Doree 4th January 2024 Written Update

Doree 4th January 2024 Written Update by Atiba

Doree 4th January 2024 Written Episode

Scene 1
The pandit asks Kailashi to look in Ganga jal. She will see her past i it. Kailashi screams. She sees fire and a woman crying please leave my son. She was burning in fire. Kailashi took her son and said I will destroy everything. I this life I won’t leave you and your child alive. You’re Mahindra’s first wife and this is his first child. Now I will become his wife and my kids will rule his wealth. For that, you and your child have to die. The woman screamed for help. Kailashi threw her child in the fire too. Kailashi breaks the pot. She screams, She says I can’t lose. No one can change my fate. I will destroy anyone who comes my way.

Scene 2
Ganga is fainted in the casket. Anand drags him. Ganga tries to come out. He breaks the top and comes out. Anand is shocked. Ganga says you’re a murderer. He says no one can save you today. Ganga says you won’t be safe. I got to know your truth. You’re my Doree’s culprit. You left her in the river. He says yes I will kill her again. In fact, I did. Ganga is shocked. Anand says yes Ganga. He laughs. He says Doree will die. Now it’s your turn. Ganga laughs. Ganga says you have no sense. You can never feel any relation. If anything would have happened to my Doree I would have died too. I would cut your hands. Anand says you hid her from her real parents. He says at least I am better than your sinner family. Anand hits Ganga. Ganga stops his hand and fights back. Ganga strangles Anand. Someone hits Ganga on head. It’s Nelu.

Mansi says to Doree I am here. Please open your eyes. Doree is fainted. The people try to find where the snake bit her to take the venom out. Nelu picks Anand. He says I will kill Ganga. Nelu gives him a rock. Anand is about to hit Ganga. He stops and says I won’t give him an easy death. He will die in pain.

Nani cries. She says I don’t know where Ganga and Doree are in this condition. People say this girl won’t survive. Anand digs Ganga’s grave and drags him to it. He buries Ganga with Nelu’s help. Anand says this si how I will get peace this way. Mansi prays for Doree. She says please open your eyes Doree. Doree opens her eyes. People say she’s alive. Doree asks where is Ganga? Guru ji says she’s fine. The snake didn’t even bite hr. She says the anklet my dad gave me saved me. My dad always protects me. Mansi hugs him.

Ganga tries to get out of the grave. He struggles to breathe.

Episode ends

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