Ishq Ka Rang Safed 20th October 2015 Written Update

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Ishq Ka Rang Safed 20th October 2015 Written Update by H_Hasan

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 20th October 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Viplav coming to Ashram and says he needs to give them good news. Dulaari asks what is the matter? He asks about Dhaani and says he will bring her. Dulaari says leave it, she will come. He says he will bring her in 2 mins. Just then Dhaani comes and he picks flower petal from her head. Dulaari is angry seeing them getting close. Viplav says good news is that I am starting a business for you all. He says he has talked to woman organization. They like his idea. Dhaani gives him envelope and says it is given by Dada ji. Viplav opens the envelope and shows the money. He says we will start business with this money. Badi Amma thanks him. Dhaani says let him help us, as he is staying here for doing penance for his mistakes. She says whatever he is doing is with his Dada ji’s money and says you have nothing of your own. She asks him to earn money and then help the needy. She says if you earn then you will understand its value. She asks him to return money to Dada ji. Viplav looks on.

Dulaari tells Badi Amma that things are getting extended. She says Viplav and Dhaani are getting closer. She says Dhaani is taking Viplav’s side after Tulsi incident. She says they were talking in the night and were laughing, I couldn’t bear to see them together. Badi amma says it is nothing as such. Dulaari says something wrong is going to happen and I can sense that.

Viplav comes home and meets Dasharath, Sushma, Kanak and Shalini. He says I missed you so much. Dasharath thinks he got successful. Kanak hugs him and says she will make food of his choice. Dasharath says I will keep party for you. Viplav says I haven’t come here to stay, but have come here to return your money. Badi amma tells Dulaari that Viplav is a nice guy and he don’t like it. Dulaari says I can’t repay his debt, but he is very childish. He can harm her with his childishness. Badi Amma asks her to keep quiet and says Dhaani will not break widow customs. she will not break it and I trust her. Viplav tells him that Dhaani asked him to return his money, and says widows worked hard all night even though she don’t have a degree. He says I have a degree, and she forced me to think about my career.

Kanak asks Viplav what is he saying? Dasharath says Viplav is right and I am happy that my son have grown up. Viplav thanks him and says you will be very happy when I stand on my own feet, till then this Ram will stay away from his house. He tells he send the things which he sent to Ashram and says it is not needed anymore. Sushma asks him to stay for some more time. Viplav agrees. Later he sleeps on his bed and says I really miss you very much. He sleeps in his room.

Dhaani is in her Ashram and is restless. Viplav is restless too. Ishq Ka Rang Safed plays……………………Suwarna asks what happened, if bed bugs are biting you? Dhaani says I am about him, if he will return to Ashram. Suwarna asks her not to think and sleep silently. Viplav gets up and tells himself that he is Viplav Tripathi. Dhaani thinks did I tell him much. Suwarna asks if you are feeling sad. Dhaani says he really want to help us, but I don’t want him to spend his dada ji’s money on us. Suwarna asks her to sleep else she will go to Viplav’s empty room and sleep. Dhaani asks her to sleep. Viplav sleeps on floor.

Kanak tells Sushma that she knows about his son’s likes and dislikes and says she has made halwa for him. Dasharath says Viplav is your son, but he accepts Sushma’s words as he respects her a lot. Shalini tells Dasharath that they got to eat good food because of Viplav. Sushma asks her to call Viplav. Shalini tells Viplav has left early morning. Kanak says you might be lying as he never wakes up early. Shalini says now he is waking up early as he is staying in Ashram. Kanak says I am sure that those widows called Viplav there. She says it is widows trick to call them. Dasharath says one should not talk if knows nothing.

Dulaari tells that it is good that Viplav has left. Dadi says he was not that bad. Viplav says I know nobody loves me here, other than Sita Dadi. He greets all the ladies and says I am sure that you will not burn me as I am not Ravan. He says I have returned all the stuff and money which Dada ji gave me. He says he will live simple life without any entertainment, but yes he will fight with Dhaani as usual. Dhaani looks on, and says I am very sad……….Viplav asks why? Dhaani says I should not have said that. Viplav says you have opened my eyes unintentionally. you have made me learnt important lesson of life. He says I will become big man on my own, and will show you. He says I have seen dream because of you. He says I couldn’t sleep on my bed as I am sleeping on mat here. dhaani asks him to go home and says your family loves you a lot. Viplav asks don’t you love me? if Dadi don’t love me? He asks everyone…..He asks Badi Amma if she wants to see him sad. Badi Amma says no. He comes to Dulaari that he knows that she loves him a lot and says he will show her what he can do. He says I want to sleep in my room else I didn’t sleep yesterday.

Dhaani thinks how will he go to his house. He is used to simple living now. What will happen? Dulaari gets tensed and thinks Viplav has to return to his house soon.

Dasharath asks Durga, what he wants in Tripurari’s wife. Durga says I like Dhaani for Tripurari. Dasharath says I think our dream has been fulfilled.

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  1. tju
    October 21, 00:26 Reply

    hoooooooooooo noooooooooooooooooooooo

  2. Minnal
    October 20, 19:44 Reply

    I knew they’d try to link Dhani & Tirupurari the day Dhurga defended Dhani in the marketplace….
    Damn and finally Dhani is warming upto Viplav…
    I loved Dhani’s reaction when he asked so dont you love me… Too cute…
    Loving how this show is going, except Tirupurari and Dhani’s aliance…

    • Minnal
      October 20, 19:46

      Can someone please explain what this ‘vidva Dharam’ Dhani’s mum talks about… Is it written in some holy book or what?

    • k@J@L
      October 20, 20:04

      its not in any book…But they are folllowing they are widows so they need to follow becoz everybody will curse them.

  3. Suba
    October 20, 13:24 Reply

    No No i cant bear about that precap dont need tripurari with dhani

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