Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14th May 2021 Written Update

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14th May 2021 Written Update by Sona

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14th May 2021 Written Episode

Bala sat beside Bhim Rao while he sleeps, he woke up in worry that some people will burn Puranjan’s house. He rushes out to Puranjan, everyone tried to comfort him. Bala said that the man has been caught, he was Puranjan’s brother, he had a feud with him. That man has been troubling Bhim Rao as a revenge for being caught the last time, he has been lectured and sent away. Meera comforted Bhim Rao as well, she said that a many people conspire against Bhim Rao. She said that the dead man he saw can be their set up.

A man came up asking Ramji that if Bhim Rao was mentally ill? Bala got furious and held the man by his shirt, Anand tried to stop him. Bala saw Gopal and played along that Bhima has gone mentally sick. Everyone was confused. The man left. Gopal has thought to open a shop for shoe making, he asked Bala to join. Bala agrees to join for Bhim’s sake.

Puranjan was worried as Bala has rejoined Gopal. Ramji assured him that this time he will support them. Ramji asked Bhim Rao to come with him to find work as Seth ji has fired them. Bhim Rao joined him.

Sethji brought a locker, he gave Maharaj it’s key. Maharaj wanted it to be filled with maximum money and placed in front of the Murti. Mangesh brought the Bhaboot, Pandit was asked to sell and ear best maximum from it. A villager showed up. Maharaj asked him about his talent to write Bhajan, he was asked to write something for Maharaj. The Man agreed. Magesh asked him to donate some money for the Murti, Pandit sold him Bhaboot in the name of God and better future.

Gopal found a place to build the shop, he suggested to inaugurate the shop the same day Maharaj’s Murti will be inaugurated. Bala refused, he didn’t want them to support Murti’s inauguration as there are enough Murti in the Vidalia already. Gopal asked him not to be a fool, they have sorted the tension between the two communities after so long. Fighting over a Murti is waste of time, they must focus on the shop for the betterment of their people. Bala thought of knowing the Gopal’s reality, he asked him to collect more woods for the shop.

Ramji asked Bhim Rao’s advice for work, Bhim Rao asked Ramji to consult Anand for the day. Mangesh came taunting Bhim Rao for his crazy behavior, Ramji asked them to leave. Sethji asked Ramji to admit Bhim Rao in a mental hospital, he suggested a hospital The Britishers have made. Mangesh said that Sethji will lend him money to go there. Bhim Rao insisted on what he say, Rami agreed. Sethji inquired then who the man trying to burn Puranjan’s home. Bhim Rao replied that it was his brother, he has been caught and sent away. Sethji and Mangesh laughed and questioned him for his reply, he called Bhim Rao mental. Bhim Rao recalled people calling him mentally ill. Bhim Rao hugged Anand for comfort. Ramji wanted Mangesh to silence up. Mangesh made fun, as the mad one can is not called intelligent. They left. Bhim Rao inquired Ramji about Puranjan’s truth. Ramji agreed that he lied. Bhim Rao questioned if they consider him mental. Bhim Rao cried as no one believed him. Ramji comforted him but Bhim Rao questioned him for lying. Ramji and Anand apologized for their lie. Bhim Rao asked if he has gone mad, Ramji reused saying that these men have gone crazy. He be seated Bhim Rao under the shadow of a tree, they both went to buy water and sweet for Bhim Rao as it might destress him.

Bhim Rao was sitting alone, the same man appeared from behind telling him that Maharaj, Sethji and Mangesh were beating up his father badly. Bhim Rao must go and save them.

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