“I shop the most for footwear” – Avika Gor

We bring to you the ‘Confessions of Tellywood Shopaholics.’ This week we caught up with the very bubbly and pretty actress Avika Gor who is currently loved as Roli in Colors’ show Sasural Simar Ka.

Here is Avika Gor sharing her shopping interests and her favorite shopping destination through this column.

Share your craze for shopping.

I am not that crazy but if I get a chance time I don’t stop myself.

How often do you go to shop?
I rarely go for shopping as I have a hectic schedule so I don’t get time. I mostly shop from my phone. My parents send me a picture and then I select whatever I like.

What do you shop the most for?
I shop for footwear the most and then accessories because I like it.

Where do you prefer to shop in Mumbai?
I think anywhere as I have not been at many places but there are many malls which has good brands.

Your dream shopping destination?
It is London. I have been there many a times and that’s a place for shopping.

Quick Fire: What would you buy?
If given Rs. 10: Dairy Milk
If given Rs. 100: Lip balm
If given Rs. 1000: Cover for my phone.
If given Rs. 1 Lakh: I will buy lots of dresses.
If given Rs. 1 Crore: A car and lots of gifts for my people.

Share how you feel after shopping?
I feel very confused after shopping because I am never satisfied with what I get.

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