Ganga 26th April 2016 Written Update

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Ganga 26th April 2016 Written Update by lisa

Ganga 26th April 2016 Written Episode

Episode starts with gangaa and palaash fighting with the goon behind the godown. While sagar comes to take back his phone which he left inside the manufacturing unit.he tries to go near the truck where gangaa and palash are but then leaves as he gets his phone. Palaash overpowers the goon and he runs away. Palaash then scolds gangaa for taking such risk and spoiling his mission. She apologise and he asks her to be alert as the goon has seen her face.

At chaturvedi house janvi tries to cook sagar’s favourite food being irritated and dizzy. She spoils everything and makes the kitchen dirty. Madhvi comes inside and scolds her and makes the food herself but tells janvi not to tell anyone.

Sagar is in a call in the terrace and listens supriya telling pulkit that gangaa has not reached home till now.its 10 pm and she is not picking call. Pulkit goes out to search for gangaa. Sagar too worries for gangaa.

While palaash comes to leave gangaa.they talks and sagar sees them from terrace. Pulkit too comes and introduces with palaash. After palaash leaves, sagar confronts gangaa. She tells him what happened in the company’s manufacturing unit, but he disbelieves saying that he too was there but did not she her. He leaves from there.

At the dinning table madhvi tells that janvi cooked food for sagar. But sagar atonce finds out that the food was cooked by his mom. Amma ji scolds janvi. She replies back that she did studies to become a lawyer and went to london for it, and not to become a typical housewife wearing jwelleries and cooking food. She argues with them. Niranjan babu settles the dispute calmly and asks sagar to make janvi his assistant in his case.

Precap: while sagar and janvi are going to court, they sees gangaa repairing her cycle near the road. Sagar goes to help her. Janvi in a fit drives away the car leaving sagar behind.

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