Imlie 5th August 2022 Written Update

Imlie 5th August 2022 Written Update by MA

Imlie 5th August 2022 Written Episode

Imlie gets into a brawl with shopkeepers and asks Cheeni to run away. Cheeni says its time to show girl power and not run away and picks a stone to throw it on shopkeepers. Shopkeeper snatches her stone and throws her in air. Aryan holds Cheeni on time. Cheeni gets happy seeing her hero ji. Aryan asks if she is fine. She says she is, but shopkeepers won’t be fine now. Shopkeeper warns him to stop his drama and get out of there. Aryan punches him, and he falls far away. Shopkeeper apologizes him and asks Imlie why didn’t she say that the city man is with Imlie. Imlie and Aryan at once say they are not together. Shopkeeper asks Cheeni what she needs. Cheeni says she doesn’t need anything now. Aryan buys a whole shop for Cheeni and names it as Cheeni Grocery Shop. Cheeni reads name board and says its her shop. Aryan says she can take whatever she wants to. Cheeni rejoices hearing that.

Imlie says they don’t need anything from this shop. Cheeni hides behind Aryan. Aryan asks her not to drag a little girl in their fight. Imlie accusing him of making her life difficult and holding her salary. Aryan says he will make her life difficult. Cheeni thnks they are holding each other like film’s hero and heroine and hopes a villain doesn’t disturb them. Malini stops her car and gets out of it. Aryan and Imlie are shocked to see her there. Malini walks towards them. Cheeni stops them. Malini recalls her baby. Cheeni asks why is she disturbing them when they are together. Malini says they are just standing together and remembers her as an arrogant girl over phone. Imlie fears Malini may identify Cheeni as her daughter. Aryan thinks why Imlie looks panicked seeing Malini.

Cheeni calls Malini as sweet potato and asks if she identified her. Malini says of course, how can she forget an arrogant girl. Cheeni misbehaves with her and says she must be alone as everyone leaves her. Malini recalls Tripathis abandoning her and angrily tries to hit her. Aryan and Imlie stop her and warns to dare not touch a kid. Malini thinks they both are stopping her as if they are this girl’s parents. She tells Imlie that she is blocking her way even after so many years for a random kid, asks if she grabbed someone’s child just because none of her marriage worked and she felt lonely. She says this girl must be an illegitimate child like Imlie. Aryan and Imlie at once warn her to shut up. Imlie says she can tell anything against her, but if she speaks ill about the little girl, she will dig her grave.

Cheeni says that is girl power and asks Imlie if she knows this rude Malini. Imlie thinks Malini is her mother, lifts Cheeni on her back, and thinks she lost everything and got Cheeni and she will not let Aryan and Malini separate her from Cheeni. Malini thinks this little girl is close to Aryan and Imlie, what if they get closer again because of the little girl. Aryan says she never forgot her favorite pasttime of insulting Imlie and asks how can she be so rude to the girl. Malini apologizes and says little girl provoked her, she didn’t know that Aryan knows the girl. Aryan says children should be pampered and one who don’t know to behave with children can’t be in his group. Malini says Imlie is responsible for her rude behavior who ruined her life and changed her completely. She says she heard he bought a local news paper here and as his 50% business partner she came to sign the deal. He says he would have sent papers to her. She says she is here and would like to talk before finalizing the deal. Imlie leaves from there disheartened hearing that.

Anu brings sweets and gifts to Rathore House. Preeta with Neela notices that and says Malini’s mother came back again. Neela asks Anu if she has fixed Malini’s third marriage. Anu taunts back that Preeta didn’t get marry to a man whom she is behind since many years. Back to Pagdandiya, Cheeni describes Meethi how Aryan and Imlie protected her from shopkeepers and Malini. Meethi asks who is that city woman. Imlie thinks Meethi will be tensed if she hears about Malini and lies that she doesn’t know who that city woman is. Cheeni says that woman took Imlie’s name. Arpita asks Anu why did she bring sweets. Anu says Aryan and Malini bought a local news paper company in Pagdandiya. Arpita says Aryan cracks 10 deals a day, that is not a big celebration. Anu says Malini has also gone to Pagdandiya and after spending time with Aryan, they both may return home as more than business partners.

Cheeni asks Cheeni to behave with elders. Cheeni says city woman misbehaved with her first and says even Imlie misbehaved with Aryan and says they should make a deal that Imlie will behave well with Aryan and she will behave well with Malini. Imlie says she can’t withstand Aryan if he provokes her. Meethi says she can hit his back with her elbow if he does so. They all 3 hug each other happily. Neela taunts Anu that Malini is with Aryan since 5 years and Aryan didn’t look at her once. Anu replies Preeta is with Aryan since 28 years, but Aryan never looked at her. Preeta gets angry and says since is 24 years since many years and walks away fuming. Cheeni practices her speech for her school essay. Imlie thinks why history is repeating and Malini and Aryan trying to ruin her life again, she will send them out of Pagdandiya and not let them do that.

Precap: Imlie asks Aryan why would she risk her village children’s lives, she is not wrong. Aryan says she doesn’t have any proof as usual. Imlie says she proved her innocence. Aryan calls police, asks Imlie to prove her innocence in front of everyone, and gets her arrested.

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