Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 21st May 2014 Written Update

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Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 21st May 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 21st May 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Anjali calling Astha. Her phone is off. Anjali says now I have to talk to Niranjan. She calls Niranjan and tells him to come home soon. He says you know I m going for important meeting. She cries and says Jyoti is serious, no one is reachable. He says calm down, I m coming. Astha and Shlok have panipuri chaat on the road. Music plays……………….. They have a good time. Sajna ve……………….plays…………….. Shlok buys icecreams and they have it. Shlok’s icecream falls. She says buy another one. He holds her hand and eats her icecream. They eat from the same one and smile. She says everyone are seeing, what are you doing. I m afraid, I got many calls from home, lets go.



He says I want to spend quality time with you. She says we will come another day. He says today you are only my wife. Astha says lets go home.

Anjali sees Jyoti’s state and cries. She prays to the Lord. She thanks the Lord for saving Jyoti. She calls the doctor. She says Jyoti is conscious now, and she is out of danger. The doctor says I will come to see her, don’t give her stress, keep her happy. Anjali says yes, I will take care of her.

Niranjan comes home. Anjali sees Niranjan. He comes to her and she ends the call. She says what could I do, I tried my best to take her sign. He scolds her and says you did not do a small work, do anything but control your children. He says I don’t like change. She cries and falls on his feet. She says I m sorry, I can’t do this, my daughter is about to die today, you know Jyoti is unwell, how can I take her sign in this state. He gets angry and says how dare you refuse me. He raises his hand to beat her and Shlok and Astha enters. They look on whats going on.



Niranjan sees their shadows and stops. Shlok is shocked to see Anjali. Niranjan starts acting and says my values does not allow me to slap you, you are my wife, and mum of my children. He makes her stand and says I have always given you respect, I have given you freedom to take care of Jyoti, she is pregnant, how could you be so careless. How can you ask her to take the complaint back, do you not care of her life, you can’t see my children. Anjali says I did what I felt is right for this family, what would we tell everyone. Shlok gets angry on Anjali.

Niranjan says if anything happens to my daughter, I will never forgive you. He leaves. Anjali looks at Shlok and Astha. Shlok leaves. Astha sees Anjali worried and goes after her. She asks what happened to Jyoti. Anjali says she has false contractions, don’t worry much. Astha says you are saying Niranjan’s words, till when will this happen, what is he forcing you for, tell me. Astha says answer me. Niranjan meets Jyoti. Jyoti says I won’t sign those papers, explain this to mum, I can’t live with Abhay, he has beaten me a lot, I don’t want to go back.


Niranjan says elders make mistake sometimes, I know this happened because of mum. Shlok fumes. Niranjan says don’t worry, I will talk to her. Shlok says its enough, this should not be forgiven. Niranjan says calm down, anger does not solve anything. He says I will talk to her. Shlok says if Jyoti don’t want to live with Abhay, why is she forcing her, I will see who forces her. Astha asks Anjali to answer her, that Niranjan is making her helpless. Anjali says Jyoti has to live with Abhay.

Astha says this words are of Niranjan, its enough now, if you don’t speak up, Jyoti will die and you will lose your sons. Astha says you have to face the truth. I know you love your children a lot, don’t hurt them, I will help you, but first you have to help yourself. Anjali says enough and leaves.


Jyoti says I m broken now. She asks Shlok what to do now. He requests Niranjan to allow her to stay here till she gives birth to her child. Niranjan says this house is yours, you can always stay here, I promise no one will tell you anything. He asks Shlok to be with Jyoti. He leaves.

Shlok hugs Jyoti. She says I felt mum changed, but no, I was wrong, she is bitter and rude like before. Shlok gets angry and says no one knows this better than me. She says what you told me against her. I did not believe you, but now I feel you were right. She is so bad, she cares for only house’s respect, she has killed my love and respect, I will stay here. But I know mum will not agree. Shlok says don’t worry, this is your house, you can stay here, I will see who stops you. He says I know who has to leave the house, I will do this work today and now.


He leaves from Jyoti’s room. Sid waits for Varad in office and messages him. He sees his phone at his table. He says why am I worried so much, I m feeling restless, did anything happen to Jyoti. He calls Jyoti. Shlok comes to Anjali. He says are you not ashamed to do this with my sister. She asks whats this way to talk to elders. He walks to her and looks in her eyes in anger. He says I wanted to tell much, but could not say, you will not stay in this house from now, as everyone are hurt. You lost the right to stay here. He holds her hand.


Astha looks on. Anjali says Shlok leave my hand. Shlok takes her down and asks Astha not to interfere. Anjali calls Niranjan. She says leave me. Astha goes to Niranjan and says Shlok is kicking Anjali out of the house, please come and stop him, he will listen to you. Niranjan is shocked. Astha stops Shlok. Sojal comes and looks on. Shlok says don’t come in between us. Astha says leave her, this is wrong. Shlok says she does not care about her children. He says she has to leave this house today.

He takes her out. Niranjan comes and says leave her, what are you doing, is this the way to behave with your mum. He says I m doing this after thinking. He says Anjali gave me good sons like you, this is the reason that I bear her mistakes and will always bear, go to your room, I will talk to you later. Shlok leaves. Anjali cries. He asks Astha to go to Jyoti. Niranjan asks Anjali to bring a cup of tea. She signs yes and wipes her tears.


Astha talks to Shlok and asks him to understand Anjali. She says Niranjan was about to beat her. He says yes, he was helpless. He says promise me we won’t talk about Anjali. She nods yes.


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    • Rainbow
      May 22, 05:37

      Dnt cry..
      I wnt give Chclts 😈

    • sri12345
      May 22, 05:40

      You r soo bad di
      U don’t have any mercy on your sis

    • Rainbow
      May 22, 05:50

      Hw can share chocltes??
      Kk.. Ll give a small bite, about 3/100 of a choclate

    • Rainbow
      May 22, 05:27

      for choclates??

    • Rainbow
      May 22, 05:28

      I wnt share my chclts

    • sri12345
      May 22, 05:32

      Ya di for chocolates

  1. ?????? to rainbow
    May 22, 04:58 Reply

    @ neelu………….

    me not frgt my promis ok u got it…..

    i m in hyd dets y i cmnt only 4 rainbow…ok

    now….if u dont like me den y dd u rpy evn wen i nvr spok abt ipkknd 2…………

    and u said u hate gys yeah…… if u r a girl den 1 day u wl hv 2 chos 1 gy…………bcos homosexual relations r crimnl ofenc in our cntry ……..acording 2 indian pnl code section 377 and punishmnt is life imprisonmnt…got it if u r an indian.ok

    @ raibow….

    pls dont blv me at all okay……….blv on neelu bcos he or she wl always be here bt me not i m leaving ….. i dont undrstand neelu y u hate me and y u hv intrst in me……..i hv doubt det u like me alotttttttttt yeah………..hhhee
    wel @ rainbow now i m serius……me not cm again det u want it 2….. and neelu pls be happy……

    bye or finally bye… i m not fake pta nhi isse mujhe milega kya…i realy dont undrstnd.

    neenu dont rply me ..if u dont like me…………..and rainbow u 2………..

    • Rainbow
      May 22, 05:03

      @tanvi: hi..
      Y r u stoping chat wid me due to neelu??
      Even her account s nt verified n I dono anything abt her

    • Rainbow
      May 22, 05:06

      @tanvi: Also I tld tat I am believing U..
      Y r u saying me nt to believe u??

    • sri12345
      May 22, 05:07

      Hai cat no rat nono dfr nono What can i call u
      Ok I m confused
      Ok let it be tanvi
      Why r u soo serious
      r u really in hyderabad

    • neelu
      May 22, 05:54

      @some tanvi wat else ur name s helo ithna kuch suna ke mujhe aur gussa badhaaya kyun main chup rahoon if i rply it doesnt mean dat i lyk u nd listn carefully i hate boys lyk nirjn type nd who brk prmses nt all boys got it nd i wanna make clr dat i dnt hv any intrst on u kya samaj rakha hai apne aapko kkkkkkkkkkkkya varun dhawan samjha hai kya tum nahi main isss shit site pe nahi aaungi tere ku teri rainbow ek badaaaaaaaaa namaskaaaaaaaar

  2. neelu
    May 22, 03:07 Reply

    sry rainbow i thot u said me his pagal partner k i m sry ya he prmsd nd said gudbye emotionally wt hpnd his prmse he is a fake i thnk she is a girl wat do u say rain

    • Rainbow
      May 22, 03:17

      I believe him..
      I dnt care f he s saying lie too..

      I have many good sisters in dis site..

  3. Rainbow
    May 22, 01:55 Reply

    @tanvi: Y cnt U take joke as joke??

  4. neelu
    May 21, 22:57 Reply

    Btw rainbow i m nt dat devils pagal prtnr hez pagal nt me k dnt cmpre me vd hm i hate him a lottttttttttttttttttttttttrtt he s in hyd wowwwwww punjabi munde

    • Rainbow
      May 22, 01:50

      I didnt compare U wid him.. I tld tat 3 days B4 he promised U tat he wnt visit dis site. I just reminded him abt it,
      Thats all

  5. neelu
    May 21, 22:47 Reply

    Dis tanvi guy s really a lier fake prmses fake prsn dats y i hate guys lyk u hate u nd ur cmnts jhoota kahin ka

  6. Minnal
    May 21, 19:23 Reply

    Felt really bad, specially when Jyothi said So many bad things about Anjali, I. Was hoping she would be able to see the signs, coming from an abusive relationship herself… You can begin to see glimpses of Anjali’s maternal love… Having said that NA is a good actor, what a BXXXXXX… Two faced & cunning…

    Astha pls don’t stop supporting Anjali, because otherwise, she’ll break very soon… How much longer can one put up this act & bear such torture in silence…

    Shlok, no matter what you have no business treating your mum so badly… I understand you’ve been manipulated, but to have the odasity to throw her out of her own house, Is beyond my comprehension… You wer dragging your own ayee the way Abay was dragging Jyothi… How r u any different to Abay then… You can verbally ask her to leave, but to physically drag her… Didn’t expect that from u…. It’s simply disgusting…

    Shlok fans pls forgive me, but you cant honestly say he has any excuse for treating his mum like that… He maybe blinded by his fathers duplicity, but it seems the case of same blood running in the veins… Like father like son… Both father & son r ill treating anjali, who’s only sin is being a women married in to the Agnihothri family… It sickens me to think this can actually be happening to some poor soul, somewhere…

  7. anamika
    May 21, 19:18 Reply

    nice episode ,na u’re so predictable.astha u’re the only one can get Anjali out of niranjan’s trap for that u have to be selfless.

  8. Harshad arora
    May 21, 16:00 Reply

    Anjali why don’t u fig back, ur just taking niranjans orders like tour his slave, eh doesn’t even treat you like his wife, show some courage and don’t be afraid what can he do, if I was you I would of gave him a thalak (divorce) ages ago!!!!! Don’t let him treat you like that, woman are more special and need to be taken care off, he should understand his mum which is a wome!n gave birth to him, so they are real special, also I feel sorry for his mum to have a son like him. I just want him to get caught the next time he raises his hand on Anjali so everyone will hate him even his beloved son shlok!!!!!

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 17:19


      i m going bc on 23rd may…….

      and kher chodo means forget it…ok

      and 1st time en u hrt me???????

      dont tell me……bcoz i know….







  9. Rainbow
    May 21, 15:11 Reply

    kerala s so sacred wid people lyk me n I dnt want to stain it wid Ur presence

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 15:02

      I dono him..
      Bt I know sana.. she cmnts n dis page n YHM page

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 15:06

      u r very bad yaar……

      i thought u r a ……….kher chodo……..u heart me…..1st time ……….ok bye……

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 15:09

      since m lazy, m nt working nw..
      just chating wid U n cmntg n YHM page

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 15:09

      kher chodo??

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 15:13

      search it on net….hheeee

      and bdw y u dnt want me 2 cm kerala?????

  10. Rainbow
    May 21, 14:42 Reply

    I tot tat u gt ur pagal partner n went frm dis site 😀

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 14:49


      and only 4 tonight….me here……2moro not cm……

      yhi chahti ho na………

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 14:51

      u can read minds

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 14:56

      yeah reallyyy rainbow………ok den i m goning if u want dis.

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 14:58

      Y kerala??
      to visit gods Own country..
      dnt visit to spoil our state

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 15:01

      wt is dis…… ooooooooo ho……i m an indian……and kerala is not only ur state……its our state……undrstand…

      and i invit u 2 com 2 punjab.

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 15:04

      I too wish to travel…
      I wnt welcome u to kerala…

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 15:06

      S stands for YES

  11. Rainbow
    May 21, 14:40 Reply

    Two days B4 U tld her tat U wnt visit here..
    btw I dono ur native place??
    Y hyderabad?? ny xam?

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 14:46

      actly my fathers sister ….means my bua… is live in hydrabad…her hsband is AN IG [IPS] in andhra..ryt now…. dets y me wid my family …….here….

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 14:49

      Ur dream is to become IAS na..
      where s ur exact place??
      hyderabad near to my place??
      My place s near to Manglore, Karnataks

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 14:51

      punjab se hydrabad…….

      dets y i said this yaar……

      ab jruri thodi hai ki krnatk hi ho ….aise to tamilnadu bhi ho skta hai…….

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 14:55

      If u get IAS, U may be travelling all around India due to punishment transfers

  12. Rainbow
    May 21, 14:38 Reply

    For Last 2 days I didnt visit dis site sinc I was missing U 😈

  13. ?????? to rainbow
    May 21, 14:33 Reply

    u r vry slow yaar…..

    and sorry by mistake me ryt tu……..its tum..

    and i m vry clos 2 u ryt now………guess where?????

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 14:22

      m here..
      is it tanvi

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 14:25

      my god!!!!!!!!!!!
      vry good rainbow………intlgent yaar…….

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 14:27

      dis site s having some problem..
      Always error or some connection problem

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 14:30

      tu itna miss kr rhi thi mujhe???????

      guess wer m ii????????rainbow

    • Rainbow
      May 21, 14:33

      bt U promised tat U wnt cmnt n dis site to neelu…

    • ?????? to rainbow
      May 21, 14:37

      actly i m in hydrabad ryt now……..dets y i m here…..only 4 u….. rainbow…

      and who is neelu…?

  14. big fan
    May 21, 13:50 Reply

    Make it a one hour episode daily and that too in prime timings

  15. Achu
    May 21, 11:41 Reply

    I hate niranjan….(pavam anjali;-()

  16. arti
    May 21, 10:14 Reply

    I really cant wait for this a-hole NA to be exposed infront of his sons. only astha knows he’s a devil and I hope she exposes him. ITs totally unfair that Anjali has to bear all the torture and disrespect from her kids.

  17. Annkeytta
    May 21, 09:57 Reply

    Why, why why does Niranjan see first that someone is approaching ?
    Either Varad or Shlok n Astha
    Next time Anjali should stand in a manner that he can’t sense someone’s coming.
    And someone plz fit the light the other way around so that the shadow is backward and be seen of approaching person..
    Whole dream of Niranjan’s reality coming to light got busted.

  18. ranjit
    May 21, 09:52 Reply

    Waiitng for anjali to slap niranjan in front of all family members that too with her sandal so that that shameless man gets shamed

  19. meen
    May 21, 09:30 Reply

    yeah very poor. she bear everything for her childrens but no one understand her except astha. shlok try to make anjali out of the house. if he know na real face, he do same on na.

  20. shlok-rudra
    May 21, 09:22 Reply

    felt very bad for anjali…

    hope shlok is able to see the truth as early as possible

  21. lara
    May 21, 09:20 Reply

    i am 2nd awesome but so sad of anjali

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