Imlie 27th October 2022 Written Update

Imlie 27th October 2022 Written Update by MA

Imlie 27th October 2022 Written Episode

MP Shukla’s inebriated armed boyguards tries to create chaos at the wedding by firing bullets in air. Atharva stops them and requests to keep the gun back as he doesn’t want anyone to be injured. They get abusive. Atharva gives one of them a tight slap. MP Shukla returns and stops his bodyguards and asks Atharva what happened here. Atharva politely requests him to send his men out. MP sends them away. Chini refuses to accept bags of cash and jewelry from Rudra in exchange of sparing Atharva. Rudra says he knows Chini doesn’t truly love Atharva and is just behind his money, so she can accept money. Chini still refuses. He says he is a businessman and understands another businessman, he will not give a penny to Atharva if Atharva marries her, so she should accept money and jewelry. Chini accepts bags.

Rudra asks her to return his family jewelry as its meant for only Rana family bahu Imlie. She returns bangles. He says they have become dull with her touch, but Imlie’s touch will shine them again. He then asks her to change her dress as only Rana family bahu can wear bridal dress today. Chini asks why is he trying to humiliate her. Rudra says because she tried to trap Rana family son and warns her to dare not look at Atharva again or else she will face dire consequences. Imlie notices Chini carrying bags and asks about them. Chini says Rupali gave her some stuff to keep in a room. Imlie takes bag and says she will keep it. Anu interferes and takes bag from Imlie and asks her to return to mandapfirst. Atharva notices Imlie walking and thinking her as Chini thinks he wants to talk to her a lot. Rudra stops Imlie and offers her bangles. Imlie says how did she lose it. Rudra says a thing that belongs to her will always return to her. Imlie says thank you uncle ji. Rudra asks her to call papaji from hereon. She says thank you papaji. Atharva thinks Rudra is confused with Chini as Imlie.

Chini reveals Anu how Rudra caught her and says its okay as she got what she wanted. Anu says she just got a paltry sum instead of a bank locker. Chini says Rudra would disown Atharva if she marries Atharva. Anu says if Rudra can give so much for his son, he would never disown his son. Chini says she is inauspicious and loses everything while Imlie is very auspicious and gets everything by fate and lost her whole life from Imlie, everyone consider her wrong and Imlie right, but now she will turn into really bad; Rudra gave him money and even humiliated him a lot, she will not marry Atharva and even not let Atharva and Imlie marry. Anu says that is like her girl. She walks to MP’s men and taunts them that they are fit for nothing as groom humiliated them in front of everyone and they couldn’t utter a word. They both get angry and determine to take revenge.

Imlie and Atharva’s wedding rituals start. Arpita says according to their family customs, groom lifts bride’s veil and looks at her face in a mirror. Sundar says its important to check if he is marrying the right girl. Atharva gets tensed thinking everyone will learn that Chini is behind the veil. He nervously lifts veil when MPs man shoot at him, which hits mirror. Goon says Atharva escaped but will not now. He shoots again. Atharva runs and slides towards him and blows him a strong punch and warns him to get out of here or else he won’t spare him. Bodyguard attacks Atharva again. Atharva trashes him. Another bodyguard joins and catches Atharva. He tries to shoot Atharva and warns everyone to stay behind.

Imlie throws havan wood at him. He shoots at Imlie, bullet hits her elbow and she starts bleeding. Atharva shouts Chini and runs towards her. Imlie stands shocked hearing Chini from his mouth. Rudra gets MP’s goons arrested and sends MP away. Sundar nurses Imlie’s wound and bullet touched her elbow and escaped. Atharva asks Imlie if she is fine. Imlie asks why did she take Chini’s name.

Precap: Chini lies to Atharva that Imlie threatened to kick her out of house if she doesn’t let Imlie marry Atharva. Atharva refuses to believe her and says Chini risked her life to save him. Anu says Imlie herself hired those goons and shows him Imlie giving money to the goons. Imlie asks him if he wants to marry her or not.

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