Doree 15th May 2024 Written Update

Doree 15th May 2024 Written Update by Tanaya

Doree 15th May 2024 Written Episode

Rukmani says to Pavitra that send Flora to Ganga Prasad and take Doree away from him and I will pay you double. Pavitra accepts the money and remembers seeing Ganga Prasad happy and says but Ganga Prasad will never accept me and his wife. Rukmani stops her and says that Neelu is not his real wife and Doree is also not his biological daughter, he has adopted her and so when he his own blood Flora will get close to him, he will forget everyone else so start working on getting Flora closer to Ganga Prasad.

Pavitra thinks she doesn’t know Flora’s whereabouts but has some information about her.
Doree sees Mansi and Anand dressed for a wedding. Ganga Prasad takes her away. Virendra escorts Anand inside the temple, where the priest asks him to start the puja and calls for the bride. Mansi recalls how Anand tortured her. Doree meets Mansi and questions why she’s marrying Anand, calling him a bad person. Mansi dismisses Doree as a child who doesn’t understand, but Doree insists on protecting her and suggests she come live with her and Ganga Prasad, who will fight for her. Mansi kisses Doree’s hand, saying the world is not as kind as she is and that there are different rules for women.

Doree mentions that Mansi is staying in the haveli because she married Anand. Komal fails to notice her. Doree gives her a shagun and asks her to marry her father, Ganga Prasad, and live happily together. Pavitra is eager to meet her daughter. Doree tries to convince Mansi not to marry Anand but Ganga Prasad instead. Mansi says it’s impossible, but Doree insists her father will listen. Mansi hides Doree when Raj and Vansh appear, asking her to stay hidden. Raj tells Chakram to take Vansh home. Komal takes Mansi away. Doree is determined to save Mansi from Anand, while Mansi believes a daughter is not in her destiny.

At home, Flora creates a scene. Ganga Prasad tells her she can stay until he finds her mom. Flora protests, threatening to tell her mom. Ganga Prasad, frustrated, locks her inside and questions his own harshness. Satho arrives looking for Doree, who hugs him and says Mansi is going to marry Anand again. She begs him to save her. Flora decides to file a police complaint and finds a photo of her mom on the floor. Meanwhile, Pavitra arrives at the police station, and Bhairavi informs her that a baby saved her daughter and is staying in her house. Flora shows Nani Pavitra’s photo, identifying her as her mom. Nani asks if she’s ever seen her father, and Flora says no, but her mom promised to show him to her.

Nani suspects Flora might be Ganga Prasad’s daughter and worries that Pavitra’s return will ruin everything. Mansi reflects on Doree’s words, while Neelu is shocked to see Anand and Mansi in wedding attire, thinking he’s marrying her again. She vows not to let anyone take her place. The priest asks Anand and Mansi to take their vows. Ganga Prasad intervenes, demanding to know why Mansi is marrying Anand again and urging her to stop.

Precap: Ganga Prasad sees Pavitra in their house and asks her what is she doing here and says there is nothing between us. Flora calls Pavitra as Mom and hugs her. Doree asks is this lady Flora’s mother?

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