Ek Boond Ishq 18th October 2013 Written Update

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Ek Boond Ishq 18th October 2013 Written Update by Meera

Ek Boond Ishq 18th October 2013 Written Episode

Doc checking jayaraj and mj standing next to him…mj gives doc medicine..jayaraj says why did u give medicine…Mj says he cant see jayaraj in pain and cant live wo him…mj says if he broke his heart to forgive him..he hugs jayaraj..he says he cant stay wo jayaraj even for a moment..and asks him not to leave him…

Tara is shown to be tensed…Tara recollects what happened when she was all alone with mj and he was goona rape her…He keeps that dress aside…Tara says what will happen after jayaraj to her…She says there is no guarantee for life

next morning tara calls up her mom..her mom makes lime pickle she says she will send it throo nandu..she says to mom she is going to temple with mj..mom says its gd for her…mom says dont be afraid wheh u r going with mj..tara says to herself…her fear is damadji…tara says jairaj calling she will talk later…tara says its difficult time of her life..she prays to god to protect her..mom says why was tara upset…

Mj gets call he says i m reaching…he takes a rod with him…jairaj bids adieui to tara to go to temple…mj comes and seks blessing s frm jairaj…tara see sthe rod and she is afraid..she says why rod to go to temple…tara covers her head with ghoongat…

Mj starts the car and thy leave..

Kalavathy gets a call saying both left frm home and says both should nt go back home..pandijti says work done…

Mom calls nandu asks what is she doing..she says to nandu to give puckle to tara..she says he cant go to give pickle…nado says why is she refusing..,mom lies regd some agrwalji son..coming..Nandu says she cant un why she is refusing toi meet tara…mom says dont stand go and meet tara and give pickle..

Mj and tara reach temple…they go inside the templle..tara mobile falls doewn..jairaj calls on her mobile..mob falls down and mj picks yp call..he says when he pretended to be ill..mj agreed to go to temple..jairaj asks why she is not talking..tara says they reached…tara says her plan exposed she is in danger now…Priest sees mj and tara at temple…tara prays to mata rani to protect her…kalavathy gets call asks how are mj and tara looking in new dress…he says like romoeo juliet,bunty babli how are they looking.. he gets ther photo..he says “nazar na lage”..he says “kalvathy ki nazar na lage”..he says to priest till he says dont start poooja..

Thy show meethi she is happy..as there is no one at home..she calls adi..he says i m vback soon…meethi feels good…

Temple scene…priest says as jairaj ji said sepcial ppoja for them..mj gets call..he says it may take 1 hr to be back..priest says its ok…mj asks tara to sit down..and pray to devi maiyya…priest sees tara all alone..mj stops car in between…mj says he better changes the clothes as jairaj may be angry..as thy are pooja clothes…


After break..mj reaches to see the horse its hurt..he asks his servant what happened..he talks to his horse saying nothing will happen..

In temple..tara sees shops closing…and she is upset.she says where is mj did he forget her here…

Kalavathy prepares pyre for tara and takes circle…around it..she says thats all the tara life will end soon…

Mj calls doc says maria(horse) is hurt and asks him to come soon..

Tara calls the priest says what abt pooja…priest says once huuby back pooja will start.priest asks her to relax…


After break kalavathy shown to be doing all the customs done for fdead people…Doc treats the horse..He says some has purposefully hurt the horse..Mj recoleccts some one passing by frm there…Mj gets call from jairaj…Mj says it may take some more time..Kalavtahy lits the pyre…with tara photo..tara waits at temple..she waits for priest…someone comes ..with rod in hand…

Episode ends…

Precap..Kalavthy crying on fire being lit…

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  1. maya
    October 18, 11:55 Reply

    hope mj saves tara …

  2. maya
    October 18, 11:54 Reply

    thanx for written update !! As alwaz love tara ,mj ..this seriel is too good

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