Ek Mutthi Aasman 28th May 2014 Written Update

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Ek Mutthi Aasman 28th May 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Ek Mutthi Aasman 28th May 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Kamla says when did you come sammy ? She has not listened anything. Sammy says just now, i came to wish her. She says come Kalpi Pakiya and his friends are dancing. Kamla leaves. Sammy says he will wait for you till 10 pm, it 8 now and then he will give up on his life. You will be responsible for whatever happens today. Kamla is looking at Kalpi. Kamla says is her heart that i know you won’t ever break your promise Kalpi.

Scene 2
Gauri says Raghav is being distracted. My revenge is not complete yet. I jhave to remind him his mission. I want to see this Kappor family suffer. I want them to be destroyed. Raghav comes, Gauri says i wanna talk about something important. Raghav says i have something important to do we will talk later. Gauri says Raghav something should not be delayed. Raghav says okay tell wme what is it ? Gauri says you are bein g distracted from your point. You are forgetting your promise. Raghav says no i am not. I have to destroy Sahil and Nettu. I love kalpi and i am going to make her mine. I ahve to leave pakhi for that. I won’t effect our revnege in any way. I will never break the promise i made with you but i remember the one I made to kalpi too. I can’t leace kalpi. Gauri says you think we will complete revenge like this ? Nothing is gonna happen to them if you behave like this.

Manda is taunting at nettu. She says look how Kamla gives her to eat and she eats like beggars.
Manda says to a lady look at this nettu we are not stopping her from eating in our chowl. She used to beag about a cup of tea she used to gave me. Poor Nettu can’t even celebrate the birthday of her daughter. She got son in law who could not even keep them in their house.

Gauri says look at your dada’s picture Raghav. Do you remember how brutally they killed him. Can you forget that? Pakhi is the weakness of kapoor family and we can’t let that go.
I like kalpi too. She is a nice girl but you can’t marry her. Nor can you divorce Pakhi. She will be free and we won’t be able to take our revenge. They will live happily again. We can’t do that. Ragahv says i can’t live without Kalpi. I love her so much. Before its too late i have to make her realize that i still love her.

Scene 3
Pakhi lightens the candles. She says Raghav made the sweet i made. Suddenly the candles blows. She says am I just dreaming it ? She recalls Raghav saying her that you are just a daughter of my enemy. I married you because i wanna detsroy Sahil Kapoor.

Gauri says you love Kalpi not your mom dad ? Kalpi has suffered but you don’t remember what happened to your mom and dad? I suffered for years. You forgot that Kapoor made me homeless. I have no issue for you marrying Kalpi but you can’t set pakhi at large. I want you to keep her for at least a year. Torture her like they did to us. This will kill Nettu and sahil inch by inch. Raghav says this is wrong. It will hurt me and kalpi. Just like Nettu and Sahil will suffer me and kalpi will suffer too. Raghav says I won’t repeat my mistake. I have to take revenge but not at cost of Kalpi. Gauri says you ahve to do this for your dad. Raghav says I can’t do this mom . Gauri says you ahve to do that for your mom and your dad. We have suffered every moment. Kill me if you don’t fulfill my promise. It will be better for me. You will see me dead if you dn’t do as i say. Ragahv hugs her. Gauri is crying. Ragahv says okay mom I will agree to what you say.

Scene 4
Kalpi looks at her watch she wonders what should she do ? She says i can’t break the promise I have to tell Ai. Pakiya comes and says come on lets dance Kalpi. He takes her in. Pakiya and his friends dance everyone is enjoying it. Manda joins them too. Nettu judges that Kalpi is quite disturbed.

Ragahv says to Gauri kalpi is waiting for me. Gauri says you won’t go. She leaves. Ragahv is tensed. Gauri locks herself in the room. Gauri says I promised your dad that i will take his revenge. But look he will be embarrassed becasue his son never completed his revenge becasue he felt in love with a girl. I am burning my memories along with my self so nothing will rmeind you of me. She takes out all the pictures and surround herself with them. She sets them on fire. Raghav says please don’t so this mom. Stop it.

Precap- Sammy says Raghav will never be able to get you trust. Maybe when he will die you will understand how truely he loved you. Kalpi is confused. Someone turns off the main switch of chowl and its all dark. Kamla looks for kalpi everywhere but she can’t find her. .

Previous Rashi-Jigar Ko Jhelne Pade ‘Shadi Ke Side Effects’ – Saathiya
Next Zain Ko Mila Ek Premdoot – Beintehaa


    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      May 28, 19:17

      LOL 😆 , the guys seem scared to look , but curiosity got the better of one of them 😀 . ..

    • Kris
      May 28, 19:33

      yes Suni, Rachna is on fb and she has some wonderful pics posted,
      Oh yea, nice 😉

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      May 28, 19:42

      I’ll say dreamy and not just nice 🙂 . .
      Some sportsmen are way better looking than many actors . .
      They are just naturally handsome and not made up .. .

    • Kris
      May 28, 19:48

      Of course, the guy had no make up at all and was hot looking all hot on his own,
      I know, I oft ogle at the cricketers
      of all sports I love cricket the most and love the way some of the guys pants fit, and biceps bulge lol

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      May 28, 19:59

      😆 Kris , I usually watch for the game , but this guy is just too gorgeous to not look at in the way you describe 😀 . ..
      He plays with the Punjabi Kings XI . . They lost today , but are playing again on Friday . ..
      Honestly , I’d rather watch cricket and football , than these serials , most times . .

    • Paige S
      May 28, 21:28

      hahahah…totally enjoyed this piece of conversation. The hair is nice in first picture. THe boys in the second picture seems like they are just there for the extra buck for being the extras.
      hey, did you guys noticed during Zee cricket match that a girl from the blue team (Raj’s team) sitting behind one of the stars was texting on her phone? She was supposed to be on Raj’s team and sat with the players. How come the directors didn’t spot that and have the shot redo? You’re playing cricket, you can’t be texting on the feild.

  1. Paige S
    May 28, 17:29 Reply

    Hi Pheonix…I read your quote by Roger de Bussy-Rabutin. I love it and committed it to memory. Very, very lovely one and so true. That’s deep. Thanks for sharing it.

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      May 28, 19:14

      I’m glad you liked it 🙂 , it’s one of my favourite quotes . …

  2. Paige S
    May 28, 17:27 Reply

    You know after reading all these comments today I laughed alot. I know I should be upset and I know I will be tonight after I see this episode. But the comments were humourous and I really need to laugh after all this tension and stress. Thanks guys!

  3. Paige S
    May 28, 17:22 Reply

    Hi Pani…read your message below. Don’t go. I think Friday should be a big day for us. We need you here. We have come a long way for this. We have been through too many tears and frustrations and emotions to give up now. Friday is the day, I think. Hang in there. We will get to Friday. This picture is to motive you. Just substitute the word “Friday” for “payday”


  4. angel
    May 28, 17:03 Reply

    Gauri is destroying Raghav and Kalpi ……she is so blinded with revenge that she doesn’t even see that her own son is crying…..Now i doubt whether Raghav is her son or not……how can a mother be happy after taking away everything that her child loves, everything that makes that child happy?……

    Gauri’s character is very poor

    • devya
      May 29, 01:21

      Kris,I don’t think she heard the convo. She was listening but she didn’t show no sign of excitement lol or mumbling by herself which she normally do…lol

      I think the greed for THE food DIDN’T only fill her mouth but that of her ears too lol. She will pretend to be sympathetic n ask stupid kamla what Sammy went for. And kamla would address baisaab lol. Sammy bring sir bring roses for kalpi birthday lol listening to kamla voice is so irritating sometimes. Lol.

    • devya
      May 29, 01:54

      Angel,u r so right. Gouri is indeed blinded by the fire igniting in Her for REVENGE that she failed to noticed her son crying out for happiness n love. Selfish,CRUEL mother…

    • M@hi
      May 29, 08:32

      Yes, Gauri is very much blinded by revenge. She is putting her son’s happiness at the back seat of a roller coaster’s ride.

  5. Zainab
    May 28, 17:01 Reply

    Gauri is worst than kamla,she loved kalpi but now she don’t want raghav to go! She’s wicked

    • joyce
      May 28, 23:28


  6. Paige S
    May 28, 16:44 Reply

    I just came online and read this write up. I will have my go at Gauri tonight when I look at the episode and see every reaction and expression.

    See,, it is these mothers that are destroying everything! As I said, Raghav and Kalpi will have to free themselves from each of their mothers if they are be with each other. Each mother has made her son/daughter promise them to do something or not to do something.


    Come on Raghav and Kalpi…break free and GET MARRIED.
    Raghav….good that you are standing up for yourself. Kalpi needs to do the same.
    Gauri….O woman….tonight I will let you have it because you are just the same as Kamla when it comes to this relationship. Foolish!

  7. ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
    May 28, 14:25 Reply

    Today Gaurie deserves the dummy cap more than Kamla .
    At least Kamla tries to do the right thing , even if it’s only within her limited understanding .
    This Gaurie is so blinded by revenge that she’d rather destroy her son than to move on and let God do his work of administering justice onto the Kapoors . She played a serious guilt trip card on poor Raghav and he fell hook line and sinker for her irate ratings . She was away from her son for so long she didn’t have his love . Now she’s become his worse nightmare .
    Raghav and Kalpi had overcome the obstacle of Kamla , they had convinced her to give them her blessings . Gaurie destroyed their happiness in order to have her own .
    Now I’m really confused about the Kalpi / Raghav marriage 😐 . .

    • Kris
      May 28, 15:44

      Oh Suni, so true about Gaurie dear, I am so disappointed in this show today
      It was enough to deal with Kamla and her goody goody above all attitude, selective forgiveness, and somewhat selfishness, and Neetu, totally self centers, selfish, murderer of a mother, now to deal with Gaurie. What is with these writers, why do they see mothers as these three only in the world. When would they bring in a normal other role in this show.

    • Paige S
      May 28, 16:46

      Don’t be disappointed….Raghav and Kapli have to set themselves free from their mothers! More reasons for support this Raghav-Kalpi wedding. Obstacles are popping up.

  8. Kris
    May 28, 13:59 Reply

    I had been getting so much problems to get on DTB
    Can access it with my computer.
    Don’t know what’s happening only now got through Keith the iPad

    • admin
      May 28, 14:03

      You can try now. It will work. Some temporary glitches which we just fixed.. for now at least.

    • Kris
      May 28, 14:20

      Thank you so much admin,
      I feel so silly, because I feel lost without DTB

  9. tima
    May 28, 13:58 Reply

    All the EMA women are mad.

  10. fuzee
    May 28, 13:00 Reply

    I’ll reserve my comments for today. Just want to dedicate a song to our beloved RAGNA.
    Singer : Passenger
    title : Let her go

  11. mujahid
    May 28, 11:59 Reply

    guys i guess prem kidnaped kalpi by switch of light n then he tarture her to blackmail raghav

  12. krish
    May 28, 11:54 Reply

    r they going to drag this to monday.

    • Paige S
      May 28, 16:54

      I will say Friday the 30 May will be the day of liberation! I have been watching my calender for days anticipating a wedding on 30 May. I have been searching for info on this wedding and got none. So I have been patiently waiting.
      30 May is suppose to be D day!

  13. krish
    May 28, 11:50 Reply

    seems like another week of disappointment.hop its not the dream & raghav & kalpi know the truth & find solution together.kamala is such a idiot always come between happiness of her daughter.she’s got the competition with gauri.

  14. Pani
    May 28, 11:33 Reply

    I told you all Gauri was just as messed up.
    I am too disappointed.
    Thinking of taking a break off EMA for the rest of the week.
    Dont see much happening till Monday.
    Geez, i m so disappointed.
    Is there not even ONE mother in this serial whose child comes first before anything?!!
    Are all mothers professional emotional blackmailers?
    This lady should stop for a second and hear as well as look at her son!
    What about all the kindness Kalpi and family showed her? If it were not for them would she be here exerting revenge? Can that not be reason enough to give them happiness?
    How can torturing an innocent girl cause grief to her stone hearted greedy parents who easily married her off for wealth? How?!! If they did this to Kalpi then we’d say ok the parents will be tortured but not Nettu and Sahil.
    Gauri ji you have no excuse! Your son says he will revenge in his own way and you are imposing your own way on him at the cost of his happiness. Did you even hear him? He said he will be as miserable as Nettu and Sahil! But what do you care?! All you want is that he does what you want right? If his happiness is Kalpi, then this revenge actually brings him no joy.
    uuuuhhhhh I am pissed.

  15. Miss Unbelievable
    May 28, 11:21 Reply


    kamla ma has met her match in Gauri with manipulations

    so now i see where this story is going

    1 year of hell

    kalpi may actually run away after sindoor touches her forehead and escape to the hills. I cant blame her. She needs time to lick her wounds so that she may soar in the sky one day.

    Dictator Gauri has beaten Czar Kamla in terms of manipulation. Both mothers are blind to their emotions and others, 2 sides of the same coin. Kamla and Gauri are united without knowing it. They want Rhagav and Pakhi to remain married one out of revenge and the next for love and so call respect of relations. What is a relation without respect and love? It’s a one woman relationship this serial is showing:

    Pakhi and a loveless marriage with Rhagav
    Gauri and dutiful Rhagav
    Kamla and obedient Kalpi
    Kamla and a submissive Vittal
    Nettu and naive Pakhi

    Even I have to salute Nettu and Sahil who are equal despite them being villains.

    All three of these mothers know no shame. Your children are unhappy yet you are happy. They are heartbroken but mother knows best correct?

    Pakhi and Rhagav might actually make this marriage work due to the fact that Kamla will drug them both and BAM! Pakhi is pregnant what will Gauri ma do but have to accept her now.

    If the Kapoors want true revenge let Prem marry Kalpi that would definitely kill Rhagav now. (sarcasm)

    It’s like the cvs are telling us that after a year of episodes Rhagana will unite

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      May 28, 19:35

      Great assessment dear 🙂 . .
      I agree that Gaurie and Kamla seem like 2 sides of the same coin . ..

    • devya
      May 29, 01:25

      Miss U,Amazingly nice assessments if these characters..

  16. kris
    May 28, 11:08 Reply

    Ys Mahi, hope the promo really plays out.
    Like I said before, one week good, next week disappointment, up and down up and down.
    will leave comments till later when I look at it and take it in 100%. Right now I am too damn disappointed to say much.

  17. raghnee1
    May 28, 10:58 Reply

    Ly I don’t use these words but today F*** OFF raghav Kamla and gauri . I think Ragnav cld have married Kalpi and still take his revenge . Duhhhh … If I was kalpi I wouldn’t accept raghav anymore . She has to be madam now by herself ..

    • kris
      May 28, 11:05

      Hi Raghzz, I myself think so,
      Please don’t use those words, you are much too young to get all riled up by fools in these serials. Keep calm dear. 😀
      Those crows feel they know everything and young people are clueless. But in fact they don’t know anythin and are totally clueless

    • raghnee1
      May 28, 11:07

      Sorry kris di I won’t use that word again .

    • kris
      May 28, 11:09

      How are you dear, are you on vacation now?

  18. Teejay
    May 28, 10:55 Reply

    This is pathetic. what kind of a mother will push his son in a loveless marriage for the sake of revenge. and why is Gauri forgetting how Kalpi’s family helped her all the time she was homeless. She is hell bent on revenge that she cant even see how hurt her son is

  19. kris
    May 28, 10:45 Reply

    oh these damn blasted mothers, first was Kamla now cursed Gaurie.
    what a shame.
    Raghav is so right in his thinking. He can set Paakhi free, marry Kalpi and still take his revenge, why that Gaurie so so damn blinded by stupidity, not revenge.

    • kris
      May 28, 10:49

      Just when you think things can’t get more crappy than it is, up pops the stupidity cap to put an ugly twist to things.
      I hope Raghav could shove some sense into Gaurie’s stupid head.

    • M@hi
      May 28, 11:05

      Hi Kris. Another disappointing week. According to the promo Raghav will still go because it did say he would ask Kalpi to wait for one year but gives in and rubs sindoor on her.

    • Pani
      May 28, 12:33

      Its a dull week on EMA Kris. Mahi I dont know if that promo is going to play out this week. That is if it aint a dream sequence. Yo! EMA writers! We bored here.

  20. SashaT
    May 28, 10:44 Reply

    My question is Are mothers really like like Guari and Kamala and also Neetu, (seeing how to get the most by using her daughter). All emotional blackmail. Shame on all these mothers. Did Guari really wake up, maybe she still thinks that this is still the 20th century. Wise up lady there are smarter ways to seek revenge. Doesnt she realize that Raghav & Kalpi are THE team to bring down the Kapoors. How blind can she be.

    Kamala and Gauri… there are words that can be used for these mothers but I wont use them . I thank God for my mother who actually gave me wings to fly without imposing conditions.
    Don’t they realized that their time is also over but their children are just starting their life, to have a family and so on …their future.

    • devya
      May 29, 01:43

      Sasha,the 3mothers of THIS SERIAL r MANIPULATIVE,PATHETIC,cruel n terrorizing torturing…they r only thinking of achieving their goal…n unconcerned about THEIR children happiness….no room for THEIR kids happiness…all r blinded by their unfulfilled missions..

  21. skd
    May 28, 10:23 Reply

    wat a piece of trash!!

  22. cku_sai
    May 28, 10:18 Reply

    WHAT THE….!!!! ( missing arnav’s)Really fed up with this current track.both mothers are shame to mother hood.they are not seeing what their children actually wants..just pushing them to do wat they want.i tho8 gauri will play as a cupid in b/w ragna.but now,its just ULTA.

    only wanna say….. “Aata maajhi satakli”

    • M@hi
      May 28, 10:22

      That’s right. Kamla and Gauri are very selfish mothers. One only wants her son to fulfil her dream of revenge and the other wants her daughter to full her dream of becoming a madam.

  23. SDF
    May 28, 10:13 Reply

    ooooh how painful… another day have to wait to see Raghav and Kalpi !

  24. iCandy
    May 28, 10:07 Reply

    Really? like really? sorry to say this but Gauri should really die. She’s just like Kamla, always about what they want and not what there children wants…

    Now I think Kalpi will go to meet raghav and obviously he won’t be there because he will be saving Gauri’s sorry a**.

    • iCandy
      May 28, 10:08

      Kamla should have ended up in that fire as well…..steups

    • Arya
      May 28, 10:12


  25. M@hi
    May 28, 10:02 Reply

    I totally disagree with Gauri today. Raghav is right. He can still marry Kalpi otherwise both of them will be living a very depressed life. Kamla is so annoying. She will frantically search for Kalpi.

    • devya
      May 29, 01:37

      Mahi,yes kamla Will obviously do THAT, I’m hoping she goes in time to SEE raghav applying the sindoor on Kalpi forehead..Wish that can happen. So she learn a lesson not to give CHILDREN a little SPACE for them to make their choice n decision…don’t be a ruler over them….don’t pushed them to do things for your SATISFACTION…PLEASE God let THAT happen to close shut kamla down..

    • M@hi
      May 29, 08:27

      Hey Devya. I hope she sees that too. Oh boy I can just imagine the look on Kamla’s face. Maybe she will give Kalpi another slap I guess. Kamla can be so dumb.

  26. suri
    May 28, 09:58 Reply

    OMG!! This serial has gone absolutely pathetic!!!! What the hell!!!

  27. M@hi
    May 28, 09:57 Reply

    Gauri should realise that Raghav is entitled to his share of happiness even though he’s taking revenge.

    • devya
      May 29, 01:29

      Mahi,these mothers r blinded by THEIR own unfulfilled DESIRE n is unconcerned about their kids happiness ….all that matters is to get their list on their agenda successful…very selfish n PATHETIC MOTHERS..

    • Sms Wishes
      May 29, 01:31

      Right said Mahi, i too agree.

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