Ek Mutthi Aasman 5th May 2014 Written Update

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Ek Mutthi Aasman 5th May 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Ek Mutthi Aasman 5th May 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Kamla and Vitthal are making list of what to buy. Kamla sks Vitthal to change the shirt so he will look handsome.
kalpi calls them and says Sammy sir’s parents wanna buy a sari of your choice. Kalpi says okay reach with them to the market. She tells kamla that pakhi is gonna come as well.
There in banaras mayank asks gunjan how she made this plan ? Gunjan says what can I do. The girl who had to go for inter college debate is ill so i am the replacement. mayank says how will you go alone? She says there are a lot of girls with me. he allows her. Gunjan leaves. Seema later says to Mayank how could she leave without telling anyone. She should have informed me. Mayank says situation didn’t allow her.
Kamlaa reaches the sari shop and asks for different saris. Kalpi says they are so expensive. Kamla says all we have is for you.
Raghav brings cold drinks for everyone. he holds Kalppi’s hand while giving her. Kalpi is trying different saris. Pakhi asks raghav you did this all for Kamla maa ? He says yes there is nothing greater than her happiness. Pakhi kisses him on cheek. Raghav and Kalpi both are dazed.
Gunjan is on her way in the car. She calls Ritu and says she needs some help. She tells her everything. Gujan says okay she gets it and she will act as she said.

Scene 2
kalpi asks raghav why Pakhi kissed him ? He says I don’t know what happened to her. Kalpi says maybe its common in your society but I can’t imagine anyone else kissing you. Raghav says then you kiss me. kalpi says how can I kiss you here. He says I need a wife who can kiss me anywhere.
He takes her in a trial room.
Raghav says I am taking your jealousy away. Kiss me here, you were jealous when Pakhi kissed me. kalpi says no I can’t. Ai will kill me. Kalpi says I have to try the sari. He says I will make you wear the sari. He wraps it around her. Raghav comes closer to kalpi and is about to kiss. Suddenly Kamla comes and knocks the door, She says open the door and take these Sari. kalpi is so scraed. Raghav hides behind the door and kalpi opens the door a little. Kalpi takes the saris. Kalpi says look I told you. Please leave it will craete a problem. He says please one kiss. Kalpi says no leave please. He leaves. Kalpi smiles.

Scene 3
Manda invites a sardar in her house and a bride is with him. Its Vicky and pihu is with him. He holds her hand. Manda says this is the alcove and I am giving on such low rates becasue you are newly wed. He gives the advance. Manda says you can live here now. manda goes out and Vicky takes off his fake mustache and beard. Pihu is trying to go out. Vicky says you are not allowed to go out. She says I am not your prisoner. He says yeah i won’t stop you this envelop will. The envelop contains the photos of them together. He shows all the photos to her and says I will show all these photos to your husband and your dad if you don’t listen to me. I know you won’t let it happen. Its gonna ruin your family name. He gets a call from ritu.
Ritu says I am taking audiitions for a very interesting character. He asks when can I come ? She says whenever. Just tell us where you are so we can get how long you are gonna take. he says i am in andheri.
Vicky says to pihu that look you are so lucky for me. I got an offer. Pihu says to hell with it. He binds her hands with a rope and sticks a tape on her mouth. He says sorry I have to do this.
Ritu calls Gunjan and tells her that she has invited him for auditons and he is in mumbai.

Scene 4
Raghav says if shopping is done then I can drop you to the chowl. Kamla says no we have to go somewhere But Kalpi and Pakhi will go with you. They leave. Kamla says we have to buy the ring for sammy. Vithal says we have only 4 thousand left. Vitthal says how about selling the ring your bought for me. They go to enjoy the pani puri.

Scene 5
gunjan reaches Ritu’s studio. She asks what to do now ? Gunjan says I have to hide and as long as he gets done with the auditions I will follow him. Actually he has taken my sister here with him. I have no other concern with this actor.
Vicky comes, Ritu’s PA gives him the script.
Mayank calls Gunjan and says maa is being doubtful that you are not in Dehli. Gunjan gets scared. She says i am in dehli where else would I go. he says I was joking. Vicky listens to her voice and says I heard this voice before. He goes there to check who is it. Ritu tries to distract him but he sees Gunjan. he starts running from there. Gunjan follows him. he is fleeing to save himself. He sits in an auto and asks to move. Gunjan comes there and looks everwhere but she can’t find him. Gunjan says I will find you out.
Vicky says i knew it that someone must be coming and I am ready for it, He takes out his turban and disguises as the sardar.

Scene 6
Kamla and Vitthal arrive at the mandir to do the pooja. Kamla asks Pandit ji that they wanna do pooja for her daughter;s engagament. She gives him the basket and places the ring in it. Gunjan comes there to pray as well and her baskets get placed besides Kalpi’s basket. kamla is praying for kalpi while Gujan for Pihu. Pandit ji gives Kamla’s basket mistakenly to Gunjan and she leaves with it. he gives other basket to Kamla. Kamla finds out that the ring is not in the basket.She tells it to Vitthal. they are so worried. Vitthal asks her to look carefully. Pandit ji says i guess i gave it to the other woman. She was wearing a pink top. kamla and Vitthal run to look for her. They look everywhere around but can’t find Gunjan. kamla says where would have she gone. Vitthal says there is no chance. Go home. Kamla says we have to arrange the ring. We can’t buy another one. They sit there in disappointment. Gunjan sees the ring in her basket and goes back to temple. kamla and Vitthal are on stairs. She shows it to pandit ji. he says they were so worried for it. its their daughter’s engagment tomorrow. Gunjan says to kamla i am sorry but this ring mistakenly came into my basket. Kamla is so happy. She says you know its my daughter’s engagment tomorrow. We bought it for her. Kamla says we live here will you come in engagement ? Gunjan says i came from banaras just today. I will try to come. kamla says to visit mumbai ? She says no I came to find someone. kamla says you can come with us and live with us for the days you are here. Gunjan says how can I ? She syas just like my daughter lives there. Vitthal says yeah come ther will be no probelm. Gunjan says it will be easier to find vicky if she lives with them. She agrees and goes with them.

Scene 7
pakiya has decorated whole chowl with lights. kamla and Vitthal along with Gunjan come there. Pakiya asks who is she ? Kamla says its gunjan. She will live with us till kalpi’s wedding. Pihu is looking out.

Scene 8
There in banaras shayl is so worried if Gunjan will be able to find Vicky or not.
kamla is giving invitations in the chowl. A lady asks who is the guy ? Kamla says Sammy. She says Oh i thought its raghav. he used to come here. Kamla says no you should always maintain equality.
Kamla thinks in heart Raghav will be my son in law as well when he weds Pakhi.
Vitthal asks what is she thinking ?
She says same kind of celebration were done when kali came in our lives and noe someone is gonna come in her life tomorrow. Vitthal says tgese decoration reminds me of our wedding. They hug each other.
Dayal asks shayl why is she so worried ? You even forgot to get me the milk. She says let me get the milk. He says no i know you are worried for pihu. Her husband is such a nice guy she will win hearts of her in laws. Look how he took her to shimla so everyone can be clear of doubts. he asks aren’t you happy ? She says no I am so happy. he says then lets go and sleep. He goes to bed. Shayl is so worried for Gunjan and Pihu.

Scene 9
Pihu is trying to shout with from a window. Kamla listens to her a little. Vicky closes the window and says I asked you not to look out. Kamla starts knocking at the door. she asks who is in ? Pihu starts making noises and she throws all the stuff. Vicky slaps her and asks to be quiet. Kamla gathers some men. pakiya comes there and kamla tells her that someone was screaming. Gujan doubts is it vicky hidden there ?manda comes there and says whats wrong ? Its my room. Leave and enjoy the wedding. Pakiya aska manda to stay away from her. Manda says i have given my room on rent to a sardar and his wife. kamla says i came to give invitation.
Gunjan says this can’t be vicky.
Pihu is crying. Vicky says this is how i love. i pardoned your mistake but next time will ruin your life if you do such thing. i have an audition tomorrow. i will get this role. Pihu is in tears.
There Gunjan says i am in mumbai but I don’t know how to find pihu didi.

PRECAP- Kalpi is getting ready for the engagement. Suddenly some wood is burnt on the door. Her dupatta is on fire too. She doesn’t know what to do.

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  1. Paige S
    May 30, 11:08 Reply

    Just testing my emoticons on this page: let’s see:

    😆 😳 😡 😈 🙄 😥 :confuse: :explode:

  2. Paige S
    May 06, 09:00 Reply

    Fuzee, I like you alot and always love your comments which are correct and hilarious at times. What say you and I and couple of others join and go over to EMA and say “we are here for the wedding. From the groom’s side” and then we put our plot into play and fix all this misunderstanding???? lol….
    At least I want to slap a few persons in the serials. We can crash the wedding and give a helping hand to Raghav and Kalpi…..lol..

  3. alia
    May 06, 07:31 Reply

    i hope that raghav and kalpi marry soon and not pakhi. plz solve the confusion ASAP

  4. devya
    May 06, 01:53 Reply

    Gunjan is like a detective she acts with so much courage n determination n she succeeded in all her suspicion of anyone who she r evil hope she can help to bring raghav n kalpi together as she was also praying for her sister pilhu to unite with her husband I raghav please save kslpi n let the wedding cancel fir everyone to know n acknowledged that US kslpi u love n wants to get married to not pakhi n raghav is well aware now that kslpi loves him because the jealousy scene should give him s confidence

  5. Manaat
    May 05, 21:59 Reply

    Wher iz rachana…?vicky is such a creep hate it

  6. fuzee
    May 05, 21:28 Reply

    We are still in the confusion zone . Isn’t it dragging too long. Nice to see Kalpi being jeolous but as usual Ragna scenes will have some sort of inteference. Hope after they get married( which I am still hoping for) Ragna will be left alone.
    The whole misunderstanding is getting into our nerves.

  7. Paige S
    May 05, 20:30 Reply

    Please clear up this wedding misunderstanding soon. This thing is being dragged out for way too long and is getting us viewers annoyed. Don’t push the boundaries writers!! And how dare Paaki kissed Raghav. Raghav don’t dare take that any more! Writers, don’t mellow out the character of Raghav. We still want to see the other side to him. We are seeing the love side but he has to take revenge so don’t soften him in every aspect and turn him into a kitten like all the other male actors in the other soaps. They are all jelly-fish.

    This is annoying. Please solve this confusion soon and let us get back to the pure “EMA” without the merger with Sapne Suhaane…

    And hey, where are the pictures that usually accompany the write up?

    • fuzee
      May 05, 21:36

      I agree with u EMA on it’s own is Brilliant apart from misunderstanding scenes from last week. They have excellent cast that has kept us glued to the serial (especially Kalpi and Raghav ). I have nothing against Sapne Suhaane.. but they should have proceeded with ragna’s weeding with the existing cast. Honestly I think they should have developed Vittal and gauri’s character to support Ragna’s love in the event of kamla going agaist it. Then we have satisfaction of seeing Kalpi being supported by people who are dear to her.

  8. kris
    May 05, 20:20 Reply

    great, so no heartbreak after all.
    wonder what would be the twist,
    raghav might find out about his mother,
    he might go away,
    wow the suspense is …

  9. Rebeck
    May 05, 12:54 Reply

    why sorrow n sad nly for kalpi. hope she wil get engage with raghav n get married soon

  10. krish
    May 05, 12:43 Reply

    hop raghav will save kalpi tomorrow & everyone realize how much they love eachother.they’re the best jody.

  11. aasma
    May 05, 11:12 Reply

    how dare dat pakhi to kiss raghav .
    raghav too is soo stupid .
    hw could he let her kiss him

  12. aasma
    May 05, 11:11 Reply

    pics pleaseeeeeee
    please give the images fasterrrrrr

  13. M@hi
    May 05, 10:46 Reply

    I guess by Thursday the misunderstanding would be cleared.

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