Imlie 8th August 2022 Written Update

Imlie 8th August 2022 Written Update by MA

Imlie 8th August 2022 Written Episode

Aryan asks Imlie to sign an apology letter and then enjoy watching Chheeni’s speech. She writes something instead on the latter instead of signing it and refuses to apologize. Aryan says she will have face consequences now. She says she is ready to face anything but would never support wrong. Aryan angrily returns to auditorium and sits among parents. Teacher starts competition and calls students who deliver their speech. Cheeni’s turn comes. Aryan cheers up Cheeni. Malini recalls bribing teacher to change Cheeni’s topic chit. Cheeni struggles to read her chit and says nayajaj is written in it. A lady among audience says it means najayaz/illegitimate/illegal. Judge asks who gave such a topic to kids. Aryan and Imlie get angry. Cheeni says she cannot give speech on this topic. Imlie cheers her up and says every wrong thing is illegitimate/illegal, every wrong demand is illegitimate/illegal, humiliating a small kid and making her cry is illegitimate, its up to Cheeni which topic she will choose.

Audience say Imlie is cheating by helping her children, even they will also do the same. Aryan warns them to silently sit and listen to Cheeni. They all sit back silently. Imlie teaches Imlie what to speak on stage. Teacher says Cheeni lost her chance. Cheeni starts her speech on illegitimate things. She gives examples of villagers’ petty wrongdoings and these things are all illegal. Everyone clap for Cheeni. Imlie emotionally hugs Mithi and says her Cheeni did a magic. She then excitedly hugs Aryan and then apologizes getting into senses. Aryan says its okay and asks her to get back to work.

Judge announces results and gives first price to Cheeni. Aryan and Imlie rejoice hearing that. Cheeni receives prize and gives another speech thanking Imlie for her encouragement and calls her on stage to share the trophy with her. Imlie gets emotional. Aryan walks to Imlie and thinks she could have come to him when she was remembering him, but she changed the partner instead. Imlie thinks she gave his teachings to Cheeni and never revealed Cheeni about it. Judge asks Imlie to come on stage. Imlie says she is on duty. Aryan permits her. She walks on stage and shares prize with Cheeni. Everyone clap for her.

Judge announces to distribute laddu among students. Malini thinks nobody will know what she did. Staff distributes laddus among everyone. Malini shows thumbs up to her aide Rajat and recalls bribing him with money and offering job in her news paper if he records video of the incident which would happen next and viral it. She reverse counts. Students collapse after having stale laddus. Aryan calls ambulances. Parents rush their children towards ambulances. Rajat asks parents not to worry as he will find out how all children fell ill at once. Malini enters and says she will. Mithi is shocked to see Malini and asks Imlie why didn’t she inform her that Malini is in Pagdandiya.

Malini says children fell ill after having stale laddus. Parents accuse confectioner for giving stale laddus to their children. Confectioner says he brought fresh besan laddus and Imlie brought satale motichoor laddus. Imlie warns him to stop lying as she prepared fresh laddus whole night. Malini says Imlie wanted all children to have laddus and fall ill to make her daughter win the competition, but laddus were distributed after the competition and hence even her daughter fell ill. Parents demand to get Cheeni out of the ambulance. Imlie pleads Malini for help as cheeni is.. Malini says of course she will help if Imlie signs an apology letter and asks if her ego or her daughter is important to her. Imlie is about to sign the letter when Aryhan brings car and asks her to get soon. Imlie and Mithi get Cheeni into car and reach hospital. Malini thinks she will get Imlie arrested now. Aryan brings police and asks them to arrest Imlie for poisoning children. Police drag Imlie away while she looks at Aryan.

Precap: Cheeni asks Aryan about Imlie. Aryan says she has gone out for some important work and is fine. Cheeni says she would have been here if she is fine and asks what happened to Imlie.

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