Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka 11th October 2016 Written Update

Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka 11th October 2016 Written Update by MA

Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka 11th October 2016 Written Episode

Sethia family enjoy haldi holi. Diwakar looks at them angrily. They all get afraid. Diwakar smiles and throws haldi on them. They all enjoy. Aryan hugs him happily. Saachi’s family also enjoys haldi holi. After sometime, everyone come out for dinner after taking bath and wait foor Diwakar. Diwakar comes late with haldi smeared face and says color is not going. He scolds Prabhath that he brought low quality haldi. Prabhath says he brought high quality as he ordered, but everyone appplied oil on skin before playing holi. Diwakar then scolds Purshotam that it must be his plan. Purshotam says youngsters provoked him and asks if he did not enjoy at al, he saw him throwing haldi on everyone. Prabhath says it is his son’s holi, he enjoyed the most.

informs Saachi about some DJ’s concert. Saachi books 2 tickets and thinks she will go with Aryan. Aryan also books tickets and says he will not involve kabab me haddi Priyanka, sushanth and other family members. Priyanka hears that and thinks she will teach him a lesson. She informs whole family that Aryan is going for a concert. All youngsters insist to accompany him. Diwakar says he cannot go out before his marriage. Saachi on the other saide tells Tanu she wants to go with Aryan. Tanu says she can go. She informs family. Chandra and Viren’s uncle and aunt order Saachi not to break rituals and go out. Saachi then calls Aryan and informs. They both argue at first and then apologize each other.

Purshotam searches Diwakar. Prabath says he is busy. Purshotam says he cannot be busy from friend and walks into his room. Diwakar is busy convincing his client to release some advance. Client says he gave him order during his touch time and should not forgetit. Diwakar requests him. Purshotam enters and asks why is he tensed, if he has any business tension he should forget it. Diwakar scoldss him why he always interferes in his issues. Purshotam apolgoizes him and walks sadly. Diwakar feels guilty, stops him and apologizes. Purshotam asks him to give rasgullas instead of apology as he is hungry. Diwakar smiles.

At Saachi’s house, Tanu and Saachi select mehandi designs. Viren joins them after signing cheques which manager brought. Manager calls him back and says there is a difference of 25 crores in accounts. Uncle hears that and shouts at manager that he will call police if he does not tell what he did with that money. Manager says he does cannot do anything without Viren’s signatures. Uncle asks what happend to that money then. Viren and family look tensed.

Precap: Viren’s aunt stops Nishanth from entering Saachi’s room and scolds how dare he is to enter ladies’ room. Nishanth says he is going to meet Saachi bhabhi. Kusum says he is Saachi’s devar. Aunt yells he is cousin devar and not real one. Neelima fumes in front of Prabhath that Saachi’s family insulted her son and did a big mistake.

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