Ikyawann 18th January 2018 Written Update

Ikyawann 18th January 2018 Written Update by Tanaya

Ikyawann 18th January 2018 Written Episode

Sushil tells everyone what happened,Mehul says why couldn’t you be careful,Bapu says this girl never does any work pirperly,that’s it you are getting married,Jhano recording everything.

Sushil says let me organise the weddings,Bapu says Satya loves you and the family is so good,sushil says even Satya doesn’t work and may be he wants to do job,phui says why should he,he has such big business and you will rule there too and live in all luxuries,Nitesh says slow,Bapu says enough no more discussion the wedding is final.

Leela comes out and says this dadi never said no to her Satya but today she has to,Bapu says please give us time,Leela says I left my old pain and came here for my Satya but look,and looks at sushil and says I should leave and leaves.

Satya and jiggi arrive home

and sees crowd,he says what’s this what dadi must have done now and goes and sees a card reading for my Satya and his new bike and says oh my dadi loves me so much,and now it’s my time to get her something,jiggi says if this for the bet just imagine if the bet was to take sushil to wedding mandap then what gift she would give,Satya says I would never accept such gift,come let’s go now.
Sushil upset,Mehul walks to her,sushil says even you don’t want me,mehul says Sushil tell me don’t you love Satya,sushil says when did I say I don’t want him,Satya is good he makes me feel special,I like him,but I want to do something for you and then I will marry,Mehul says right now on,y happiness you can give Dadaji is your yes to wedding, and you can do all this even after wedding like his mother does and you said no just because Bapu said no to organise the wedding,that’s not fair,now talk to Satya,and discuss.

Leela watching the video,and hears sushil say that even Satya may want to do job,and says she will make my Satya work and says I know these people will make this camel say yes and now I have to convince Satya.sushil walks to Bapu with the shawl she got him,he turns around and ignores her,she puts it on bed,he says I don’t want anything from you,sushil says Dadaji please take it I brought it from my first income please,he takes it and keeps it and cupboard and gets a suitcase and says open it.

Sushil opens it and finds a pant,Bapu says this pant you tore when you fought with a chappal thief and I said you can never stitch it but you did it and you proved me wrong,and these glasses you made tea for me and show how honest you were,your mama kaka and mapa never married so that their love isn’t shared but you today dishearten everyone.i agree I never favoured you but today I ask you for favour agree to this wedding because I want to see you Happy,sushil in tears says Dadaji please don’t do this and makes him sit and says please don’t cry I want to see you happy,happy to see me work, he says I am happy but will be happier if I see you get married.

Sushil thinking about the proposal,bakeh reaction and Satya,she look at the trophy they won together and says I should talk to Satya once. Satya walks to Leela says dadi the bike is like you,colourful and I won’t thank like this and see what I got you and gets her a ring,Leela says wow,how did you know I want ring,Satya says like you understood I want a bike,Leela says you want to give me something right ,Satya says yes,Leela says then you will put this ring in Sushil’s finger,Satya asks what,Leela says her family was here with the proposal.

Satya says look she called let me ask her what nonsense this is,Leela says no use,you broke her heart but her family has bigger plans,you are Leela Ajmera grandson and so they want her to marry you,for your wealth,for sushil you are like a golden opportunity even after you asking her to leave you she hasn’t and now she wants to cage you ,cage the golden bird and if you dint believe hear this and shows her video half way where sushil says they are rich people,phui says you will rule there,Bapu says Satya is great guy.

Satya says she look so innocent but look at her,Satya and Suhail it’s a big no,Leela says you have to say yes,Satya says why,Leela says to teach them a lesson,they are using you,you will say yes get her to mandap and then ditch her.

Pre cap : Leela tells Satya that sushil is Mehuls daughter who is raise behind kirans this state and now you will take revenge and give justice to your Kiran phui.

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