Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani 23rd September 2016 Written Update

Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani 23rd September 2016 Written Update by Sona

Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani 23rd September 2016 Written Episode

In the morning, Raja fell down in the corridor. Rani argues with him, then stands up giving Raja her hand. Raja wonders if she would be able to hold his hand at every stage of their life, even after knowing the truth. Rani thinks she always want to hold his hand. She was about to withdraw when Raja holds her hand to stand up. He finds the folded paper with Bindu’s photos as monster. Both laugh, giving each other high give. Raja holds Rani’s hand, they walk closer. Raja was about to hug Rani, when Bindu arrives to slap her. Rani was shocked, Raja was about to attack Bindu in aggression. Rani holds his hand, Raja asks Rani how she dare slap her. Rani tells Raja he has given Bindu a right in his life even after marriage, why won’t she dare. Rani tells Bindu she could have slapped
her, her friends mocked her and she apologizes for that. But the mistake wasn’t Bindu’s but someone else’s, your loved one’s hurt you and you are angry at your loved ones only. They all leave. Bindu was determined to win Raja’s heart before taking another step.
Raja comes to ask Kaal what he had demanded. Kaal says he has decided something else for Raja, Raja tells Kaal he has nothing else to trade with him. Kaal asks Raja to have to look, may be it can change his life his life. Raja reads the papers and was shocked, he asks if really Kaal wants to name all their property after Rani. Kaal agrees he wants to return everything to Rani. He wants to do something good, and return Rani’s right to her. Whatever is his is Raja’s as well, it ultimately belongs to Rani. He just wanted to do something good. Raja wants to accept his conscience is awake, but his mind doesn’t allow this. He change colors as chameleon, what condition Kaal has for this favor. Kaal asks Raja to bring Rani back till elections, after that he would name everything after Rani. Raja asks for some guarantee that his mind won’t change after the elections. Raja asks what if he doesn’t accept this condition, what he would do if he tell Rani and his grandmother about the reality today. Kaal laugh that they might lose their lives in that case. Raja was offensive, Kaal gives him an ultimatum of two days only. In the party meeting, Raja would showcase his love.
Kaal comes to warn Amrita that before guests’ arrival tomorrow, Rani must return. Amrita replies she won’t force Rani to return. Kaal twists Amrita’s hand, and tells her that it won’t be good for her, Raja and that maid Rani as well.
In the college, warden tells Rani tomorrow is Teej. She must study tomorrow, today she must go home and get henna over her hands, preparing for Teej. Jeewan brings the book to Rani, smiling. Raja come sto snatch the book and tear it into pieces. Rani was angry at Raja, Raja calls it a way to get closer to Rani. Rani stops Jeewan from counter attacking Raja. Raja stops Rani from leaving, Rani tells Raja that he promises not to worry her till the exams end. Raja says till their exams end, she would also not enter the palace. Raja was determined not to let Rani be a puppet in hands of Kaal.
The next morning, Meenu comes to appreciate Rani as she bathed early in the morning. Rani says bathing get away any sleep. Meenu asks her about tea or sweet. Rani says she can’t eat anything but doesn’t share about her fast. Amrita arrives there with all the gifts of Teej, as a mother. Rani goes to hug Rani, Amrita cries in ache. Rani was concerned, then notices Amrita’s stare towards Kokilla. Rani asks Amrita about her forehead bruise, Amrita makes up she hit a door in hurry to leave. Rani notices Amrita’s hurt arms as well, Kokilla urges Amrita to leave. Rani wonders what Amrita hiding from her is.
Rani comes out to find some girls speaking about Raja. He goes to ask Shashi about Raja, Shashi says he didn’t see Raja since morning.

PRECAP: In the party, people ask Kaal about Rani. Bari Rani Maa makes up she has gone to get ready from her parent’s house as per ritual. Kaal tells Bari Rani Maa Raja and Rani must come today, else it won’t be good for them.

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  1. Rakesh
    September 23, 21:23 Reply

    Bindu’s mother was a princess and of royalty bloodline. Bindu’s father was a commoner and a womanizer. Therefore Bindu is more royalty than either Raja and Rani who has no lineage to royal bloodline. This was the old ugly evil witch
    agenda to get Raja to marry Bindu regardless.

  2. Shalini
    September 23, 17:16 Reply

    Ranaji’s father was a common man and a robber. This robber’s son was adopted by Raj Mata and he inherited the kingdom and became the king of Amirkot. He was married to a commoner and rich man’s daughter named Gayatri. They both had an offspring name Rani.
    Therefore Rani is not the decendent of royalty or royal bloodline.

    Raja’s father is a common man and an animal eater. He is married to a commoner and their have Raja. Raja is not of royalty or royal blood line.

    Can robbers and animal eaters and the common man be made into a King? I always thought that royalties were born and chosen from a blood line linage of royal family members. If so, then these people are imposters and not from a royal blood line or royal linage.

    This means Kaal, Raja, Rani are not of royalty or true royal blood line and do not deserve to be called King or Queen or hold the position of King or Queen.

  3. Victoria
    September 23, 15:57 Reply

    I hope the love story between Raja and Rani is straighten out soon. I miss their romance. And I don’t trust Kaal. He’s up to no good. Watch him Raja. And gosh…Bindu really needs to be taught a lesson soon.

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