Ishq Ka Rang Safed 27th January 2016 Written Update

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Ishq Ka Rang Safed 27th January 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 27th January 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suwarna telling Dhaani that Tripurari is innocent and asks her to trust her. Dhaani says the matter is about the trust which Viplav does on me. She asks her to tell Tripurari to surrender to Police if she wants his betterment. In the night Dhaani is sleeping, someone comes wearing the blanket. Dhaani takes out the knife after waking up. The man happens to be Viplav. She asks what you are doing here? Viplav says he couldn’t sleep in his house and sleeps on her lap. Dhaani asks him to get up and go. Viplav says he is feeling peace on her lap. He asks why she is scolding him and asks to talk with love. Dhaani says I am not shouting and asks if he is mad? He asks her to come. Dhaani goes to make tea. Viplav reminiscences the old days. She says tea leaves are over. Viplav says we shall go to the nearest tea stall and have tea. Dhaani asks him to get up else tea stall will be closed. They come to the tea stall and order two tea. Viplav sees Dhaani shivering and says you are feeling cold. He makes her wear his jacket. Ishq ka Rang safed plays………………..They look at each other lovingly. Dhaani thanks him for bringing her there. Viplav says I should thank you for supporting me and risking your life to take care of CD. Dhaani says you came to know as you was scared of Tripurari. Viplav says my baba’s killer is roaming freely. Dhaani says Tripurari will be punished for his sins.

Dasharath gets Tripurari’s call in the night. He says I am thinking to surrender to the police, and calls him Babu ji. He says he knows many secrets which he might reveal to police. He asks him to save him. Dasharath says I don’t get afraid of cheap people like you else I would have been Mahant Dasharath Tripathi. Tripurari says if he gets punished then he will not spare anyone. Dhaani and Viplav talk about the person who is the mastermind of Shambu’s murder. Viplav fears that the person is among his family member. Dhaani prays to Tulsi mata and asks for justice. Suwarna comes and gives prasad to Badi Amma. She tells Dhaani that she has prayed for Tripurari to save him, and says you people are my family too and asks her to understand her helplessness. Dhaani says I understand everything and apologizes for her behavior. Dasharath comes to meet Durga. Durga says I am sure that Tripurari is innocent and he can’t kill Shambu. Durga sends Suwarna to ge water. Dasharath says I don’t know what he can do? I just know that my name shouldn’t be ruined because of him. Durga says I understood and promises that his name will not ruined, else Tripurari will see my dead face. Dasharath says surely….Durga cries.

Outside the court. Viplav and Dhaani talk about Tripurari. Viplav gets call from Police station informing him that Tripurari have surrendered himself last night. Police brings Tripurari to court. Durga talks to Tripurari and gives him promise asking not to say anything against Dasharath or his family. Tripurari says I will tell truth only.

Court case begins. Viplav tells that Shambu was killed and tells that tripurari entered the house in night. He says Tripurari attacked Shambu from behind and twisted his neck and made him fall down. While he was fleeing from there, a blanket piece was torn and stuck to the window. Defence lawyer says this doesn’t proof that Tripurari had killed Shambu. Viplav says Tripurari is the killer and says he has proof against him.

Viplav tells Judge that Tripurari has compromised with the proofs. Tripurari says why I was blamed always if anything happens in his life. He says I am their family member and says he is Dasharath’s son. Dasharath coughs shockingly. Everyone looks at Dasharath.

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