Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 7th November 2023 Written Update

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 7th November 2023 Written Update by Sona

Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 7th November 2023 Written Episode

The official after smiling asks Bhim Rao to come and as Bhim Rao turns back he angrily tells Puran he is going back from the jail but Puran should know one thing that if he goes back without listening to what Puran has to say then he would become a prisoner for the rest of his life and think that he had met a Bhim Rao but remained quiet, he also advises Puran to bow down if anyone else comes in the future to hit him because he himself has let go of this chance and no one can expect to get justice if they remain quiet, so no one is going to stand for him, Puran angrily says that Bhim Rao should leave from here when Bhim Rao says he is leaving while believing that Puran himself has taken the life of his wife and child by burning his own house, Puran is about to harm Bhim but he stops the official from doing anything. Puran walks back to sit against the wall when he starts crying seeing which Bhim Rao also gets emotional. Bhim Rao stops the other prisoner to not wipe his tears as he would not evicted from the charges of murdering his own wife and child, Puran while crying says he has not killed his wife and son along with his daughter in law as how can anyone do it, Bhim says that Puran has to accept that this is the truth un till he is proven innocent, Bhim says Puran has already lost everyone and he has immense pain so he should just once say the truth and get justice while fighting for it, as he might get some peace. The official asks Bhim Rao to come as Puran will not tell him anything, Bhim Rao turns back in a disheartened manner when Puran exclaims he will tell what had happened, Bhim Rao feels there is a new chance of hope.

Puran says that it was the wedding of his son who worked in Puran and would earn a handsome amount because of which he had brought a horse as it was his dram and his son was looking very beautiful so they left for the event but then they were passing from the village of the upper cast which they did not ike so they started beating his son after pushing him from the horse and they even beat him a lot, Puran says then he took his son by foot to the wedding after leaving the horse but those upper cast were not done by it and after he had brought back his son when he got married. Puran remembers how they were all very happy and he had finally returned with his son and daughter in law who then performed her Grehperwash. Puran says it was the first night of the daughter in law and he went out for some work which is when those people from the upper class set fire to his house. He recalls how he tried to save his family but was stopped by the other villagers, Puran not being able to control himself sits down against the wall, saying that his entire family burnt right in front of his own eyes and he tried t run here and there to get water so he could save his own family but when he got the water those people stopped him and he was not able to do anything and when everything burnt they all let him go so he sat down there crying for his family. Bhim Rao also gets a bit emotional hearing the story of Puran and then removing his glasses wipes the tears from his eyes, Puran further says that those people from upper class threatened his neighbors who gave the statement that he demanded dowry and his wife got their son married against his will which is why he burnt his entire family. Puran in his emotional status demands that he should die instead of getting justice as this is what he desires, Bhim Rao is moved by Puran.

Bhim Rao while walking back remembers how Puran said that he should die rather then get justice as this is what he desires, the two men sent by Sethji are constantly looking as Bhim Rao is walking back, they both quickly cover their faces with the cloth then rush to hold Bhim Rao who pleads with them to let him go saying they should remove their clothes and he even asks who sent them.

Rama is taking water back when a young child comes running informing Rama that Bhim Rao met with a lawyer who helped him so he went to the jail to help Puran. Jija Bai asks what is new in this since people tend to get ahead in their life but he went to jail, the neighbor says that they are with the decision of the Chawl but this does not mean they are against Bhim, she requests Ramji along with Bala and Aanad to not stay quiet because Bhim has gone to help someone from their own cast, the aunt says they are only worried about the future of Bhim which is why they are angry with him because he refused to listen to anything which they said to him but some people are taking advantage of their anger and trying to punish Bhim. Rami says that he cannot stand by Bhim because of what he is doing and how it is all happening. Ramji turns back to leave when the neighbor says that now Bhim has gone to meet him so when he returns they all will punish him so he should curse them afterwards but first hand over his son to them.

Bhim asks what are they both doing when they try their best to push Bhim from the bridge into the river and are about to push him when the officer asks what are they doing and then demand they should reveal their faces otherwise he would fire at them Bhim stops the officer from firing them, the officer says that he is just doing his duty, Bhim does not understand when the officer says that a lawyer has filed a petition that they should protect Bhim Rao because his life might be in danger, the officer says he is advising Bhim Rao because if he walks I this path then would make a very large population his enemy. Bhim says that he knows this is what to expect from such people because they first burnt the entire family of Puran jee and then blamed him for doing it, but he has the expectation from such good people like the lawyer jee and if he gets even a handful people then would bring about a very big change, Bhim Rao walks away.

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