Ganga 8th October 2015 Written Update

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Ganga 8th October 2015 Written Update by Pooja

Ganga 8th October 2015 Written Episode

It is your house so you will only decide who will live there and who wont. I will come there only when you will ask me to come. It will surely happen.

Sagar is worried. Dadi will never do it. I wonder why she is acting so arrogant. Ganga challenges Amma ji. This worries Sagar all the more. why did she have to say all this? She is already upset with you. I too wont be able to do anything now. Why did you do it? I don’t know if you will come back every again or not. Amma ji calls it Ganga’s ego. It will take you down one day. You cannot come to my house till I am alive. Go in the ashram. Spend the rest of your life there only! Sagar interrupts them. Come with me Ganga. Papa has sent me. Ganga refuses to go with him. Amma ji repeats her words. This girl will never step inside my house, neither today or ever! She walks away.

Sagar reprimands Ganga for doing what she did. She will never do it. Ganga says you always misunderstand me. He calls her arrogant again. I came to fulfil my promise. She points out that she was not being arrogant. Think what you want to but I will only come home when Amma ji will come to take me. She leaves. Sagar shouts after her. You don’t have to come back. I will live without you.

In the ashram, Ganga justifies her act. Bappa used to say that one should lilve with self-respect and not live on anyone’s pity. Sudha tells her that Amma ji will never come to take her. Pishi Ma says the world does not even looks at widows. Ganga explains that she is still alive. I will live only with respect. Sudha thinks that these big words will take her down one day. Mamta says she will understand with time. Sudha denies. I will have to be stricter than before so she realises things fast. She is a widow. She has to accept it if she has to live here. I want her to go to that house. We all are dead but she wants to live. She will not find it here but in that family. I will have to be very strict with her for the very same reason. I will have to show her the worst form of our life so she gives up on her arrogance and apologizes to Amma ji.

Amma ji notices a girl wearing modern clothes. She rushes towards a guy. Amma ji mistakes it that she was looking at her. She drops the puja thaal from her hands by mistake. The girl lounges at the guy and threatens him to behave with girls the next time. Amma ji mutters that the girl is stupid. She does not even know how to talk to others. The girl tries to help Amma ji but she pushes her hand away. The girl is surprised at this gesture. Amma ji advises her to act like a girl only. This will suit you. The girl questions her if this was written in some book. Did you not notice how the kid was behaving? Amma ji walks away muttering to herself. The girl thinks of her as an angry old woman. She must be lecturing all the girls in her house day and night. She has lost the address.

Madhvi gets to know that Ganga has refused to come home. Niru justifies Ganga’s stance. She knows that you don’t like it that she lives her. No person with self-respect will like it ever. She wont compromise with it ever. Amma ji calls her arrogant and ill mannered. Niru replies that she too is arrogant. You made a very big mistake by stopping her from coming home. Rectify it by bringing her home. Amma ji asks him if he wants her to apologise to that girl. Is this how you respect me? Madhvi tries to control them but in vain. Niru tries to make her mother understand but she thinks that he will always take Ganga’s side. I too have a right to voice my opinion. She will not come back here in this house ever again and no one will talk about her. Sagar seconds her. She is not my friend. I had gone to bring it but she doesn’t want to come back. Why force her? I have decided not to think of her or to talk to her. MAdhvi tries to make him understand but Amma ji shushes her from taking Ganga’s side. Finally Sagar can see things clearly. Don’t feed him nonsense. Niru reasons that Sagar should understand the difference between right and wrong. Amma ji cuts him off. Sagar is right. You both are blinded by your love for that girl. Niru walks out of the house in a huff. He forgets to take his lunch box. Amma ji asks Maharaj ji to take it to court. Amma ji goes to her room to bring money to give to Sagar. Meanwhile, Sagar tries to ask why he is saying so. Sagar says I will have to forget her if she does not want to come back. Why should I think of her? He leaves.

Sudha stops Ganga from going to school. You will come with us to ask for alms in the afternoon. This is your only way to survive if you want to live in this ashram. Ganga refuses to beg or eat alms but Sudha stays put. You are a widow. You will have to follow our rules if you have to live here. You will have to listen to me! Ganga declines. You are wrong. I am not like you. I am different. I will not live like you all do. I will live off nicely. Mamta questions her. You are scared to see us begging for alms. You do not have such a strong will power. How will you spend your life if you don’t do it? Pishi Ma too says the same thing. Ganga takes her bag and leaves. Sudha shouts after her. You will have to come with us. You will have to do what I am telling you! I will drag you with me. Pishi Ma asks SUdha if they are not being a little too strict with Ganga. Sudha denies. If she has made up her mind to live here then she will have to bear this in future or else she can apologize to Amma ji and go back. No one will stop her.

Amma ji gives instructions to Maharaj ji and Mehri about tomorrow (something related to Shrad). Sagar thinks of Ganga. She is also a lady. She too will have to do this. But why should I worry for her when she isn’t staying here anymore? He goes to freshen up. Amma ji tells Madhvi that no one should eat outside food in Shrad-paksh. Even guests should not come in such times. But Prabha walks inside the house anytime. Guests bring Pitr-dosh. The girl walks inside Chaturvedi House asking for Niru. Amma ji is irked to see her but Madhvi recognizes her.

Precap: Ganga comes with the widows to someone’s house. Mamta talks highly of the man. A man asks Ganga to spread her cloth so he can give her fruits and other stuff. Ganga replies that she has not come here to beg. Why should I do it then?

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