Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 17th October 2022 Written Update

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 17th October 2022 Written Update by Sona

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 17th October 2022 Written Episode

The episode begins with Bala’ wife asking him to stop. Bala didn’t let her come forward, he was mad at her for insulting him in front of everyone. He never wanted her to meet his family, they would make her like them. She requested him to come down. Bala came to her, told that even her death won’t make him forgive her. She said that at least she would prove her apologizing.

Jijabai mocked Meera for not finding Bala. Meera taunted Jijabai, she was physically disabled but Jijabai was, mentally emotionally disabled. Jijabai said that the chawl members were tired of this family’s drama. After few days one member leaves the house and the rest leaves to find him. Daliya asked everyone to wait, nothing has ever went wrong. Natwar told that this time the main character was Bala.
Bala’s wife told that she would give her life, it would prove that she lost. Bala stopped her. He told that he loved her, cannot live without her. Rama and Bhim Rao clapped for them. Bhim Rao never doubted Bala’s love for his wife. Bala asked Bhim Rao to let his wife. Rama told that he loves his wife but doesnt respect her. Ramji added Bala has disrespected his wife many times in past, she never ran off to take her life like Bala. Bhim Rao told that wife – husband relationship is not supposed to express strength on each other. It’s about equality and respect. Bhim Rao questioned him for lecturing him here. Bhim Rao asked him to come to chawl. Anand and Lakshmi came. Anand and Bhim Rao took Bala to chawl. Rama was proud of Bala’s wife. Lakshmi was proud as well. Ramji told that hardest war to fight is about self-respect.

At night, Bhim Rao wrote how he doubted Bala’s defeat. It was the anger that ignited in Bala’s wife that made her win this fight. Rama asked Bhim Rao to bring Bala home, he was sitting with Hitesh ad Joku. They would ignite him to take his life. Bhim Rao refused, they won’t use Bala for that rather remind him about his manhood, make him fight his wife again. They must prepare themselves for the future chaos.
Hitesh told Bala that he felt weak in front on his wife. Now she would use at leverage, everyone would think that Bala has changed. Bala can use it against them to teach the lesson that women are inferior to men.

Rama agreed with Bhim Rao. Rama was leaving to make dinner, Bhim Rao decided to think on how to get Jijabai justice. Rama wondered how Bhim Rao was always there to help others.

Rama asked Jijabai what to make for dinner. Jijabai taunted her, ask her to make anything for ask Bhim Rao who gave her a written paper. Meera questioned Jijabai for bringing up the same thing again and again. Jijabai complaint, Bhim Rao has solution for all problems but hers. She wanted justice. Rama told that Bhim Rao was working on it. Bhim Rao came out, told that Jijabai and Ramji should adopt a child together. Ramji questioned, said that this can never happen. Bhim Rao refused, said that it was the only solution. Ramji took Bhim Rao with her. Everyone one. Ramji asked Rama to stop Bhim Rao because sometimes it’s better to leave things unsolved. His relationship with Jijabai was same, their troubled relation was better. Rama understood both Ramji and Bhim Rao, they were both right. In such situations they must turn to other situations. Considering Jijabai’s position and situations Ramji was at fault. Rama apologized to Ramji and left.

Jijabai called everyone in the chawl. Told that Bhim Rao took a decision to get her justice. She asked Bhim Rao to tell everyone his solution. Bhim Rao wanted Ramji and Jijabai to adopt a child together, they will become a family. Phuliya agreed, as well as others. Meera told that this wasn’t a game, Daliya told that such decisions cannot be taken jokingly. Bala agreed, said that Ramji never disagrees with Bhim Rao. Ramji said to himself and he would never agree. Jijabai asked Lakshmi and Anand to speak as well. Lakshmi didn’t doubt Bhim Rao and Ramji’s decision making skills, they must do what they think well. Anand said that as neighbors they didn’t have much say. Ramji agreed with Anand. He said that Jijabai couldn’t be a mother to any child in this house than how can an adopted child would fill her needs.

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