Doosri Maa 3rd November 2022 Written Update

Doosri Maa 3rd November 2022 Written Update by H Hasan

Doosri Maa 3rd November 2022 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Aastha and Nupur fighting over the crackers. Yashoda asks them not to be greedy and them to focus on studies, as exam time table came. Aastha says how did you know that time table came, as you are focused on Krishna. Nupur says I had told that Mummy will be concerned for us. Yashoda asks them what they will do if they find Rabbit in the park. Aastha says I will hide Rabbat with me, but will not leave Nupur. Yashoda says I love you both more than anyone else. Nupur says you don’t love Krishna, like loving us. Yashoda says yes. She asks Aastha to trust her always, I am your mother and you both are my daughters, and says I will not smile if your smile vanishes. Aastha says sorry and asks her to smile always. They kiss and hug Yashoda. Then they go to play.

Ashok asks Inspector, who took Chotu to hospital. Inspector says Lalita and Peon. Manoj says you lie well. Ashok says we have eye witness to prove that someone saw the accident happening. Manoj says we will bring the rickshaw driver who dropped them to hospital. Ashok tells Inspector that he can lose the job if this thing is talked in the court. Inspector says he saw a guy standing in hospital, but Lalita said that she had taken Chotu to hospital. Ashok says you didn’t register this thing in the file. He asks him to give the witness’s address. Inspector gives him. Ashok asks him not to tell this to Lalita.

Ashok and Manoj come to the eye witness house and ask him. The eye witness tells the truth that Krishna didn’t push Nandu and the latter fell down by himself. Ashok asks why you didn’t tell this to Police. Witness says he told him. Ashok asks if he will give statement. He says yes, I am a responsible citizen.

Ashok calls Yashoda and informs her about eye witness. He says he will meet the Judge and asks him to give special permission for the hearing. He asks what to say, if Judge asks where Krishna will stay after bail. Yashoda says she will not let him stay in orphanage and will do something. She tells Amma that she will search house for Krishna. Amma reminisces the moment she had come here, and tells that she has won them and asks her to be truthful always. Yashoda asks what happened? Amma asks her to say truly, and says you said that you will not meet Krishna after the case ends, but can you stick to your words. Yashoda says this will happen. Amma asks her to stick to her words. Yashoda says I will not give you a chance to complain. Amma says this family can break.

Ashok talks to Judge and says when Krishna can push chotu when he stands on the ground. Judge says where Krishna will stay once he gets jailed. Ashok says I know you will take decision from your heart too. Judge says yes and asks if this boy is related to you. Ashok says no. Manoj says Ashok’s wife is a social worker. Judge says one thing is clear, if he gets bail then where he will go. Ashok says my wife has talked to a couple to adopt Krishna. Gayatri refuses to adopt Krishna, as he refused to accept them. Yashoda says I will convince him. Gayatri says my heart has broken that day. She says now Krishna is accused of murder. She says they shall adopt a small baby. She says the family members will not agree.

Yashoda sees Amma hurt and says I will make garland next time. Amma tells Yashoda that it is better to stay away from thorns and that’s why people grow flowers outside the house. Nupur comes there and says Didi is not saving the rabbit, though he has danger from cat. She says we shall bring rabbit home. Yashoda says Amma has said that they can’t bring few things home. She says she has to search such a place for Rabbit.

Precap: Yashoda brings Krishna home. Babu ji and Amma refuse to let Krishna come inside. Whom Yashoda will choose?

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