Ek Boond Ishq 11th November 2013 Written Update

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Ek Boond Ishq 11th November 2013 Written Update by sankalp_prapti

Ek Boond Ishq 11th November 2013 Written Episode

Tara comes to Jayraj’s room and puts a letter as she is gonna leave the place forever..she talks to Jayaraj’s pic saying that she can no longer suffer this way, even if it means her family coming on the streets she would struggle and make ends meet..she ends her talk by seeking forgiveness as her dignity is at steak. (Chhavi looks v pretty)

She finds Nimmy come back to her room, Tara hides behind the door and determines to run from their asap. On seeing the coast clear, she sneaks out of the room. Tara decides to take her ‘ajnab dost’s’ help as he is the only one on earth n heaven who can help her.

MJ recalls his past despotic actions and feels terrible of it.. then he gets a call saying that someone has found some proof and he needs to go to Indore. Nimmi hears this and is all curious abt it

Rp’s dad is found and is dragged to the same asylum.. then RP comes, but the father sees him as Kala- Kala complains that she was shunned by him and was left to die. But he has kept her alive, thus she has made his life as ‘Rajbir Sing Shikhavat’ inexistent for everyone as he did to her.. and since he has done a mistake as he used to say in Kala’s childhood,for every mistake their a punishment.. Kala ties his hands puts the guy on her lap and sings a lullaby …she will do her duty as a daughter.

Tara goes to UC, she doesn’t find Neil there.. she talks to Maria for a while, but is very anxious. She waits for her only friend who can help her.. then goes and prays Lakshmi ma abt the same- if she doesn’t leave the place now she never will be able to do it again as her FIL is gonna come the next day.

She sits and weeps… Mj comes and aks her what her pb was.. Tara gets up and almost tries to hug im – but stops.. she tells her sob story of how she is married and her husband is an evil man who wishes to kill her. She asks him help if he can take her away from the jungle man. He never says a word..she moves away from him and start to leave the place.

Nimmi meets RP, he is curious abt her excitement, she informs him that MJ is gonna go to Indore which he shouldn’t as he is on parole. RP is taken aback as MJ is going the same place where he hid his dad. They ponder on the fact that who is gonna spill it out to the cops. She then calls the SP and informs him abt MJ’s absence.

MJ drives the car… Tara sits beside him.. recap: As she moves ahead of his UC’s fence, he stops her. Mj recalls of how he helped her to go away from himself.. he packs a few thing for her..like some blankets, food and some money. She says that she is gonna leave to her mom’s place, he says that she won’t be safe their and will be tracked soon..so he is gonna take her to some place safe. She feels if he gets in trouble for her…Neil chapofys her dialogue

‘Life main agar dost ki madan nai kiya toh kya kiya ‘ (lolz her ways are rubbin off to MJ too.. dude u r gone)
She wonders hearing this.. Neil asks if she believes him.. she says she believes him more than anyone in this world. He takes the burya bistar and walks..she holds his hand and prays before mata’s idol..she again makes him fold his hands infront of the idol and pray. She thanks him.

Back to the present moment- he drives her in his jeep and his trance ends with a call.. someone calling him kuar sahb.. Mj tells abt a v imp thing that has come up and he won’t be able to come to Indore. Tar again thanks him for all the help he has done for her.. She eats her nails..Neil asks if she iis hungry, at first she refuses but then again he gives her an apple.. she syas its rotten..he throws it and gives another only after carefully inspecting it. She offers him first he refuses it…she enjoys the apple.. he finds a piece of it on her lip and gestures her the same.. on her in ability to take it off.. he himself takes off from her lips.
Cops are searching for MJ at check posts.. Tara feels its for her… He takes a short cut. Then they stop by a tea stall and he gets a glass for her n himself.. he thoughtfully puts salt in the tea for her and for himself too (ahan.. kya pyaa hai! btw who drinks salt tea, did anyone try at least?)

She feels that its strange that how they are biding goodbye with sour taste unlike all who have sweet so that the memory of that relation remains sweet. He echos her words..’yeh our relationship is indeed strange’ . The air blows and the salt flies into her eye.. he tries to pacify her.. warms the cloth with his breath and applies it on her eye..
and cleans it..she feels better. (cute scene-liking MJ’s oh-Tara my wife- I care for u- wa attitude )
Just then the cops arrive and he smartly escapes without getting into their eyes.

Then the patrol jeep desperately searches for them and dhan in his attempt to escape MJ bumps the car into a tree and is forehead bleeds. Where as Kala sings dances in her rom..feeling MJ will go to Jail n his wife will follow. Tara sees this and feels for him- she puts on a piece of her dupatta onto his injury..he wipes her tears… He says she didn’t had to do that, she says its nothing before what he has been doing for her.

MJ drives and drives… she falls asleep on his shoulder..

At the SHikhavat mansion, everyone is at the dinner table.. Meethi and Vassu think that MriAra have goone on some romantic date or drive citing that they both are not present at home. Nimmi smirks.

Its dusk and the jeep heats up .. Mj asks Tara to stay their till he brings some water to cool the jeep. . She feels cold so he puts on a showl over her..
She asks him to come back soon as she feels scared in his absence.. he says that no matter what he’ll always be with her.

As he moves inside the porch of the house he truns back and checks out on his pretty wife..in the process he falls flat on a cot ..then he straightens himself and go in search of water. *cutest scene..literally falling for your wife- typical lover boy* (one regional number I get reminded of ‘nenu padi poya..padi poya..’)

All of a sudden the cops arrive and Tara feels nervous..and calms herself down.. they ask her who was with her.. she says she has come with her husband.. then the search the place and MJ jump walls n varandas..they don’t ind him. She request them to find her a mechanic. Then again she asks wha was the matter..why r they following ppl.. the cops tell her that Jayraj Shekhavat’s son Mrityunjay is planning to run away to Indore..they show her MJ’s pic.. she is shell shocked to know MJ= Ajanabi dost- Neil.!

She calls the cops back and again asks them to get her a mechanic. The cops go away and MJ comes to Tara.
Tara is furious, as he utters ‘Tara’ she gives him one tight slap.

C-h-a-p-a-k! is what it sounds..when you trouble ur rowudy wife.. Tara slaps MJ for lying ..fooling… and playing with her all the time. She’ll now settle scores with him and make him pay for it! (Chhavi has nailed it.. brilliant expressions their)
She pats his cheek saying ‘brace uaself hubby for the pay back time’

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  1. sia
    November 12, 08:08 Reply

    gud evning ebi gang

  2. sia
    November 12, 08:06 Reply

    wat is tara going to do today? Worried n xcited

  3. rainbow
    November 12, 01:14 Reply

    Me watching retelecast.
    How old r ur kids?

  4. sanju
    November 12, 00:35 Reply

    I just saw on my setup box at 11:30 ebi repeat
    My hobbies
    Just want to play with my kids
    Watching mb, dance reality shows like jdj,nach baliye,did

  5. rainbow
    November 12, 00:31 Reply

    @ 11:30 too sorted episode. I saw TP @ 9 in d mrng.
    Ur hobbies??

  6. sanju
    November 12, 00:20 Reply

    Dont u think lifeok is getting nice shows now
    I saw MP yesterd its also nice

  7. sanju
    November 12, 00:13 Reply

    Thanks i wil watch it
    As it repeats at 8:30 am also but they removed a lot of scenes as they shorted it to halfnour so i missed them again

  8. rainbow
    November 12, 00:08 Reply

    I too missed first n last 10 mins. I think it ll be there @ 11:30

  9. sanju
    November 12, 00:05 Reply

    I dont believe he can do this!!!!
    But today at 10am there is no repeat of EBI YAAR
    When it wil repear u have any idea as i missed yesterdays first parts

  10. rainbow
    November 12, 00:04 Reply

    Sorry sanju
    I was asking sankalp_prapti where she is from?
    MJ is in jail for killing and raping a gal.
    Bt I dnt believe that he ll do it. I too watch MB n Saraswatichandra. I watch EBI in the mrng.

  11. sanju
    November 11, 23:56 Reply

    Thats nice
    But u r third line i dont get it from u r mess

  12. sanju
    November 11, 23:55 Reply

    Thanks dear
    Now i got it
    But why mj is at jail???
    Ofcourse i wil watch it
    But i love mb too
    So i wil swap between these two channels

  13. rainbow
    November 11, 23:55 Reply

    Sanju: me too married.
    Computer engnr from kerala.
    sankalp_prapti: R u from??

  14. rainbow
    November 11, 23:51 Reply

    @sanju: Tara have seen RP in kalavathi form. So he wnt to kill her to save his image. Also a stranger girl is blackmailing him abt his Kala image through phone and He thinks that Tara is behind it. But the fact is that Tara dont know that RP n kalavathi are same.
    Nice serial. Watch It

  15. sanju
    November 11, 23:48 Reply

    May i know u r intro
    Here is mine
    I am sanjana from kovai
    I am a house wife

  16. rainbow
    November 11, 23:45 Reply

    Gud mrng sia
    thanks sankalp_prapti for the proper update and gif. Glad to see many EBI fans here.

  17. sanju
    November 11, 23:39 Reply

    But yesterday tara slapped mj omg omg

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