Doli Armaanon Ki 27th March 2014 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 27th March 2014 Written Update by Aadi

Doli Armaanon Ki 27th March 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Annu’s residence
While all are excited for the party, urmi is sad. He says that they have come to invite them all and to take urmi back. he asks gaurav to let go of everything and start afresh. He complies. granny is pleased with his behaviour too. devi too agrees. Shashi and her husband say that they have come to take urmi. Urmi signals to saroj, that she wont go with them. She is tensed. But granny says that this doesnt need any complainec and definitely she would go. all are tensed sensing urmis’ disapproval. She again signals saroj that she wont go. saroj makes up a story that urmi could stay here another night, and sends devi and granny in tension, and says that she would cvo9me to leave urmi tomorrow. They agree. Devi is upset but doesnt say anything.

after they leave, saroj goes to urmi’s room to find her crying and asks her to have faith on herself, and not lose hope, as there’s god purpose in all this, and asks her not to be disappointed. urmi is distraught and hugs saroj, crying badly, saying that she doesnt want to go there, as she cant make herself believe that samrat can change and the situation would stay the same and that he wont change. She says that she knows how suffocated she felt there, and that he isnt a good man and doesnt want to stay there. she says that he got to know such a huge news, and organised a party, but never even gave her a call, to his own wife and the motyher of his child. She starts crying inconsolably. Devi comes and finds her like this and says that its okay ifg she doesnt want to go, surprising urmi and saroj. He asks them to give him poison, before he is disrespected in the family. saroj is tensed, while urmi is hurt and stunned.

Scene 2:
Location: Samrat’s residence
Samrat and others are bantering, while he is in a good mood, as his parents have gone to get urmi. samrat says that this was to happen and she would have to go, as she is pregnant and now she would be rid of her ego. kanchan asks him to think about the newborn and not the ego now. samrat says that a man wins over a woman only when he becomes a father. Samrat gloats in front of everyone that now the child would drag urmi here, and then she would forever be chained in this house, for life. Diwaker and kanchan are tensed to hear this. samrat says that with the child, the woman is rendered uselss and unacceptable by the society as she steps alone outside. Diwaker disagrees with it, kanchan too. He says that a woman is a human, not a thing. Samrat starts taunting him yet again on his slavery of his wife. He tells kanchan too that urmi is now chained for life to him. His parenst hear his stance as they come inside. Samrat begins with the party prep. All join in. The phone rings, and rashmi asks shashi about the party preps. rashmi says that urmi isnt ready to go at all, shocking shashi, that urmi has said a flat no t5o going back, even after explaining so much. shashi is angry6. rashmi asks what would she say to the gueste who come. Shashi says that urmi is also like samrat, a drama queen. She cancels the phone and sends the servant to go outside and work. she tells about urmi’s descision to the family. Shashi begins to instigate samrat, by commenting that urmi or her mother, both are in no hurry for urmi to come back, and are much comfortable there only. Samrat confidently says that she would definitely come and her own father would get her, as she has no place else to go. He tells them that he has bought urmi’s father much cheap, reminding them of the gift. He tells how he would advise urmi about going to samrat’s place. His father is tensed, but he asks him to relax.

Scene 3:
Location: Police Training academy and annu’s residence
As trisha comes out of the academy, she starts searching around for the same man, but doesnt find him anywhere. she asks about him from the guard. Thne guard too ejoys her tension, and says that he didnt come here. she turns back inside the academy, when she hears his voice that he had said that he would miss her. He asks her to confess if she loves him. She says that they mistake attention for love, and that she is habituated to his irritating behaviour. He says that the first step has been taken and soon it shall be love. She is tensed and shy while he turns and giving her one last glance, leaves.

Urmi sits distraught, when she gets trisha’s phone, who asks about her descision. She asks urmi not to take a descision in her pregnancy and should only go if she and her child gets happiness there, as compromise would only make her life hell, and should think over it, before taking a descision, as much has happened with her in a short span of time. she says that an abortion can save many wrong doings, but if she goes ahead under pressure, she would just get more entangled. Shev says that everyone wants her to be happy, but only she knows what would make her happy, and hence she shouldnt let injustice be meted out to her. Trisha says that always women have dealt with sadness and suffering, but she being educated, should take a thought over descision, as she desrves self respect and happiness. she asks urmi to take care of herself, and extends her support always. Urmi cancels the phone, breaking into tears. anu is apalled to find her like this. urmi is sad and tensed too. Anu too tells her that if she isnt happy, then she shouldnt go back. urmi breaks into tears.

Scene 4:
Location: Samrat’s residence
At the party, all are congratulating samrat and shashi about the good news. They start to ask about urmi. samrat overhears, shashi’s concern that urmi and her family havent come yet, and maybe she might just disrespect them all in front of the guests, by not making a presence. he asks shashi to go and ask samrat about it. But samrat is confident that they would come. He finds urmi’s family at the entrance and is happy, but doesnt find urmi. the screen freezes on his face.

Precap: Devi and others start searching for urmi when they dont find him around. samrat and his family are tensed too.

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  1. anonymous
    March 28, 03:10 Reply

    Lots of good comments on this forum, today. Gone are the days when a women were like slaves to their husband and in-laws. Women have progressed, become educated and socially prominent people. There are lots of successful single mothers inb the world today. Many of them have been brave enough to walk away from abusive husband.

    Aborting the baby is a sin and not forgetting that the baby is a part of her and was conceived during the time when she was in love and looked at her husband with rose coloured glasses.

    Fathers generally are very protective of their daughters, some many have given their son-in-laws hell for harming their daughter. Despite this lots of people regard it has shameful when their daughters leave their husbands and return home. Granny is thinking like many thought. This has changed in recent times and people are becoming wiser to abuse of any kind.

    • Sandhya
      March 28, 08:44

      I totally agree with you. Great Comment!!!!

    • Kris
      March 28, 09:18

      Well said

  2. k@J@L
    March 28, 03:08 Reply

    I wish Urmi ran away…In the precap

  3. hauwa
    March 27, 17:04 Reply

    And God will punish all those that took Africans to their countries and turned them to slaves!!!may they rot in hell. Samrat is an asshole with capital letter A and His mum is an evil witch while Urmi’s dad is a dumbass!!!

  4. cam
    March 27, 15:34 Reply

    Aadi thank you for the WU 😉

  5. Rainbow
    March 27, 14:34 Reply

    All cmnts r true.. Bt CVs are making Urmi to go back. I dnt want that to happen. I need Urmi to show Samrat tat she can live without him. It ll be a nice slap to his ego. He thinks tat child makes a women week. Bt its wrong. Since woman can do anything for her child.

    The only gud thing s tat Urmis mom, Anu n trish supports her. Gaurav take ur sis wid u n kick Granny n Devi frm d house

  6. Miss Unbelievable
    March 27, 14:23 Reply

    they are going to unite this unstable marriage

    thats what the cvs are planning

    zeetv disgusts me i wish they loose veiwership

    give me starplus colors and lifeok on my damn tv

  7. salmaah
    March 27, 14:15 Reply

    Many nice comments today. How can her dad be like dat, he just got himself on the same level as samrat. Hold on urmi.

  8. Kris
    March 27, 13:06 Reply

    Samrat mother is just as evil as him, I’m wondering if she is Diwakar real mother or step mother because he is so different like the father.
    It is a misconception that a woman is incapable of living her life with her child without a husband. I wish Urmi could do that and show the world they are wrong and she can make it without a jackass for a husband an depending on a man for her existence and support of her child. Lots of women do it along. She could do without the mental and physical torture from and egotist fool.

    • cam
      March 27, 15:58

      the fact that there are now many wonderful single mothers is due to the fact that their confidence in these creatures were completely shattered
      When you get embarrassed and treated you as a worthless rag you really learn know how to fight back

      urmi you can do it!!

  9. Sumok
    March 27, 13:02 Reply

    It is sad that for a father who dotes his daughter’s happiness , becomes her first enemy when she is in trouble. His reputation is more important than his daughters happiness. I hate it when fathers use such emotional dialogues of give me poison. They are cowards and use this stupid way to emotionally get the daughter out go and live in false pride that everything is fine. How much can we blame sashi or smart, when her own father is like this. Hate fathers like Devi.

    Trisha’s track is terrible being messed up. There is no need of a lov track there. She has better things to do. Complete her police training and stand up more independent and bold. Do something for women and deprived. This lov angle of hers is too boring and terrible. She deserves some one more dashing.

    • Kris
      March 27, 13:07

      I so agree on both points.

    • aaradhna
      March 27, 14:04

      I myself suffered because of my parents stance

    • Trinity
      March 27, 15:49

      He also turned on Trisha for a watch.

    • cam
      March 27, 15:53

      is it engraved in their genes? 🙁
      I absolutely do not believe in evolution,
      but in a loving creator God
      but now I understand why he had made men first
      he needed a scrap…so he could have create

      ( maybe only men are result of evolution 😀 )

  10. cuty m
    March 27, 13:01 Reply

    Why are we women treated lilke this? Samrat is
    saying d truth, thats how men sees us like.
    we Will soon Start 2 fight 4r our right. Starting with urmi

    • Kris
      March 27, 13:09

      I so wish she would not go back and make everybody eat their words, let her father stew in his false pride and what people would say, those people who make judgments on others are just gossipers without helping when you are down so why pay heed to what society says.

    • cam
      March 27, 15:49

      really…. they think that we can not use our brains??
      This is like the time that the Americans,Spaniards,Dutch went to Africa and took away many
      to exploit them in other country…
      slavery isn’t over yet!

    • cam
      March 27, 15:44

      let’s hope so 😉

  11. aaradhna
    March 27, 12:38 Reply

    true i know 70 percent think that if a woman becomes a mother of his child then it is more easier to tame her…

    • cam
      March 27, 15:43

      70% ???? 🙁 are they nuts?
      don’t they know that we breathe the same air?

    • Joal-- Jodha Akbar Fan
      March 27, 20:22

      70%!!!!!!!!!!!! Are they crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

      I say bring it!!!!! A woman can do anything once she sets her mind to it…especially when it comes to her child.

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