Ishq Mein Marjawan 13th November 2017 Written Update

Ishq Mein Marjawan 13th November 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Ishq Mein Marjawan 13th November 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Arohi says Deep Sushant is saying someone from family killed SAnaya. deep says don’t listen to him. He has gone mad. Sushant says someone from you killed her. You are murderers. Arohi says I saw the doll. Sushant says they killed my sanaya. Deep says yes Sanaya is dead. Dead for you. She was dead when you ruined the relationship of siblings. Take your money from property. My sister will stay away from you. Sushant says he is lying Arohi. They are not my family. He isn’t Sanaya’s brother. The old man is Deep’s servant and not anyone’s dad. Sushant says they are all liars Arohi. They are not family. Arohi says enough Sushant don’t stoop so low. You are disowning your family. Sushant says Maya is not our mother. SHe is a third class woman. Deep

hits him. He says how dare you say that about mom. Sushant says they are lying Arohi. Don’t trust him.
Deep says this Sushant is right. He isn’t not our brother. Sanaya isn’t his sister. I have to speak truth. He is an orphan our parents fostered him. He was a theif before that. Prithvi says yes Deep is right. Deep says I got his name written in the property and see what he is doing in our family. Sushant says he is fooling you Arohi. He says he lured Sanaya into his love. Sushant says don’t you taint my true love.

Deep shows her documents of his adoption. Arohi says you hid so many things from me. Sushant says they killed Sanaya they will kill you too. Arohi says thank God sanaya went away from you. Sushant says don’t say a word about Sanaya. They ruined my life. They killed my Sanaya. I will takee your Arohi from you. He is about to hit her with a rod. Deep comes in front of her. His head bleeds. Arohi says Deep I won’t let naything happen to you.
Suashant runs. Prithvi runs ageetr him. Arohi says papa please come. Prithvi comes and says sushant the car in which Sanaya. Arohi saays Sanaya what? He says nothing. Lets take him to hospital.

Scene 2
Arohi caresses Deep’s hand and recalls every time he stood for her. He opens eyes. Arohi says thank God you opened eyes. He says had to open eyes to see your face. He says I am sorry I should have told about sushant before. We always considered him brother. Arohi says but he is really worried for Sanaya. He really loves her but why was he saying she is dead. Deep says he can say anything. Maybe he kidnapped Sanaya. Arohi says I should call police. Deep says on i and dad will find him. Its about family respect. Arohi says but Sanaya.. Deep says my head hurts. She says you should rest.

Maid comes to Arohi and says how is Deep now? She says he is better. She gives a bracelet and says I found it near sanaya’s window. Arohi comes to her room and sees the same bracelet. She is dazed. She says two same bracelets? sanaya?

Arohi recalls everything weird happening in the house. She recalls what Sanaya said and what Sushant said. She says who is right who is wrong.
Laksh calls Arohi. He says hope you are okay. She says why you always annoy me. He asys police is not always enemy they can be good friends to. Try it. She hangs up.

Precap-Deep says I think my sister has died. Arohi comes to jeweler and shows him the bracelet. He says this..

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