.

Urmi ask samrat how could he stoop so low ?


Precap: Urmi asks him why he did that to her. Dushashan did Draupadi’s cheer-haran (humiliation), but Urmi’s husband himself humiliated her. She further says no matter what, he will never get respect from her now.

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  1. kris
    June 26, 08:17 Reply

    I am so also waiting for the day Samrat’s infidelity comes to light, I want him to be totally and completely chastised for his despicable acts and be humiliated to no end, also Amrit should be done the same fate. I see they’ve changed the actor since last I saw this show.

  2. Navi
    June 26, 07:50 Reply

    I am not sure where this serial is actually heading, as it is sometimes very confusing.

    I understand that the creative’s and Zee probably want to highlight abuse, especially domestic abuse but really there is no positive outcome yet apart from the minor upper hands that Urmi, her father in law and tauji has gotten.

    Samrat is still the same negative character as he was in the very first episodes…I really want something to change soon…

    And as for the character Asha, she is just so obtuse. Do woman like that really exist in this world? I should hope not. Why do the creative persist in creating these feeble minded characters? Do they not have any more creativity stored in their brains???

    All I want now is for Urmi is to get back her backbone and put that good for nothing cheating scumbag of her husband in his place….Why did she stay so long and tolerate this abuse from him and his mother…I remember she had some spunk when her cousin Trisha was accused of having an affair with adithi’s husband, what happened to Urmi all of a sudden???

    And now the serial is gearing up for more drama, with Samrat retaliating to physical violence with Urmi, this is just so upsetting.

    On a different note, Mohit Malik will be visiting my hometown Durban, South Africa soon…At this particular moment everyone I speak to hate his character Samrat. I kind of feel sorry for him because he is just an actor doing his job and enacting out what the script dictates but I think he should really demand that the writers and directors allow his character to change soon, else he will be given a very luke warm welcome here, and we happen to be a really friendly lot people….

    • kris
      June 26, 08:13

      Let me give a reply here,
      My father and his mother was exactly like Samrat and Shashi,
      My mother could not read or write and they took so much advantage of her, even his nine brothers and some of his sisters in law did too. His father was not much better.
      So in Urmi I am seeing my mother almost 70 years ago all over again, only this time Urmi has Tauji to help her, my mother had no one, only two or three of devar were a bit sympathetic to her at times.
      My father took over 30 years to change his attitude, he still had some of his high handedness but not as much since he then had grandchildren. But it was still difficult.
      Sometimes I hated my father, I never liked my dadi, dadda, never will even though they died and went wherever, my aunts and uncles are also not important to me. My mother did not even have the support of her own father and brothers just like Urmi, the Bhabis were pure evil too.
      There may still be people like that in the world today.
      You never know.
      But these are modern times and Devi still thinking back in times, if he had supported Urmi she would have been in a better place today.

    • Navi
      June 26, 08:22

      Oh gosh, that’s terrible, your poor mum. I cannot believe that this type of people exist in the world. I know that there is lots of bad people in the outside world but to have them in your own family is just so terrible…

      I am seeing this in the serial but to think that people can still be like these characters are really disheartening….

  3. Samrat to get arrested for attacking Urmi in Zee TV’s Doli Armaanon Ki

    Ghor Atyachaar’ – is what Urmi (Neha Marda) has faced at the hands of her own husband Samrat (Mohit Malik) in Zee TV’s Doli Armaanon Ki (Spellbound Productions). The man stooped low by planting a man in her life, just to humiliate her, and later beat her black and blue with his belt when she retaliated against him.
    So does this mean that Urmi will now be crestfallen and not rebel on being subjected to domestic violence?
    The lady will be completely shattered with bruises all over her body, but her only ray of hope at this time of agony and pain will be Tayaji, essayed by Anupam Shyam. The man will motivate her to not lie low, but to emerge as a bolder and more confident woman. Tayaji will push Urmi to report about the violence to the police.
    After being pushed to the brink, Urmi will now emerge stronger and will go ahead to lodge a complaint at the police station.
    Yes, you heard it right!!
    A source states, “After being attacked by Samrat, Urmi will not be found in the house. Everyone will get curious and worried about her well-being. This will be when Urmi would go to the police station and lodge a complaint against her own husband for beating her.”
    Samrat will be in his conference room, attending a big meeting when the cops would come to his office, drag him out and arrest him on the charge of attacking his wife.
    How will Samrat face this humiliation now?
    We tried contacting Neha Marda, but could not get through to her.
    Get ready for this pot-boiler of a drama in the Zee TV show.

    • Navi
      June 26, 07:56

      I really hope Samrat gets punished here…Being embarrassed and humiliated is not punishment enough….

      I really want him to grovel at Urmi’s feet. You know the creative never got around to tell the viewers why Samrat is the way he is because everyone in his home is so nice apart from his mother who is like a bat from hell….

      I really don’t know how the creative are planning on changing this character for the positive….

  4. ~Sani~
    June 25, 21:58 Reply

    Nice update sweetheart. It gets straight to the point and doesn’t drabble.

    • aaradhna
      June 27, 13:01

      thanks a lot so sweet to encourage

  5. kris
    June 25, 19:43 Reply

    Urmi, he deserved not respect in the first place.

  6. Angel
    June 25, 18:45 Reply

    straight to the point update, nice

  7. #Leh
    June 25, 18:40 Reply

    I kinda like this update, it’s small yet thorough! It’s good, it told me what happened and saved me time! Thank you!

  8. Leh
    June 25, 18:24 Reply

    Is this an update! It makes no sense!!!

  9. sr
    June 25, 18:18 Reply

    What kind of update is this?
    if you dont want to do it ask somebody else


  10. Pani
    June 25, 18:15 Reply

    What kind of an update is this for this very important episode?!!!

    • aaradhna
      June 27, 12:59

      don’t get angry i post this update in the watch the episode section as i thought that written update may come too late. This is not my job but as i am a professional content developer i write a summary of the episode in minimum words

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