Ganga 26th October 2016 Written Update

Ganga 26th October 2016 Written Update by Simmy

Ganga 26th October 2016 Written Episode

Krishna brings Sagar to Ganga. Ganga is surprised. She tries to leave from there with Krishna, but gets dizzy and falls. Sagar catches her in his arms. He asks she did all that for him? She kept fast for him? Krishna brings water and gives it to Sagar. Sagar makes Ganga drink the water. Krishna is happy. Ganga says in her mind, why destiny keeps bringing them together. She wishes they could forget everything and become one again. Why they keep getting tested. Sagar says in his mind, till how long she will keep stopping herself. Once she says she still loves him, she wants to be with him, he will fix everything. Ganga sees everyone looking at them. Sagar asks her she kept fast for him? She fasts every year, right? Ganga gets up and leaves with Krishna. Krishna gives thumbup sign to Sagar while leaving.
Sagar is happy. He says Ganga proved him wrong once again. He thought she forgot him and everything, but no. This Karwa Chauth fast is proof that he’s still a part of her life. No matter how much she hides, he knows it now. She’s like this since before, keeps everything inside her. He thanks lord saying he got a new hope. He will now bring Ganga and Krishna to his home and give them all that they deserve. They will always be together.

Other hand, Pulkit gives water to Kashish. She tells him she tried a lot to forget him and move on, but she couldn’t do it. She asks him he won’t leave her again right. Pulkit says whatever she’s saying is not possible. Zoya is listening all. Pulkit says he has promised his family.. Kashish says he had promised her too. Pulkit says, he loves her, but it’s not possible to continue their relationship. Everything has become complicated. Kashish says it’s been complicated since start. He now wants to get rid off her, but she won’t let it happen. She also has right on him as much as Supriya has. She cries that she can’t live without him and she doesn’t want anything else beside him. Pulkit says they will talk, but for now, asks her to go home and eat something. They will meet tomorrow. She asks him to promise her. He promises her. Zoya says good, this is what she wanted…their feelings to come out. Now she will have to go home and act of feeling sorry for Supriya.

Ganga is thinking about Sagar. Krishna asks her she’s thinking about papa, right? If she misses him so much, then why she didn’t talk to him today. Ganga says why she would miss. She wasn’t thinking about anyone. And why she would. He is nothing to them. She starts working. Krishna asks then why did she keep fast and when he gave her water, she got so happy. He was also smiling. She saw him happy first time. Ganga says why she feels her daughter suddenly grew up. She tells her not to talk so mature. She likes her young, naughty doll. Krishna asks why she doesn’t listen to her doll then. Ganga says what she needs to do. Krishna tells her to sit so she can feed her. Ganga sits and Krishna feeds her..and then asks whether Sagar also kept fast for her like she did. Ganga is quiet.

Supriya is not eating anything and waiting for Pulkit. Pulkit comes. Niranjan asks where he has been. He knows Supriya kept fast for him. Pulkit aplogises to her breaks her fast. He says sorry to everyone and says situation became such that he had to go. That Kashish..was emotionally and mentally disturbed. She called him and said she would commit suicide if he doesn’t meet her. He should have told her Supriya but he was scared and left in rush. Supriya feels angry and leaves. Pulkit tells Niranjan that he didn’t do it purposely. He has been avoiding Kashish. Niranjan tells him to go and talk to Supriya instead giving explanations to him. Madhvi says she will call and ask Sagar to come back.

Madhvi is in kitchen. Sagar comes running to her and says she still loves him. She kept fast for him. Madhvi asks how he knows that? Did he meet her? Sagar says yes, she was in madir. She was doing puja for Karwa Chauth. He thought Ganga has nothing for him in her heart, but he was wrong. No matter what happens, she will always have feelings for him. He won’t take his petition back now. He wants his family. This is the only way to bring Ganga and Krishna back home. Madhvi asks what about that insect and all? Sagar says he doesn’t know that. It’s possible her anger came out. She kept anger, pain in her for so many years. But whatever happened is good. At least Ganga got peace now. Maybe everything will be fine now. Madhvi wishes whatever he said comes true. He seems happy after so long and her happiness is in his happiness. Sagar wants to eat something now. Madhvi says she will make him something. He helps her in kitchen as she had fast today. Ammaji sees all and smiles.

Sagar imagines as Krishna feeding him and gets happy.

Krishna wants to go for holiday shopping. Ganga tells her to call Kashish, but Kashish says she has an emergency case at hospital, she will joiin them later. Ganga tells Krishna she will get ready and then they will go. Krishna decides to buy gifts for both Ganga and Sagar. She thinks to call Sagar to find out what he wants. Other hand, Sagar is also feeling like talking and calls Ganga’s home. Krishna picks up and jumps in joy. She asks him for his Diwali gift. He says he should be giving her gift. She says no and asks him to tell her as she is going for shopping. Sagar finds out where they are going for shopping and says he will think her and tell her about gift.

Pulkit is sleeping in living room. Madhvi asks him why he’s sleeping there. He says Supriya closed door last night. He tried a lot, but she was not ready to listen to him. She was very angry. Madhvi says her anger is justified, he did such thing. She tells him to go and talk to her.

Ammaji and Madhvi are going for shopping. Sagar accompanies them. Sagar says they will go main market, where Ganga is going, but Ammaji wants to go elsewhere. Madhvi says they will go both places. Sagar says, first main market. Ammaji says she wants to go to jeweller first to buy a gold bangle for Ganga. She’s coming there first time and they never gave her anything. She saw Sagar happy after so long and if he thinks everything will be fine, then it will be a good idea to buy gold in Diwali and give it to Ganga. Sagar hugs Ammaji. Zoya hears and wonders what’s going on. Despite trying so hard, result is not in her favour. She won’t let this happen. She will need to think of some other plan to end this family drama, but first she will have to take care of Supriya.

Precap: Sagar is overjoyed meeting Krishna and both have great time together. Ganga smiles seeing them. Zoya sees them and says this is the reason her plans are failing. But not anymore. Now is the time to attack on right place.

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