Durga Aur Charu 22nd December 2022 Written Update

Durga Aur Charu 22nd December 2022 Written Update by Atiba

Durga Aur Charu 22nd December 2022 Written Episode

Scene 1
Charu says it’s hurting since you got the bruise. Durga says I feel like we have a very strong connection. Charu says we have a relationship of heart. Durga hugs her and smiles.
Bholi says Tanay how do I look in this dress? Makay says Charu and Chumki aren’t here. Where did you get this money from? She says I got my loan back. She says I picked Chumki from the garbage and you brought Charu. We used them for the carnival. We acted to be their parents. Don’t cry for them. Door rings. Makay says it’s my daughter. The goons come in. They shout at Bholi and say you sold your daughters to us and they fled. Rahat and Rashika are waiting for them. Makay shouts what? You sold Charu and Chumki. The goon says bring them to us or I will ell you to them. They take all the things from them. Makay says do you have any shame? He slaps her. She says I did it for us. We need to save for our bad time. He cries an says you’re a witch. Wher are my daughters? I don’t even know where they are.

Scene 2
Charu helps sampurna with work. It reminds her of Bondita. She says I will do it. Charu says let me do it. Sampurna asks did you sleep well? She says yes. She asks where did you live before the orphanage? Do you have any family? She says no. Sampurna gives the servant a list and money for groceries. Charu says Durga is scared of a beast. I have to kill her fear. Sampurna says how will you do it? Charu says I have an idea abut I would need your help. She tells her the plan. She says okay we will talk to Binoy about it.

Durga wakes up. She asks Charu who are you waiting for? She says no one. She says we have to play. Charu says I am thinking what will we play? Charu looks at the vegetable. Durga asks where will we play? Sampurna asks the servant any change left? He says no all spent. Charu says stop. She says the entire money isn’t spent. According to my calculation money should be left. Sampurna says how do you know? You said you didn’t even go to school? She says I know math. She asks where is remaining money. Sumona says now you will question our staff? Polash says calling Vikas a thief isn’t right? Vikas says I am leaving this house. I am accused here. Polash says she will either prove her words or she will leave this house. Sampurna says must be a miscalculation. She says I can prove it. Charu brings two bowls. She starts counting pebbles for weight. Charu calculates it and proves that money is left. She says Vikas kept the remaining 3 takas. Right Polash? I proved it. No? She says to pay the rest to kaki. He says I don’t have it. I gave it to you. Polash starts hitting him and says I will send you to the police. Ask Binoy’s pardon in his feet. Binoy says leave my feet. Never repeat this mistake.

Scene 3
Sampurna and Charu come to Binoy. Charu says I can take away Durga’s fear. She has to face him and fight it. Sampurna says we should help her. She says to Binoy you will have to leave the house. She has to stand up and fight for herself. Sampurna says Charu will protect Durga. Binoy says okay we will leave the house. You take care of her. Charu says I will take care of my sister. Sampurna hugs her.

Charu prepares the servant. He says I will do it for Durga. Charu goes out. Polash says Durga might get scared alone. She says the demon would come? He says the demon can come any time. Our fear gives the demon power. Sampurna and Binoy go to temple. Polash says the drive is on a leave. Can you drop me at the stand? I’ve to go to the village. He says okay. Sumona gives his luggage to him. He says it won’t be possible for someone to survive today.

Episode ends

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