#Halloween – Parv Kaila’s memorable Halloween!

Sweet and smart Parv Kaila who essays the role of Suketu talks about Halloween, his memories and more in conversation with us.

As we celebrate western culture’s much loved Halloween festival today, there was much hush and hush at our office as the scary set up with the red lights, sounds of ghosts, wicked witch and bats signified Halloween.

To celebrate this festival Nisha Aur Uske Cousins fame Parv Kaila as Suketu joined us for this frightening festival. Sharing his experience regarding the festival Parv says, “I feel that any festival or any kind of thing that makes us come together should be followed in every nook or corner of the world. Our culture is different and the way we follow things is slightly different, but then we are also following and trying to learn their culture. I really feel that Halloween is a good opportunity to have fun together and people should enjoy this.”

So does Parv follow this culture? “I have been following this trend since many years now. I always celebrate it at my friends place or ay my place . In Delhi too I used to celebrate it and used to have lot of fun, we have dressed up like junkies and do all all sorts of weird things.”

When asked Parv about the memorable Halloween he says, “I have many Halloween memories. I will share one incident with you. We have this trend of scaring others on Halloween day so one of my friends climbed the wall and scared my other friend Rani and she really fainted after this and she had to consume water after this incident.”

Lastly he concludes with a message saying, “I want to thank you for inviting me here and I really had a good time. Also I want to wish all my fans Happy Halloween, enjoy yourself.”

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