Ganga 4th December 2015 Written Update

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Ganga 4th December 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Ganga 4th December 2015 Written Episode

Ganga says she is your mother. You are her son. How did you think she will forget you after getting another baby? Did she stop loving Pulkit Bhaiya after you were born? Sagar realises his mistake. You are right. Ganga says Amma ji’s sister is teaching you all the wrong things. Don’t fall for her words. She is wrong. She is making everyone fight with each other. Sagar realises that he hurt his mother. She must be sad. Ganga nods. Bahu ji is crying so much. Sagar gets upset with himself for making his mother cry. I am a bad boy. She advises him to make his mother happy once again. Maiyya’s always forgives their kids. She will forgive you. Will you seek forgiveness? He nods.

Prabha rings the doorbell of Prabha’s house. Ginny opens the door. Prabha walks in directly. She tells Raman that Yash is not home yet. I have been calling you nonstop but you aren’t picking it. Yash comes there. He is playing games on phone. Prabha is shocked to see him there. Ratan tells her that Yash called him as he thought you wont come to pick him up. Yash affirms. Ginny aunty came to pick me up. Prabha says I wont let you (Ginny) snatch my son from me.

Ganga is still wondering if Sagar understood her point. She puts oil in her hairs. Amma ji tells her against it. Ganga says I am doing treatment for my hair. I have hairfall problem. Vaid ji gave it to me. Amma ji checks it. Ganga shares that it is Ayurvedic oil. You like Ayurvedic stuff. She explains the process of making it. Amma ji gets happy. Your hairs have become white. Use it so you wont get old before your age. Amma ji tells her not to be smart. Apply it in my hairs later. I have to meet Vaid ji. She leaves.

Niru leaves the responsibility of Madhvi on Maharaj ji in his absence. He notices Madhvi’s sad face. Maharaj ji nods and leaves. Niru sits down to talk to Madhvi. You don’t have to take stress. You have to be happy always. Sagar and Ganga come there. Niru tells Sagar to stop. You wont say anything to your mother right now. She is already worried. You did not think before saying all that. She is hurt by your words. Sagar holds his ears. I know you are upset / sad because of me. I know you love me a lot mummy. You will continue to love me equally even if I get a new brother or sister. I have understood it all. A mother loves all her kids equally. Please forgive me. I will never hurt you again. She wipes his tears. They share a hug. Niru looks at Ganga. He is impressed by Sagar’s smartness. Who taught you this? Ganga replies from his side. She takes Amma ji’s name. Amma ji explained him how much Bahu ji loves him. Amma ji is very good. She shouts on us but is very good from heart. I was there only when she was talking to Sagar. She dint say anything negative about you. Madhvi is in tears. I have been so rude to her recently. She must have felt so bad. Sagar says sorry to her. It all happened because of me. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t spoken to you like that!

Amma ji comes back home. Amma ji gives an Ayurvedic medicine to Maharaj ji for Madhvi. I have brought fresh fruits for her too. Don’t tell her I brought them. She might refuse to eat them hearing my name. Madhvi hears it all from a distance. Amma ji gives a few more instructions to maharaj ji. Bahu can be angry with me but it is my duty to look after everyone. Madhvi steps in. I ate this when Sagar and Pulkit were to be born. Now what? Amma ji says I dint say anything. It is up to her. She can do what she likes. Madhvi also replies. Amma ji is saying as if I have never listened to her. Mehri is tensed that there is still tension between both of them. Ganga denies. all the remaining anger will go away soon. she goes to prepare milk for Bahu ji. Maharaj ji hopes happiness comes back in the house again.

Shanta Dadi asks for churan from Maharaj ji. She sends him to get it. She checks the milk. Ganga says it is for Bahu ji. Amma ji has brought it. Anyone can do anything but their fight will get over soon. It is not going to last. Ganga goes outside. Shanta Dadi is irked with Ganga. She is so young but acts so clever with me. I will have to do something to keep my position intact. My plan will ruin otherwise. Maharaj ji gives her churan. She sends him out again on the pretext of getting a rickshaw for her.

An old man notices a guy selling some fake medicines to people. He asks the guy why he is fooling people. The guy tells him to go. Shanta Devi comes there. The guy calls out for her. She has come to the clinic (of that old man). The guy calls that old man thug. My medicines are better than his. Tell me the problem. I will get you a sure shot solution.

Ganga tells Amma ji she should have given milk to Madhvi at this time instead of reading Geeta. You should not lose out to your sister like this. Bahu ji loves you more than Shanta Dadi. Amma ji refuses to bend down before Madhvi. She is my DIL. I haven’t stopped her from doing anything. I did everything during Pulkit and Sagar’s time. Ganga says I don’t understand the relation of MIL and DIL. But I have seen you both as mother-daughter since I have come in this house. I don’t have a mother. I don’t know much but there are a few things that I know. A mother should make their kids eat things with her own hands. The kid will eat anything from outside otherwise. Amma ji tells her to focus on her work. I am not going to fall in your words. Ganga thinks that Amma ji always tries to be strict but that isn’t the reality. I know you will make milk for Bahu ji. She goes out. Amma ji finds logic in Ganga’s words. I wont be at peace till I make Bahu drink milk with my own hands. She is so careless. But no, I will not go. She will think I lost to her!

Shanta Dadi tells the guy that Madhvi is pregnant. Is there some medicine to make sure that the baby is healthy? He gives her one of his medicine. Give two spoons of it with milk twice in the day. Shanta Dadi looks at the bottle happily. See how I keep my position intact now!

Precap: Amma ji says I went to Vaid ji for herbal medicine for the baby. I mixed some good things in it and have mixed it in milk. NIru agrees for it. Madhvi feels pain.

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