Ghulaam 17th March 2017 Written Update

Ghulaam 17th March 2017 Written Update by MA

Ghulaam 17th March 2017 Written Episode

Ardhnareshwar maharaj verdicts that Shivan will never become a mother. Gulguli holds his legs and pleads to bless a boy for Shivani, else Berahampur will destroy. Veer stops her and says he will get her a grandson, if not from Shivani, from some other woman, he will get another woman kidnap and bear a child. Bhisma says Rangeela is right. Veer says Shivani is like injured animal and should be executed. He orders Rangeela to drown Shivan in water and kill her. Rangeela thinks till now he did not kill innocent person, but he has to obey malik’s order. He walks towards Shivani and holds her hand. Rashmi tries to stop Rangeela, but Maldwali drags Rashmi and warns to stands silently if she wants to be alive. Gulguli pleads Ardhnareshwar to stop Rangeela as Shivani has a good faith for Berahampur.

Rangeela picks Shivani and walks towards water tub when Ardhnareshwar stops him and orders Bhisma that his bahu needs milk bath and to get a big weigher and milk. He orders Shivani to sit on weigher an add equal amount of milk on other side. Manmeet comes and says he will not let this wrong ritual happen, Bhisma has gone blind in power. Bhisma orders to get him drugs. Manmeet says he does not need it. Ardhnareshwar gives him bhang milk and he drinks it silently.

Veer adds milk on the other side of weighing machine. Ardhnareshwar tells they need to increase Shivani’s weight by 10 kg. Bhisma says they will. Ardhnareshwar says in 20 days. Gulguli agrees.

Rangeela returns home and sees amma with colors. He asks if she did not go out to play holi. She says she wants to play holi with her bahu, gives him 200 rs and asks to get bahu soon. He asks if she stole it from his pant and tickles her. She throws holi on mamaji and runs. Mamaji tries to throw holi on her, but stops and gets sad. He tells Rangeela that every year, he used to play holi with Shivani. Amma comes back and Rangeela plays holi with her.

Bhisma scolds Gulguli how will she increase Shivani’s weight in 20 days. She says she will at any cost and orders maldwali to prepares ghee rich food for Shivani

Precap: Gulguli asks Shivani to write list of dry fruits and other calorie rich food and says she has to eat all. Shivani says she cannot. Gulguli says she will force her at gun point.

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