Hamari Sister Didi 18th October 2014 Written Update

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Hamari Sister Didi 18th October 2014 Written Update by Sona

Hamari Sister Didi 18th October 2014 Written Episode

Mehr shows them all her wooden leg to Kiara, and says no one can break her, she must not lose hope; she had also said that her life has ended but life ends for once only, you have to fight now. Kiara says she doesn’t want to live a handicapped life, she has to run. Mehr says she isn’t handi-capped, no one might be able to call you handi-capped. She says that there isn’t much difference in them. Amrita says there is difference, comes to help Mehr readjust her life. She says she wants to live, but Kiara doesn’t value the life she is given and wants to end it.

Babay prays in the hospital. Malika asks what if Dr. Karan now listens to the Bhajan. She says they have gone home, and won’t come here now.

Amrita says to Kiara, that she is just some years older to her daughter. If she thinks where she was born, where was she brought up, she was brought her by her parents from a small village, they fought her grandparents and made her run in each race till national level; is she done with her energy now and doesn’t want to fight. She said to her mother that she wants to run faster than life. A thousands patients come to this hospital each day, and they get well with their own happiness. Nurse Mehr didn’t show her leg to anyone, and most of the people don’t even know that one of her leg is fake; she lives as the other’s do. Now she has to decide whether she has to fight, or sit on wheel chair. She promises her that she will run, but it depends on her. She can decide what she wants to do, will she accept her defeat in such a young age.

Babay prays.

Kiara says she will fight. Amrita hugs her, while Kiara cries and says she will live. Amrita tells her she isn’t alone, and they are all with her. Amrita hugs Mehr, and says she is also not alone. Mehr looks at Veer standing on the door, he thinks about the big revelation by her. She goes to him, and says she had told him that at times one can’t see what is true.

The prayer goes on.

Karan says to Dimple that he knows she is doing the right thing, but he can’t suspend people. Dimple asks what other choice do they have. He says his position is the most awkward in this case. Karan looks at the staff taking Kiara on stretcher. She was saying to Amrita that they are taking her to prayer. He asks Dimple where they are taking her. Dimple tells him that her foot has been amputated today. Karan feels sorry, and asks where they are taking her. Dimple says it must be some drama by Amrita.

Amrita brings Kiara to the place of Wake-up Night. Karan and Dimple come there. Dimple asks what is happening here. She asks Amrita what is happening? Karan was shocked to see this all. Amrita says that there is a wake-up-night, and Kiara wanted to come here, so they took her here. Karan holds his head. Dimple asks with whose permission this wake-up night was kept. Karan asks that a patient asked her to come here, and she took her here. Doesn’t she know, there is an increased chance of infection. Karan asks Bobby to take her away. He asks her mother doesn’t she realize, she will get infection, will her leg get joint again. Amrita stops her. Karan tells Bobby to take Kiara to ICU immediately. Amrita says he has no right to play with people’s emotions. Karan says she has no right to break the rooms as such. He says to everyone that don’t they know, people know peace to get well. Amrita says they are all singing Bhajan, and it isn’t noice to disturb patient. Karan says that science and belief are two different things. Amrita says in his city, people must have begun disbelief, but Karan tells her to accept her mistake. He says he ignores all of their’s mistake, but won’t bear that a patient lost his life.

He says they are already trying to save this hospital, but it won’t happen because it isn’t a hospital, it is a joke. Lalit ji was passing by, and stops. It can’t be a hospital, until they don’t ban Amrita’s doings. He says that all these flowers, these arrangements come from money. She says that he should now begin counting the small amount of money. Karan says he doesn’t have their salaries for the next month. He tells them that he has a whole list to sac people, now they must carry on their wake-up night because he doesn’t have money. He says that he can spare some people from their job. Amrita asks who will he suspend, every people standing here is a part of family. Karan says that this is hospital, not her home. The stretcher she brought Kiara on costs 12,000, the ward boy who brought the stretcher here charge 6,000, while Dr. Samar charges 500 per hour. These emotions and all have a cost. Lalit ji asks to leave. Karan also leaves. Dimple says that she will only take one day, to bring new people here; don’t forget that. She shouts at them to end this all, and go to their duties.

Dimple says to Karan in corridor that he did the right thing. He asks Dimple to leave him alone for a while.

Amrita thinks she won’t let such thing happen.

PRECAP: Karan points finger at Amrita, she points hers to keep him quiet.

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