Imlie 7th December 2021 Written Update

Imlie 7th December 2021 Written Update by MA

Imlie 7th December 2021 Written Episode

Rupali tells Adi that they know how much he loves Imlie, then why he is he hiding this fact from himself. He asks if they are not tired of counting his mistakes. Nishant asks if he is not tired of doing mistakes. Adi asks him to stop his sarcasm and return to US. Rupali says he should go and bring back Imlie. Adi asks he cannot fulfill Imlie’s unjustified demand. Nishanth asks what did she demand. Adi says she wants him to send Malini to her house, but he cannot forgo his responsibility. She says Imlie has to bear Malini and her child between them daily, Anu will not stop coming here until Malini is here and she addresses Imlie disrespectfully as a servant, Malini will not give her baby to them and will not go from here, and when he cannot expect her to return to Pranav’s house and face the other, he cannot expect Imlie to face Malini and hence should accept Imlie’s demand and send Malini from here. He says he will speak to Malini right now. Malini hears their conversation and informs Anu. Anu gets angry and says that shameless man wants her to leave T house to bring servant junior back home, she will make sure Imlie doesn’t return here. Malini says now they will not do anything and let a third person do their task.

Aryan returns home. Narmada asks why didn’t he bring Imlie along. He says she left office long ago. She says a beautiful girl has come to meet him and insists to go and meet her. Aryan sees Malini and says she was Malini Tripathi earlier and now Malini Chaturvedi. Malini asks if he knows her. He says he just knows she is Aditya’s ex-wife. She says she came to talk about Imlie. He says he is not interested and hence she can leave. She says Imlie is her sautan and his employee and newly found flame, he favored Imlie in office and is keeping her at home, so obviously he likes Imlie and she hates her and that is the only difference; they should befriend and work together to separate Imlie and Aditya. He says she may need his support, but he doesn’t need her support; he doesn’t have any love or sympathy for Imlie, she shouldn’t return here with her filthy thinking or else he can destroy her. She thinks if not directly, she will use him indirectly and make him a reason for Adi and Imlie’s separation.

Imlie returns home. Narmada worriedly hugs her and asks where was she. She says she got buy over phone with her mother and her phone got switched off. Narmada says its okay and walks away. Aryan takes Imlie’s phone. She thinks if he will break it. She downloads cab booking app to reach home whenever she is late and emergency app which she can use to alert whoever she wants to whenever she is in trouble. She takes phone and says checking it starts her jokergiri. He walks away ignoring it. Malini returns home. Adi says he will support her and her baby always, but also wants to bring his wife back home, so she should shift back to her mother’s house. Malini agrees and says her mom is worried about her and her baby’s future and its difficult for even her to move on. He says he already told he will take her baby’s responsibility and if need be, he and Imlie will take care of her baby. She says she already shared husband with Imlie and cannot tolerate sharing her baby. Their discussion continues when T family joins Adi and plans to throw a surprise party after Imlie’s return. Malini thinks there would be a surprise for Adi and not Imlie.

Imlie hugs her wedding sari and misses Adi. She notices heavy rain and thinks there was a storm a day before her wedding, will this rain bring a storm in her life again. T family books a table at hotel Tajmahal for Imlie’s welcome. Adi gets emotional and says he can’t believe Imlie is returning. Malini thinks tomorrow will be Imlie’s worst day of life. Aryan gets Anu’s call who offers her to visit hotel Taj Mahal with his reporters who are expert at writing women centric issues for an event. He agrees.

Precap: Imlie tongue lashes Aryan that he cannot understand how it feels to leave a dear one. Aryan asks why did she leave Adi when she loves him so much, she just had a breakup and is waiting for someone else to take her home.

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