Gustakh Dil 22nd October 2013 Written Update

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Gustakh Dil 22nd October 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Gustakh Dil 22nd October 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Lajjo getting tensed thinking she should get the gifts which her parents send for her. She asks the servant did anyone come. The servant says no. She says give me some work, I will do it, as I m getting bored. He says this work won’t suit you as you are this house’s bahu. She says I can do it, its my duty. She sends the servant to bring vegetables. He says we already has vegetables. Nikhil meets Ishaana at a restaurant. She asks him to sit. He says I came to college for some work of yours. Ishaana is happy and says I remember. She thanks him. Nikhil says I found a prospectus for Engalnd’s college. We can meet up for coffee and decide. Ishaana agrees saying yes why not, we are friends.

Nikhil asks her did you meet Shekhar. Ishaana says he is always the same. They both joke over the guy saying his lines and laughs making fun of him. Nikhil sees Ishaana smiling and is happy. Kunal sees Ishaana and Nikhil together and is angry. Ayesha scolds Lajjo for disturbing the peace of the house. She says why are you cleaning the house and asks her to stay in her room. Lajjo says everyone are gone, now I will get the gift sent by my parents. Ayesha is still at the home. Lajjo is worried thinking if Ayesha sees the gifts then what will happen. Barkha asks about Ayesha and asks the maid to bring all the items required for making the dinner. Lajjo asks the maid did anyone come. The maid says no one.

Lajjo asks the maid can I help you. The maid says no. She says I m cleaning the fridge. Lajjo says I will clean the fridge, you go. The maid says but… Lajjo says you go, its final. The maid thanks her and leaves. Lajjo thinks her gifts can come anytime and she sees the food remaining from yesterday’s food. Lajjo cleans the fridge. Ishaana’s mum asks her when to nook the movie tickets. Kunal tells her that he saw Ishaana with Nikhil. Her mum asks did you meet Nikhil, after promising to me, how can you meet him. Ishaana says we met by chance. She says Nikhil and I are just friends. Don’t tell me we can’t be friends. She says I know you are worried about me, please understand. Her mum gets angry.

Everyone comes back home. Barkha calls the maid and asks her to make chicken salad for Ayesha. Lajjo has thrown the items. The maid is worried. She thinks maybe Lajjo has thrown all the things. Ishaana’s mum is angry with her. Ishaana scolds Kunal for informing her mum about her and Nikhil. He says sorry as he did not know her mum will be annoyed. She says then why did you not meet us. She says were you being a spy after me. Kunal says no, I was not spying, I saw you getting hurt once, I can’t see you break down again. He reminds her of what Nikhil did. He says I was concerned about you. He says I can’t forget that you tried to commit suicide because of Nikhil. She says stop it, I don’t want to talk about it. She leaves in anger.

Kunal looks on being upset. Ayesha is happy with the shopping. She calls the maid Chaya for the food. Chaya sees the chicken salad in the dustbin and Ayesha is shocked to see that. Ayesha shouts mom and shows the dustbin to Barkha and Nani. Barkha asks Chaya who has thrown it. Lajjo comes there and says I have thrown it as it was rotten. Ayesha scolds her. Barkha says Lajjo does not know anything, why are you explaining her. Barkha asks Chaya to tell her to hire someone else, but how did she ask Lajjo to do the work. Lajjo takes Chaya’s side.

Lajjo asks for the punishment. Nani says we will give you a chance to rectify your mistake, Nikhil’s teacher is coming tomorrow for lunch, we bought these items for it, but now you will make the lunch for them. Lajjo is shocked. Nani says Chaya will give you the menu list, and you have to do it alone. Barkha is annoyed. Its Nani’s plan against Nikhil and Lajjo. Lajjo sees the list and thinks how will I make it.

Nikhil talks to Barkha and says Lajjo can’t make the food. HE says my Sir is coming on lunch, she can’t make it. Barkha argues with him.

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  1. Xia
    October 22, 18:52 Reply

    Do u guys knw hindi

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:59

      no, 😕 😳

  2. Xia
    October 22, 18:49 Reply

    So nathy u r french n ayin u indian ryt ok i thought dutch sry

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:58

      yes half my mom is.

  3. Xia
    October 22, 18:43 Reply

    Ayin now its morng for us hey all the best for ur test do well

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:47

      u scared the crap out of me
      thx dear, it’s not difficult its english but still :P:

  4. Xia
    October 22, 18:40 Reply

    Guys i hv never talked wid any dutch women in my lyf so really happy i think u guys knw each other personally ryt

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:43

      france………mon ami

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:44


    • ayin
      October 22, 18:45

      DUTH NAIH 😆

  5. Xia
    October 22, 18:38 Reply

    Nathy frm u.s i guess

  6. Xia
    October 22, 18:36 Reply

    Ayin frm netherland ok good yes im frm india now here 4am so wakeup time aliya also netherland?

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:41

      no it’s past bedtime for me I have a test in about 8 hours . 😀
      it is now 0:39 in the night:??:

  7. Xia
    October 22, 18:33 Reply

    Ayi nathy aliyaa r u guys frm india i dnt think am i ryt?

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:35

      no i’m from the netherlands and know aaliyah from here r u fr india? 😀

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:36

      hi….. i’m also not from india 😳
      its not a prob i hope 😀

    • Aaliyah
      October 22, 18:37

      m from curaçao,
      living curently in the netherlands but will soon rturn

  8. ayin
    October 22, 18:31 Reply

    but i hope 2morrow epi bttr than 2day :P:

  9. Xia
    October 22, 18:31 Reply

    Wat?it was copied frm bengali soap?

  10. Xia
    October 22, 18:30 Reply

    Hey guys r u there aaiya im so tensed ll nishil ever love lajjo

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:33

      yes, was written in earlier updates 🙁 😥

  11. Aaliyah
    October 22, 18:25 Reply

    Kunal tells her that he saw Ishaana with Nikhil. Her mum asks did you meet Nikhil, after promising to me, how can you meet him. Ishaana says we met by chance

    this is so wrong, she has promissed or m i to oldfashioned

    • Aaliyah
      October 22, 18:27

      omg it’s up to the thunderstorm here 😕 😕

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:28

      no aaliyah but its not that they did it intenshonaly????
      😳 😕

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:29

      just like u said i went shopping till i drop dead 😆

      no but it was wonderful reliefs the stress 😆 😆

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:30

      so jealous 🙁

  12. nathy
    October 22, 18:21 Reply

    dont have a good word for nihkil 2day 😡

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:22

      hahaha but he s still cute 😉

    • Aaliyah
      October 22, 18:23

      how was shopping?

  13. ayin
    October 22, 18:09 Reply

    😀 thinks the same

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:13

      Nikhil meets Ishaana at a restaurant.

      whyyyyyyyyy nihkil nihkil i mean u have some work and even if u dont do ur husband duty u have a wife

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:15

      yes but he explain it laajo sooooooooooo 🙄
      i guess he is like ishaana still 2 much in love

    • Aaliyah
      October 22, 18:17

      hi darlingsssss hey, u have a cool emo 🙄

      but he is maried…..its lahkil and not lashaan :????

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:19

      😀 missed u ysday and 2day
      good to c u

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:20

      hi aaliyah glad ur here 🙂

      yeah nice hah 🙄 but u have it 2 😆 😆

  14. nathy
    October 22, 18:07 Reply

    She asks the servant did anyone come. The servant says no. She says give me some work, I will do it, as I m getting bored

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:10

      m afraid she might do something wrong which she also did 😳

  15. ayin
    October 22, 18:07 Reply

    She says give me some work, I will do it, as I m getting bored.

    i’m like WHHHHYYYY LAAJO stay in ur room if you don’t know how to cook

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:08

      😆 😆 😀 the same

  16. ZaArU
    October 22, 18:07 Reply

    hahah thank u

    if u dnt mind cn i hve ur intro plz

  17. nathy
    October 22, 18:04 Reply

    lets go to analyze……… again 😉

    • ayin
      October 22, 18:05


  18. ZaArU
    October 22, 18:03 Reply

    ur gv is really nice
    its looking awesum 😀 😀

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:05

      you yawning baby is also funny

  19. ZaArU
    October 22, 17:57 Reply

    u knw i already watched this show
    this show has been copy frm a kolkata one bengali daily soap in star plus
    it ws my fav show
    n the character name ws nikhil too n same story
    i miss a lot 🙁

    but still i watch this one too 🙂
    whn me free 😀

    • nathy
      October 22, 18:01

      hi zaaru, nice 2 meet u 2
      yeah read that one when it started… like it 2

  20. nathy
    October 22, 17:56 Reply

    hi my beautiful ayin….dear how r u 2day. where is that girl saw online she would be 2night but nothing ❓

    • ayin
      October 22, 17:59

      😆 😆 u came don’t know where she is

    • ayin
      October 22, 17:54

      hi 🙂

  21. ayin
    October 22, 17:46 Reply

    okay when you come i wil go have class 2morrow

    TEST……… 😕

    • ayin
      October 22, 17:53

      yeah he want to just like his mother anyway to keep up appearances 😡

    • ayin
      October 22, 17:47

      hi xia

  22. ayin
    October 22, 17:44 Reply

    hey aaliyah may i have your ph nr?

  23. ayin
    October 22, 17:43 Reply

    hey nathy aaliyah 🙁 😥

  24. ayin
    October 22, 17:42 Reply

    how come no 1 here?

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